Something must be done about this |

Something must be done about this


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011

"The idea of Iowa native Kadyn Proctor playing football for the University of Iowa was stronger than the reality. The five-star offensive tackle, who joined the Hawkeyes after one season at Alabama, told Iowa he will leave the program, coach Kirk Ferentz said in a statement Tuesday. Iowa opens spring football practice on Wednesday. Proctor, who went on spring break last week with several former Alabama teammates, will return to Tuscaloosa...

It’s a second major gut punch for the Hawkeyes concerning Proctor and this one was perhaps worse than the first. Not just that Proctor won’t play at Iowa, but that he was on campus and chose to leave before spring football started...Proctor received payment through The Swarm Collective and promoted one car dealership on social media but had yet to practice with the team."

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"The idea of Iowa native Kadyn Proctor playing football for the University of Iowa was stronger than the reality. The five-star offensive tackle, who joined the Hawkeyes after one season at Alabama, told Iowa he will leave the program, coach Kirk Ferentz said in a statement Tuesday. Iowa opens spring football practice on Wednesday. Proctor, who went on spring break last week with several former Alabama teammates, will return to Tuscaloosa...

It’s a second major gut punch for the Hawkeyes concerning Proctor and this one was perhaps worse than the first. Not just that Proctor won’t play at Iowa, but that he was on campus and chose to leave before spring football started...Proctor received payment through The Swarm Collective and promoted one car dealership on social media but had yet to practice with the team."

Did he get to keep the 100K

"The idea of Iowa native Kadyn Proctor playing football for the University of Iowa was stronger than the reality. The five-star offensive tackle, who joined the Hawkeyes after one season at Alabama, told Iowa he will leave the program, coach Kirk Ferentz said in a statement Tuesday. Iowa opens spring football practice on Wednesday. Proctor, who went on spring break last week with several former Alabama teammates, will return to Tuscaloosa...

It’s a second major gut punch for the Hawkeyes concerning Proctor and this one was perhaps worse than the first. Not just that Proctor won’t play at Iowa, but that he was on campus and chose to leave before spring football started...Proctor received payment through The Swarm Collective and promoted one car dealership on social media but had yet to practice with the team."

What has to be done? He clearly realized he made a mistake and went back to Alabama. If he promoted a dealership maybe that fulfilled his NIL deal.
What has to be done? He clearly realized he made a mistake and went back to Alabama. If he promoted a dealership maybe that fulfilled his NIL deal.

You make a good point. My judgement may have been premature. What we need to know is: did the promotion of the car dealership "on social media" fulfill his contract with them and did he receive money Iowa fans contributed to the fund? If so, is he returning that money because he won't be paying for them?
You make a good point. My judgement may have been premature. What we need to know is: did the promotion of the car dealership "on social media" fulfill his contract with them and did he receive money Iowa fans contributed to the fund? If so, is he returning that money because he won't be paying for them?
Premature anything …… never mind
You make a good point. My judgement may have been premature. What we need to know is: did the promotion of the car dealership "on social media" fulfill his contract with them and did he receive money Iowa fans contributed to the fund? If so, is he returning that money because he won't be paying for them?

Iowa fans can take joy in knowing that Proctor didn’t cash in significantly in NIL money during his brief time as a Hawkeye.

Iowa Swarm Collective CEO Brad Heinrichs said on a Des Moines radio station that Proctor only received NIL money from the corporate side of the collective, and none from the fans, and that he “hadn’t gotten very much yet.”
What has to be done? He clearly realized he made a mistake and went back to Alabama. If he promoted a dealership maybe that fulfilled his NIL deal.
In any reasonable, fair, and logical system $100K for a full year is not fulfilled by a single promotion. This is another reason #ten thousand four hundred and thirty two why this system is a mess and needs an overhaul to make sense for everyone. Let colleges pay the player and sign contracts with actual contractual obligations, date specific playing and academic requirements. Disconnecting payment from playing creates a mob, bribey, dark and dirty money element to it all. There is no oversight to whom or how payments are made. The mob and Russian/Saudi agents are soon going to be invisible backers of all this.
In any reasonable, fair, and logical system $100K for a full year is not fulfilled by a single promotion. This is another reason #ten thousand four hundred and thirty two why this system is a mess and needs an overhaul to make sense for everyone. Let colleges pay the player and sign contracts with actual contractual obligations, date specific playing and academic requirements. Disconnecting payment from playing creates a mob, bribey, dark and dirty money element to it all. There is no oversight to whom or how payments are made. The mob and Russian/Saudi agents are soon going to be invisible backers of all this.
Totally agree with structured timed payments and basic requirement contractually agreed upon up front. If you hire anyone , you know you can’t pay upfront before the work is started and end up holding the bag if the job isn’t completed, less never started.
In any reasonable, fair, and logical system $100K for a full year is not fulfilled by a single promotion. This is another reason #ten thousand four hundred and thirty two why this system is a mess and needs an overhaul to make sense for everyone. Let colleges pay the player and sign contracts with actual contractual obligations, date specific playing and academic requirements. Disconnecting payment from playing creates a mob, bribey, dark and dirty money element to it all. There is no oversight to whom or how payments are made. The mob and Russian/Saudi agents are soon going to be invisible backers of all this.
How do you know what the player actually agreed to? If you read the other posts before yours he didn't get $100k, or anywhere close to it. The system is as it should be here. He did an ad for someone and got paid, as he should.

Also the mob? Russian/Saudi agents? Take the tinfoil hat off lol
Totally agree with structured timed payments and basic requirement contractually agreed upon up front. If you hire anyone , you know you can’t pay upfront before the work is started and end up holding the bag if the job isn’t completed, less never started.

Trump will fix it. He always insists that people fulfill their contracts.
In any reasonable, fair, and logical system $100K for a full year is not fulfilled by a single promotion. This is another reason #ten thousand four hundred and thirty two why this system is a mess and needs an overhaul to make sense for everyone. Let colleges pay the player and sign contracts with actual contractual obligations, date specific playing and academic requirements. Disconnecting payment from playing creates a mob, bribey, dark and dirty money element to it all. There is no oversight to whom or how payments are made. The mob and Russian/Saudi agents are soon going to be invisible backers of all this.

Is theft, unless they give the money back.

Even if the money was only corporate, how many people will purchase their products in Iowa if he doesn't play in Iowa?
Is theft, unless they give the money back.

Even if the money was only corporate, how many people will purchase their products in Iowa if he doesn't play in Iowa?
It's not theft because the money wasn't a contract with obligations to play. It was an endorsement contract. If he took the money and didn't fulfill his endorsement obligations it's theft. Nevermind that everyone knows guys are being paid to come to the school. Being connected to playing can't be part of the contract.
Don’t look now but Stefon Thompson chose to attend spring break in Aruba with all Syracuse guys

Don’t think he will be back tho lol
Is theft, unless they give the money back.

Even if the money was only corporate, how many people will purchase their products in Iowa if he doesn't play in Iowa?

Absolutely not theft

These aren’t pay to play…….technically

Even tho it’s being used as that, you literally can’t as a collective tie to to pay to play

giving to money to the players is risky, but I would bet that if he was getting money from an Iowa collective, they probably weren’t going to pay him until after the spring portal window closes as that is standard procedure
People do some interesting things with their disposable income which obviously is their right to do. Some of these contracts could be quite interesting and I'm sure lawyers and the IRS is going to get an influx of income with this.

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