Something has to be done to increase offense in CBB... | Page 2 |

Something has to be done to increase offense in CBB...

There are constant moving screens that need to get called. And I think some charge/block changes are being considered by the NCAA. But a shorter shot clock, in particular, would eliminate the stall ball that SU sees almost every night out. Hold for 33 and chuck a 3 against the zone, then play hockey on D.
Cutters getting mauled is problem number one.

Push the three point line out and open the floor some more.

Call the body blows and clutch/grab D consistently and early.

This will not only help offenses, but it will help showcase the true quality defenders and defensive teams versus the teams that are banking on favorable refs.
Ban the bump and grind coverage inside. Inside defenders should have both hands in the air instead of one hand up and the other hand or even both hands shoving in the back (or holding the jersey). Ban the grab and ride ur pony defense used against guards. Riding side saddle isn't defense - you're either in front, behind or running along sideways with space between the defender and offensive player. Call moving picks and screens. I like great defense keeping your man in front of you not putting him on the floor. Ban players from diving on top of players and then giving them a tie up while they are pushing , tackling when the ball hits the floor - diving on top of a player isn't hustle, it's probably called assault off the court.

Refs shouldn't alter what's a foul, dependent on a team's style of play. A foul is a foul and just because a team is "physical" or plays "pressure defense" shouldn't mean that a ref's definition of a foul changes. They also shouldn't allow attempted murder inside and call heavy breathing fouls on the perimeter. Some teams foul a lot, its just part of their style - don't adjust calls to account for physical styles worrying that the number of calls will be lopsided. Eventually teams will learn to adjust to the rules of basketball if they aren't allowed to take advantage of not playing with them in mind. Oh and it hasn't been rescinded - 3 seconds is still a rule I believe.
Bilas has been on a lot of this and a lot have been addressed in this thread already but the main things that need to be done are:
  • Stop calling charges so often (if it's not obvious, call it a block)
  • Call fouls for bodying into shooters/drivers (call this the anti-Pitt rule)
  • Call fouls for hand-checks on dribblers (call this the anti-Aaron Craft rule)
  • Call more fouls on defenders holding up cutters off the ball
  • Not going to happen, but cut timeouts to 3 per team for a game. Allow players to play and stop coaches from over-coaching each possession

This. I'll never understand announcers fawning all over his defense - it sucks. He just handchecks all day - hell, to his credit he admitted he fouls on every single possession, but he knows they won't call it.

Good post all around.
My Five Point Plan For College BBall Scoring Recovery:

1. Power plays when a player fouls out. 5 on 4 for remainder of game. Shorthanded team is allowed to "ice" the ball by heaving it out past the boundary and clock does not stop...offense has to go retrieve it from stands. makes for fun road games

2. Each team is allowed to implement the "money ball" for five minutes each half..they pick which five minutes. only their possessions apply to the money ball rule. each 2 pointer is worth 3 ..each three pointer is worth 4. each free throw is worth 1.5.
this would take a couple years to implement as programs would need time to invest in cool looking golden balls (yeah yea, thats what she said) and teams would be forced to invest in scoreboards that would include fractional scoring.

3. NHL style "goalie pull" : In final two minutes of a game, each team is allowed to "pull their goalie." Only since there is no goalie in bball, the person who gets "pulled" is the head coach. The head coach would put on their kicks and get on the court for live action. This would make it 6 on 5. The downside...well..most coaches cant walk five feet without hurling chunks...AND while your coach is "pulled" your team is not allowed to substitute or call timeouts. this is to dissuade teams with younger, athletic, skilled coaches from abusing the rule. Think of all the hilarity that would ensue when Boeheim drives the lane vs Uconn while being hounded by also inserted Kevin Ollie.

4. Pinch shooters. Allow teams to substitute a free throw specialist to take free throws for ANYONE on the team at ANY time. caveat...that free throw shooter being replaced must sit the pine for 5 minutes. If there is less than five minutes remaining, the player subbed out is not allowed to return at all. This rule would allow for an under represented portion of our population a chance at a D1 scholy...old white dudes who have not used up their eligibility.

5. Implement the dynamic three point line. Yes. A three point arc that shifts, expands, contracts, distorts throughout the game. For some possessions, the line would be so contorted such that a layup from the left wing might give you three points. Since the line is dynamic, it would require laser technology to produce the line in order for it to be visible by the players. Of course, there will be times when the closest three you can make is from 3/4 court.

While all five of these points in and of themselves will result in a scoring bump, imagine the ramifications of combining them.


Syracuse at Uconn:

Syracuse trails by 5 with 5 minutes left.

CJ drives the lane and is fouled by Napier..Napier fouls out..syracuse will play the rest of the game (barring further dq's) 5 on 4.

Coach thinks this is a fine time to implement the second half "money ball"

Uconn maintains their lead by heaving the ball repeatedly off the back wall of the arena..taking precious time off the clock as the Orange players are forced to run up the stands, battling unfriendly fans, in order to recover the ball.

With 1:59 left...Boehim calls time out. He inserts himself into the game, taking off his Sport coat and slipping on his Chuck Taylors...

Syracuse is now playing 6 on 4, with a moneyball

Uconn maintains a 5 point lead possession for cuse.

MCW dribbles down the court...with peripheral vision that only he has been gifted from above, he notices the three point line contort right where Boeheim has spotted up. ...its only a ten foot shot from there..

MCW zipps the pass through 4 defenders...Coach catches the ball...pump fakes...and is fouled as he raises up and drops in a ten footer as the buzzer sounds!!!!


Its a 3 point shot hit with the "moneyball" !!
That equals 4 points!!!

Now the free throw... Coach is too nervous to take the shot...NO PROBLEM..CJ Fair into PINCH SHOOT.....ITS GOOD...1.5 MORE POINTS


Eliminate the dunk. After all, it is offensive basket interference. Kids coming up would actually have to learn how to shoot and use the backboard.
Do away with the dunk in the NBA and HS while you are at it. Bring skill back to the game.
People are dumb in this thread and are worshiping at the alter of Bilas who is an idiot on this subject. There is a VERY real and easy explanation for why scoring is down and it is because the mid range jumper has left the college game for a reason...its easy to defend since the players are so rangy and athletic.

The mid range jumper guys took in the 80s no longer exists. If you want that quick pull up jump shot today you need to pull up from 5 feet behind the 3 point line and jack a long three.

The game has evolved and defenses have evolved. Points these days come from the FT line, the 3 point line, or at the rim.

And if you want to hit a 2 point jump shot in todays game it usually has to be a fade away.

Todays players would be swatting Karim Abdul Jabbar's hook shots routinely if he was playing right now. 40 years ago there was noone around who could block that shot. And the Yao Mings who have the size to do it are (obviously) not athletic or durable enough to play modern basketball see him and Oden for proof.

Embrace it and laugh at Bilas. Or watch NBA where they don't try to play D.

Seriously though grow up peeps this is complete BS thinking the game is crap Bilas should be ridiculed not taken seriously.
Make the game 20% faster. 8 second back court, 28 second shot clock.
My Five Point Plan For College BBall Scoring Recovery:

1. Power plays when a player fouls out. 5 on 4 for remainder of game. Shorthanded team is allowed to "ice" the ball by heaving it out past the boundary and clock does not stop...offense has to go retrieve it from stands. makes for fun road games

2. Each team is allowed to implement the "money ball" for five minutes each half..they pick which five minutes. only their possessions apply to the money ball rule. each 2 pointer is worth 3 ..each three pointer is worth 4. each free throw is worth 1.5.
this would take a couple years to implement as programs would need time to invest in cool looking golden balls (yeah yea, thats what she said) and teams would be forced to invest in scoreboards that would include fractional scoring.

3. NHL style "goalie pull" : In final two minutes of a game, each team is allowed to "pull their goalie." Only since there is no goalie in bball, the person who gets "pulled" is the head coach. The head coach would put on their kicks and get on the court for live action. This would make it 6 on 5. The downside...well..most coaches cant walk five feet without hurling chunks...AND while your coach is "pulled" your team is not allowed to substitute or call timeouts. this is to dissuade teams with younger, athletic, skilled coaches from abusing the rule. Think of all the hilarity that would ensue when Boeheim drives the lane vs Uconn while being hounded by also inserted Kevin Ollie.

4. Pinch shooters. Allow teams to substitute a free throw specialist to take free throws for ANYONE on the team at ANY time. caveat...that free throw shooter being replaced must sit the pine for 5 minutes. If there is less than five minutes remaining, the player subbed out is not allowed to return at all. This rule would allow for an under represented portion of our population a chance at a D1 scholy...old white dudes who have not used up their eligibility.

5. Implement the dynamic three point line. Yes. A three point arc that shifts, expands, contracts, distorts throughout the game. For some possessions, the line would be so contorted such that a layup from the left wing might give you three points. Since the line is dynamic, it would require laser technology to produce the line in order for it to be visible by the players. Of course, there will be times when the closest three you can make is from 3/4 court.

While all five of these points in and of themselves will result in a scoring bump, imagine the ramifications of combining them.


Syracuse at Uconn:

Syracuse trails by 5 with 5 minutes left.

CJ drives the lane and is fouled by Napier..Napier fouls out..syracuse will play the rest of the game (barring further dq's) 5 on 4.

Coach thinks this is a fine time to implement the second half "money ball"

Uconn maintains their lead by heaving the ball repeatedly off the back wall of the arena..taking precious time off the clock as the Orange players are forced to run up the stands, battling unfriendly fans, in order to recover the ball.

With 1:59 left...Boehim calls time out. He inserts himself into the game, taking off his Sport coat and slipping on his Chuck Taylors...

Syracuse is now playing 6 on 4, with a moneyball

Uconn maintains a 5 point lead possession for cuse.

MCW dribbles down the court...with peripheral vision that only he has been gifted from above, he notices the three point line contort right where Boeheim has spotted up. ...its only a ten foot shot from there..

MCW zipps the pass through 4 defenders...Coach catches the ball...pump fakes...and is fouled as he raises up and drops in a ten footer as the buzzer sounds!!!!


Its a 3 point shot hit with the "moneyball" !!
That equals 4 points!!!

Now the free throw... Coach is too nervous to take the shot...NO PROBLEM..CJ Fair into PINCH SHOOT.....ITS GOOD...1.5 MORE POINTS



These all sound reasonable.
its really reached a critical point IMO. I don't think there is a silver bullet, but there has to be a concerted effort to make offense attainable. Too many teams struggle to get to 60 points.

Shooters need to start using the backboard; more of a lost art than the mid-range jumper. Everyone tries to "swish" shots nowadays. That Tim Duncan jumper from the elbow, off the high corner of the backboard is a thing of beauty.
If the women can play with a 30 second clock, then the men should too.
About a week ago, Bilas during a game telecast was complaining about how college officiating has let too many games devolve into scrums, and how something has to change because the refs are allowing a style of play in many games that significantly advantages physical teams that dare officials to call fouls every play, and when that invariably doesn't happen, they get away with a ton.

Also in his column last week, Seth Davis made a similar point, and hinted at pending rule changes that could be implemented as soon as this offseason to reemphasize scoring and put a stop to thug ball.

One can only hope.
I agree with this. The biggest problem is that refs today are routinely letting hand checks, holds, bumps and outright shoves from defenders that never used to be allowed.

I think the rules are fine...this is all on the refs. They need to be held accountable for their actions. If they don't want to do their job and call the game they way it should be called, get others that will.

The evil troika of Brad Stevens, Jaime Dixon and Jim Burr have ruined a beautiful game.

This. I'll never understand announcers fawning all over his defense - it sucks. He just handchecks all day - hell, to his credit he admitted he fouls on every single possession, but he knows they won't call it.

Good post all around.

It would be great to see him get 3 fouls in the first 3 minutes of a game.
Eliminate the dunk. After all, it is offensive basket interference. Kids coming up would actually have to learn how to shoot and use the backboard.
Do away with the dunk in the NBA and HS while you are at it. Bring skill back to the game.

Is this a suggestion on how to destroy basketball's popularity?
Todays players would be swatting Karim Abdul Jabbar's hook shots routinely if he was playing right now. 40 years ago there was noone around who could block that shot. .

I'm calling foul on the Jabbar comment. The guys he played against, on the whole, were far better players than today's bigs.
I'm calling foul on the Jabbar comment. The guys he played against, on the whole, were far better players than today's bigs.
And...the skyhook was on the way down almost from the moment it left his hand.

There's often a little too much contact allowed these days.
But I like the game. suggestions to eliminate zone defenses.
they also have no 10 second call and i believe no over and back call.

They have over and back, at least in 8th grade girls bball because I've seen it in my daughter's games.
-Kids growing up want to dunk and make the highlight play, they don't want to work on shooting and
-Post play (to get high percentage shots) is a thing of the past
-These things are why the USA struggles in internaitonal competition unless we roll out the mega stars (Lebron, Kobe, CP3, Wade etc) who just beat teams with their superior athleticism
-oh and the 'one and done' decreasing the level of talent
yes and better scouting to focus on defense and 'stopping' the star
People are dumb in this thread and are worshiping at the alter of Bilas who is an idiot on this subject. There is a VERY real and easy explanation for why scoring is down and it is because the mid range jumper has left the college game for a reason...its easy to defend since the players are so rangy and athletic.

The mid range jumper guys took in the 80s no longer exists. If you want that quick pull up jump shot today you need to pull up from 5 feet behind the 3 point line and jack a long three.

The game has evolved and defenses have evolved. Points these days come from the FT line, the 3 point line, or at the rim.

And if you want to hit a 2 point jump shot in todays game it usually has to be a fade away.

Todays players would be swatting Karim Abdul Jabbar's hook shots routinely if he was playing right now. 40 years ago there was noone around who could block that shot. And the Yao Mings who have the size to do it are (obviously) not athletic or durable enough to play modern basketball see him and Oden for proof.

Embrace it and laugh at Bilas. Or watch NBA where they don't try to play D.

Seriously though grow up peeps this is complete BS thinking the game is crap Bilas should be ridiculed not taken seriously.

You've spent 3 years watching CJ Fair play and you say no one can take a mid range jumpshot?
I like the idea of moving the three point line back. Good shooters would still be able to hit from there, but you would stop all the mediocre shooters from popping off from 3. Maybe that would help them realize they are really meant to shoot the mid-range J or actually plant themselves inside and post up their man. Wouldn't that be nice, an actual back to the basket big in college again?

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