Stall ball |

Stall ball

I don't know the stats about our success with it, but logic says it should work. With the 35 second college shot clock it's a significant advantage as long as the other team doesn't consistnetly score within 12 seconds of their shot clock
haven't watched a replay but except for the final minute i believe we started our attack each possession with double digit time still left on the shot clock . the only desperation heaves i recall were earlier in the game.
I don't know the stats about our success with it, but logic says it should work. With the 35 second college shot clock it's a significant advantage as long as the other team doesn't consistnetly score within 12 seconds of their shot clock

I think JB is the billy beane of hoops. Guy plays the numbers in a lot of ways. This is one of them. I don't love it but when you're north of 900 wins, you have a pretty good case for basically anything you're doing
Obviously not the same, but a touch reminiscent of the old UNC 4-corners stall ball days long ago.
with the righ personel it's fine. When you have a team of knuckleheads (2007/2008) It doesn't work so well.
Obviously not the same, but a touch reminiscent of the old UNC 4-corners stall ball days long ago.

Yep, we Dean Smith'ed those boys with our version of 35 second shot clock foolery. We invented the clock, we know how to use it.
Every game, I try to estimate what our final score will be with about 5-7 minutes left in the game. I base it current score, tempo, probable free-throw attempts, etc. I expected us to hit 70 with 7 minutes to go. One thing I always forget to consider is JB's stall ball tactics.
That stall thing always bothers me because I'm a big advocate of working for you shot the whole time and not the last few second panic to get a shot up to waste the clock. If you have smart enough players, you can work the clock while looking for a good shot and still be effective. I know that ain't Boeheim though and this is what he wants. I just hate seeing a good shot passed up only to see somebody fire up something desperate with 1-3 seconds left. or worse a turnover quick hoop because they had to force the issue.
That stall thing always bothers me because I'm a big advocate of working for you shot the whole time and not the last few second panic to get a shot up to waste the clock. If you have smart enough players, you can work the clock while looking for a good shot and still be effective. I know that ain't Boeheim though and this is what he wants. I just hate seeing a good shot passed up only to see somebody fire up something desperate with 1-3 seconds left. or worse a turnover quick hoop because they had to force the issue.

The thing I don't like about it is that you got the lead playing one way, playing confident and aggressive, then you make a conscious decision to change that. You basically throw away the style that got you the lead by playing YOUR game, then you start playing timid. It's like watching a bad horror movie. "No, no, don't just hide in the closet!"
The thing I don't like about it is that you got the lead playing one way, playing confident and aggressive, then you make a conscious decision to change that. You basically throw away the style that got you the lead by playing YOUR game, then you start playing timid. It's like watching a bad horror movie. "No, no, don't just hide in the closet!"

I does take away from momentum and it makes the players defensive while trying to being offensive. Now, when the offense is sputtering anyways, then I can see it.
It frustrates me to see the stall when we have momentum but this time seemed different. I honestly believe JB felt sorry for Williams (and his recent slump) and called off the dogs. Not only did we not score, our zone loosened up too and allowed some easy NC baskets plus JB did not empty the bench. I think we could have won by more than 20 and Williams even said the loss was more than by the 12 points on the score board.

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