So, on the UConn board |

So, on the UConn board



many posters are wondering if maybe they were asked before Syracuse and Pitt and waited too long to give an answer. And a couple of posters said, yeah, that must be it.
many posters are wondering if maybe they were asked before Syracuse and Pitt and waited too long to give an answer. And a couple of posters said, yeah, that must be it.

That was EXACTLY it
If it wasn't for UVA back when the ACC first expanded SU would already be there. SU was the obvious first choice
If it wasn't for UVA back when the ACC first expanded SU would already be there. SU was the obvious first choice

Sorry I was young when the last ACC expansion occurred... what happened with us and UVA?
many posters are wondering if maybe they were asked before Syracuse and Pitt and waited too long to give an answer. And a couple of posters said, yeah, that must be it.

sure. there were rumors as far back as a year ago that su and pitt were tied together. also, if you listen to the acc or gross you can see part of the acc deal was us being in nys and helping bring the acc to nyc. uconn doesn't quite do that. they are just trying to explain away why they aren't in yet.
East Coast,

In 2003, three "no" votes from the ACC were enough to block expansion. Duke and UNC were against expansion and voted no to all potential invites (they must not teach political science at those schools, as they should have used their votes strategically to make sure that if expansion occurred they would get the schools they wanted).

Anyway, that meant one more vote was enough to kill expansion. My frigging Governor directed UVA to vote no on expansion if it didn't include Virginia Tech. So UVA controlled expansion and everyone held their noses and took the huillbillies from Virginia Tech instead of Syracuse so that they could get Miami in the fold.
many posters are wondering if maybe they were asked before Syracuse and Pitt and waited too long to give an answer. And a couple of posters said, yeah, that must be it.

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