Know why I like getting older? Less ego, more wisdom. So, I was wrong...again...and freely admit it. Another life lesson learned. I still wish there was more transparency from the university but HIPPA says no to that. Because of that, I did what those who are much wiser did not, I took the word of a family who clearly had a motive and axe to grind. Maybe the Doc really did basically blow them off after a while but what I didn't consider before...maybe they deserved it. I got on his case after Long was cleared by another school and when add Steven to the mix it it was fuel to the fire.
Soooooo, let's see here.
I was wrong about Shafer. Promised not to defend him anymore and have stuck by that.
I was wrong about Tucker. So I promise not to hop on or start anymore anti-Tucker conversations. I'm done with the Doc.
I've been wrong about plenty of other crap too.
So while I may be an idiot sometimes, nobody can deny my passion. When I think an injustice is being served then I'm quick, too quick maybe, to point it out. Hopefully someday I can find that balance point.
Oh and my family Doc still diagnosed me with arthritis in my knee when I had a torn meniscus so no Doc is infallible, but clearly still better qualified than me and an angry dad.