The CDC has recently announced the discovery of a new condition called CompSDep.*. Symptoms of CompSDep develop quickly. Symptoms vary widely between patients with CompSDep. Symptoms may include any of.bjnation of the following:
Red eyes
Increased heart rate
High blood pressure
Anger, may be displayed in sudden outbursts
Feverish activities, as if without a purpose
General aches and pains
Insomnia/sleep Deprevation
Tired or Excessive sleeping
Feelings of stress
Feelings of oppression
Feelings of depression
Whining (more likely to appear on men over 30)
Crying (usually limited to the worst cases)
Symptoms may occur indefinitely.
There is currently no known cure. However, there have no confirmed deaths due to the condition. There have been confirmed cases of near death experiences but they seem to be related to people who tried to help the carrier of the condition too much.
Current status: The primary country with such diagnoses is limited to the United States. Though, cases have appeared in Canada, Europe ( almost all countries), Mexico, Russia, Japan, South Korea. It is expected the condition will spread until a cure is discovered. World health leaders expect that the condition could affect up to one billion people.
Things you may do to avoid the condition:
Spend time with your family. This may seem counter intuitive but it helps in some cases. Besides, if the condition kills you, at least the family will have good memories before you keel over.
Exercise, this helps to relieve several symptoms. Practicing outdoor activities seems to improve the overall avoidance.
Meet your neighbors (the people that live on the same street as you)
Join a community therapy discussion. We all know that most group therapy discussions are full of #&$+!, Though we have seen very positive results with the therapy group at This group has unprecedented success, though cases of those in New Jersey and Connecticut may not see the same.level of results. This cannot yet be explained, but we will be researching the matter.
Stay away from bulldogs, especially ones referred to as Hoyas. Hoyas seem to make everyone angry, increase blood pressure and generally annoy everyone, even those without CompSDep.
Maintain your nutrition. Your health is always important. Copious amounts of chicken wings, hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, BBQ, potato salad, fruit, popcorn, chips, pretzels, and any local specialty are very important to avoid the he condition or in recovery.
Drink lots of liquids. Anything from ginger ale to your favorite adult beverage. You should moderate the adult beverages based on your health, whether minors are included, and whether you are a real #&*_$: when drinking.
As this is a new discovery, we cannot predict the overall duration. However, follow the above steps to avoid the condition of to alleviate the symptoms of the condition. We will update the information as new data becomes available.
And remember, avoid miracle cures and degrees, especially those labeled with some form of "UNC". Just say "NO!"
* CompSDep = Competition Sports Deprevation