Sporting News Says Exit Fee Vote Tomorrow |

Sporting News Says Exit Fee Vote Tomorrow

There aren't enough face palm pictures to express my feelings towards the Big East right now
To increase the exit fee the article said you need 75% of all members to approve. With 14 teams in the Big East they would need 11 of 14 to pass this measure. Assume the 8 basketball schools agree they will still need 3 of UConn, Rutgers, West Virginia, Louisville, South Florida, and Cincinnati. You gotta believe UConn, West Virginia, and Louisville are "no" votes will Marinatto be able whip the "yes" votes from Rutgers, South Florida and Cincinnati? Out of those 3 South Florida would seem the most likely, but if Cincinnati was looking at a Big 12 invite with Louisville and West Virginia would they would yes? Also, what will USC East do? Are they sought after or will they vote to increase the exit fee?
To increase the exit fee the article said you need 75% of all members to approve. With 14 teams in the Big East they would need 11 of 14 to pass this measure. Assume the 8 basketball schools agree they will still need 3 of UConn, Rutgers, West Virginia, Louisville, South Florida, and Cincinnati. You gotta believe UConn, West Virginia, and Louisville are "no" votes will Marinatto be able whip the "yes" votes from Rutgers, South Florida and Cincinnati? Out of those 3 South Florida would seem the most likely, but if Cincinnati was looking at a Big 12 invite with Louisville and West Virginia would they would yes? Also, what will USC East do? Are they sought after or will they vote to increase the exit fee?

Note to Rutgers: You feeling lucky today punk?
To increase the exit fee the article said you need 75% of all members to approve. With 14 teams in the Big East they would need 11 of 14 to pass this measure. Assume the 8 basketball schools agree they will still need 3 of UConn, Rutgers, West Virginia, Louisville, South Florida, and Cincinnati. You gotta believe UConn, West Virginia, and Louisville are "no" votes will Marinatto be able whip the "yes" votes from Rutgers, South Florida and Cincinnati? Out of those 3 South Florida would seem the most likely, but if Cincinnati was looking at a Big 12 invite with Louisville and West Virginia would they would yes? Also, what will USC East do? Are they sought after or will they vote to increase the exit fee?

I'm beginning to think Rutgers wants to stay in a very watered down BE. That way, tagged with their sissy OOC games, they will have a schedule made in heaven for them. Schiano always wants the easiest schedule he can get. They'll brag 10-2 when their biggest win will be Navy.
There aren't enough face palm pictures to express my feelings towards the Big East right now
This is big because it's going to show the true colors of the schools that are looking to get out of the conference. Why would Cincy vote yes, if it had plans to leave at the first offer? I bet it gets turned down by almost all the FB schools.
The comedy continues ... so a football schools exit fee is raised to $15M+ while a basketball schools exit fee may even be reduced to less than $5M.

I forget what's a basketball team's yearly revenue? Pick a random team, say Providence College ... how much do they get yearly? Like 1.2M a year or something?
How about a vote to kick Notre Dame's ass out? Why exactly did Notre Dame vote against the TV contract?
How about a vote to kick Notre Dame's ass out? Why exactly did Notre Dame vote against the TV contract?

I think it had something to do with the letters N-B-C.
I'm beginning to think Rutgers wants to stay in a very watered down BE. That way, tagged with their sissy OOC games, they will have a schedule made in heaven for them. Schiano always wants the easiest schedule he can get. They'll brag 10-2 when their biggest win will be Navy.

I could totally see Shady wanting to play this angle. He can strive to be the Boise of the East. He will spin it that it is easier to get to a BCS and title than being in a real conference. Their fans are dumb they see 10-2 and get excited, thinking this is the NFL. Just a big scam that they have all bought into.
This is really a big deal.

If they don't pass it ... the basketball onlies can say, "OK. We're not going to allow any more schools in because we don't want to be stuck with them when you guys leave". So there won't be any ECU or CFL or anyone else added.

So the football schools can either vote for this or they can enjoy a 6-team conference after Pitt and SU exit.

Or the football schools can leave now and ban together, but not before writing the $5M checks to the remaining Big East schools. Pretty good payday for the Catholic schools.
Perhaps more interesting is DeCourcey's claim that Louisville may not attend the meeting/call:

Why not just wait till Missouri and the Big 12 decide what they are going to do?

Unless there is some behind the scene accompanying agreement on what football schools everyone wants to add, and at least 4 of the football schools want to make a committment, from an outsider perspective, it seems the BB schools are setting the stage to force a split.
I'm beginning to think Rutgers wants to stay in a very watered down BE. That way, tagged with their sissy OOC games, they will have a schedule made in heaven for them. Schiano always wants the easiest schedule he can get. They'll brag 10-2 when their biggest win will be Navy.


They'll get hammered to any opponent they face in a BCS Bowl. Assuming that the Big East Conference retains its BCS tie-in.
LOL the Basketball schools are GOING to blackmail the football schools into agreeing to this increase or they won't allow any football expansion. My god, if I am UConn, Rutgers, or any football school with a legal department how can Marinatto allow the basketball schools into a position where they basically be blackmailing the football schools into an exit fee which is 3 times what they generate from their TV contract. Tomorrow is D-Day in the Big East I believe the conference will be over tomorrow in 2014 if the football schools don't agree to this increase.
No way in hell WVU passes this because from what I know is that they will go to the SEC (or so the word is from a credible source but like anything in college football lately, anything can change at the drop of the dime) but it will be late as the last team, that said a domino or two has to fall but they r expected dominoes to fall. They also could take a big 12 offer if it is extended so it is a crap shoot.

Louisville will definitely say no to this...

I doubt cinci and ucoonn will vote yes to this either and that's all they need.

Rutgers will b**** out and vote yes, USF could vote yes or no but id lean towards yes but they might feel that if certain dominoes fall that they might get a shot in the ACC if FSU bolts (yes I know there is a 20m exit fee)
This is big because it's going to show the true colors of the schools that are looking to get out of the conference. Why would Cincy vote yes, if it had plans to leave at the first offer? I bet it gets turned down by almost all the FB schools.
I don't agree... I mean, why would any fb school vote yes if there's a strong chance they will lose the bcs b id. Regardless of what they want to happen to the BE, they can't stay in a league with no bcs $$
I don't agree... I mean, why would any fb school vote yes if there's a strong chance they will lose the bcs b id. Regardless of what they want to happen to the BE, they can't stay in a league with no bcs $$
There is literally no "BCS" money. It's TV contract money. Plus, if it passes to have an 18 million dollar exit fee, that is a lot of money to pay off for any of these schools. That's more than 5 times the yearly value of any BE team's current football TV contract. I don't think it will be approved because I think too many teams know they have to get out and wouldn't want to pay more than they have to, then again, I'm sure the basketball onlies will vote yes so they don't dissolve into nothing. Once the votes become public, we'll see where every team's loyalties are.
I'd like to see Mizzou go to the $EC, the B1G stand pat. Penn State gives them all the NYC/Philly market coverage they need in terms of viewer interest. Hell, a good Michigan-Ohio State game is a better TV draw in the tri-state than Rutgers vs. anyone. The only school I'll miss is WVU; they're an Eastern independent rival from way back, we have long standing rivalry there based on a nice balance of respect and occasional animosity. And of course their outrage when their sisters sleep with our fans instead of them.

If ND decided to go ACC, I'd prefer WVU come along. They have basketball tradition, a rabid fan base for football, and even in down cycles have been twice the football & hoops programs that Rutgers has ever been.

UConn is a one-trick pony. When Calhoun is gone so is their prosperity. They've had their moment(s) in the past 20 years or so, but they'll fade away like St. John's did. They bring nothing to the table in terms of football.

WVU, who probably won't make the cut due to academics or relative isolation from the coast, makes the most sense to me not only from a sports perspective but from a Syracuse perspective. Rutgers and UConn would just be deadweight filler to theoretically garner a few hundred eyeballs and in the case of SUNJ, open the fertile Jersey recruiting swamps.

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