State of the offense | Page 2 |

State of the offense

If they were faced with a complete rebuild it seems accurate to me to say they had nowhere to go but up.

I've thought about this for many seconds. I'm not certain how many seconds you've really thought about it.

Sure it's accurate, it's also obvious.

But if all you have to contribute is superficial snark, have at it.
So why is the offense still consisting of the previous regime's players? Why are we still identity less on O? Is it because Marrone simply wants to claw the way to victory and in lieu of having a definable offensive strategy, we will go week to week to figure out what to do...until year five when theoretically it is all Marrone's players?

Not wise assing. Just want to know why we need to be historical when we all know our O has stunk since the decade began. That's what Marrone is here to fix...and it clearly needs a ways to go. But love the fact the program won 8 games last year and 5/8 this year despite the issues.

1. Because they are kids with 4 or 5 years in the program that have freshmen and sophomores backing them up. There are 6 players total in the offensive rotation that are from Robinson's teams: Nassib, Provo, Bailey, Chew, Stevens, Graham. Are any of those guys performing so poorly they deserve to sit? Chew is seeing his role diminish as the season goes on.

2. The reason I made the post was to shed some light on why it's not a finished product yet. It is getting fixed, but this wasn't a tune up, it was a total rebuild.
Go, what do you think the end product is? 2012 and beyond, clearly with how Marrone has recruited it looks like a Northwestern style in he future which will feature much more running by the QB, the problem is after 2012 we may see a big change in the system.

I don't think being multiple will work, you need repitition at this level. again, not trying to be snarky whatsoever, just want to get your take
I think it's also interesting to look at the other schools who were in the triple digits in Total Offense ranking in 2008, and see how they're doing today (and to be sure we're talking about 2008, not 2005). A quick look gives the following schools:

Arizona State
Wake Forest
Virginia Tech
Mississippi State
Washington State

I assume they all had to rebuild as well. Should our pace be considered the right pace? (we went from 115 to 96 in 3 years). Of that list, only Tennessee, Kentucky, Vandy still rank below us. 7 teams on that list average over 400 yards per game in 2011. 5 more average 380 or more. We average 336, but you have to assume that goes up based on who we have left. It had better.

At this point, I don't even care if we're going to ride out this argument of convenience for the next 5 to 10 years, because it's fairly meaningless. Just make sure we win more than we lose for now. Offensively, I'm readying myself for the next group, Terrell Hunt throwing to West, Kobena, Foster, Hale, etc.. Hopefully that's the group that brings more consistent 400 yard efforts, which generally lead to more points. Defense keeps developing the younger talent as it has been, and we can hopefully talk championships.
I think it's also interesting to look at the other schools who were in the triple digits in Total Offense ranking in 2008, and see how they're doing today (and to be sure we're talking about 2008, not 2005). A quick look gives the following schools:

Arizona State
Wake Forest
Virginia Tech
Mississippi State
Washington State

I assume they all had to rebuild as well. Should our pace be considered the right pace? (we went from 115 to 96 in 3 years). Of that list, only Tennessee, Kentucky, Vandy still rank below us. 7 teams on that list average over 400 yards per game in 2011. 5 more average 380 or more. We average 336, but you have to assume that goes up based on who we have left. It had better.
Killer post, Chip.
Chip, how DARE you introduce facts into this debate.

I was thinking of throwing in a what if Mike Williams didn't cheat on that final in May of 2008, but I held off. Who knows where that could have taken the discussion.
How can it truly be a total rebuild if some three years later, some 90 percent of the offense s comng from robinson's guys and the OL, a product of e new regime, has not shown tremendous improvement despite having 80% returning starters?

Picking at stones, it doesnt seem like a total rebuild. If that were the case, we'd be look at Kinder, Smith, West, etc starting. I sense as big an issue is Spence not working out and the need to pay up for Schaefer resulted in hiring a very, very green Hackett.

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