1. No. Again, explosiveness doesn’t matter. Efficiency is all that matters. Tempo in and of itself is just a lever. It won’t change who wins or loses, only by how much they win or lose. That’s why tempo teams have more blowouts, and it’s why they get blown out more.You’re unable to see your own bias.
1.Tempo provides more possessions for both teams. This is good for the offense that is more effecient AND/OR more explosive. So, if you think you can on average be the more effecient or explosive offense you should go fast.
2. If you play ball control and hold the ball to limit possessions, you still benefit from effecient offense - but you’re more at risk to random turnovers (weird crap) and a team that can score quickly.
3. The idea that more possessions inherently hurts a defense is false. More plays and possessions tires out everyone. The advantage goes to the team who trains for it.
4. Explosiveness is an important metric. There are teams that can’t string drives together consistently but have big play potential. There are defenses that are good at stopping drives but bad at stopping the big play (us, until Pitt). Data and eyeballs back this up.
2. Yes - this point is actually true. Random chance impacts slow games more, which favors the less talented team (usually us).
3. A defense that runs around the field a lot will tire before an offense that runs around a lot.
4. You’re confusing explosiveness and efficiency.