Wish all you scoop haters would .
Apology?i'll if he can go the rest of the game without being scoopid
Look, Scoop has been big for us in crunch time, but he has played poorly enough over extended periods that the love/hate thing is well deserved.
I'm glad he's on the team, but people deserve to criticize him when he plays like a bonehead.
As they used to say on the old "To Tell the Truth" show...will the real Scoop Jardine please stand up.
He certainly stood up when it counted.
Great 2nd half game.
Now we need to get CJ back in the groove.
I'm a Scoop lover all day long. My only contention is that when he is stuggling and the team is struggling as a result, why not put MCW in for a couple minutes and let Scoop regroup? Not saying MCW over Scoop. That is absurd and not what is intended. I just say that MCW deserves and has earned a few minutes in these games. And... great 2nd half for Scoop and the entire team.
He was a man in the second half.
Can fans please stop with the supid -ing "Scoopid" comments?
I can't recall too many SU players who have gotten so much abuse by the fans. Some of it is probably meant to be funny but isn't, some of it is from our resident hoops board version of Perry Patterson's Grandma, and who knows what the rest comes from.
As pointed out in today's game, Scoop and KJ held this team together in the locker room through more than most teams could have stood.
If your favorite heartthrob isn't playing, fine. If Scoop is struggling in a game, fine. It's OK to be upset.
But never disrespect an SU player by calling him a name. He has given more on the floor than 99.99999% of the internet posting clowns (including me) will ever do.
Hey pal, please find a post where I have "chided others" . I would like you to find it for me please.
If JB is going to play Scoop as much as he does, I think Scoop is the most important guy on the floor. Sure I'd like to see at least a little of MCW when Scoop is off, but I think JB's confidence in Scoop helps him bounce back. At any rate, I'm not into calling any of our players names, even the Good Scoop/Bad Scoop thing. JB told him to take the shots he was given, but I can imagine the reaction on here if a couple of those makes were misses instead.