Story from UConn game Wednesday night... | Page 2 |

Story from UConn game Wednesday night...

I enjoyed the story, and the video the thread later inspired to be posted. I think those who control the media have, through conditioning, purposefully created an oversensitivity and a sort of blanket censorship on certain words and topics. Although I do not agree with that practice, including this example, I can understand the reaction of those who object here. I think age is a primary factor when it comes to such things, as political correctness has sped up at an increasing rate since the man who became known as Leon Trotsky coined the term(and practice) after the Bolshevik Revolution. To understand those who control the media and the minds of most Americans, one must look back to when those who advocated the 3rd central bank bought up the major newspapers after the civil war. Also note the relation to the central bank of every President to face an assassination attempt.

Anyhow, enough of trying to get people to learn something new and connect their own dots(I think the movie Inception illustrated the importance of this), it's been unpopular for awhile now in this culture. Instead I'd like to say I've not cheered harder/louder for any player this season than when Baye has scored. I've seen the guy ridiculed like few others this season on here, and I love to root for the underdog, especially when they seem like they are a genuinely good person. Who knows, maybe Baye would have better stats if not for the Fine mess. He certainly seems to be doing well(more than some beloved players of the past) in the areas that don't get quantified for the average fan.
I thought it was a cute story... nothing more, nothing less. The security guard, very polite and very professional, was doing his job. He was rightfully telling this woman (who just happens to be white) that she could not go behind the bench without a ticket. All of a sudden, a tall dark-complected uniformed basketball player shows up and indicates (to the similar looking security guard) that I am "legit." Guard smiles and lets me go to my seat.

So what is wrong with this story? 1) As many here know, Baye is a friend of mine. 2) It would have been incorrect to refer to both men as "African-Americans." 3) I did not want to use the word "black." Given these three points, how else could I have told the story?

BTW, what other "odd" language have I used that offends you? I am a professional writer. I am a "word person." Occasionally folks joke they have to look up words I use ("self-flagellation" comes to mind). I love to learn new words. I assume everyone does. Maybe I am wrong.

It is posts like yours that make me think I should never post anything that suggests I know anyone because I feel bad when people say I am a name-dropper or something. Seriously. (And, as Bill Orange and Fishy know, I seriously hesitated before posting this story -- which I had shared with them -- because I was afraid of a reaction like yours).
For me, the part of your story that brought a smile to my face was the mental image of you - a middle-aged (you're welcome) white woman and a lanky, gregarious, black basketball player - hugging in the stands. Were you wearing your orange sweater? A good writer describes a scene with just enough detail to allow the reader to fill in the banks with their imagination, just as you have done.
The world is full of PC, hyper-sensitive critics. My advise is to ignore them lest we all become bland, plain vanilla robots afraid of straying from the center line and offending someone. It's Zonk's problem, not yours.
Baye is an extremely nice guy. I saw him walking past our house on Comstock once, heading towards Manley, while my roommates and I were drinking (shocking, I know) outside. I scrambled to the end of the driveway, red solo cup in hand, and yelled to him "Baye! Love when you throw down those one-handed dunks!". He turned, nodded, smiled, and went on his way. Not much really to the encounter, but I knew he kept that smile all the way to Manley.

Another Baye story- when Baye was a freshman, my roommate (who is 6'5") bumped into him standing alone outside of a party entrance. My roommate, who isn't shy when it comes to making his presence felt, physically and verbally, went over to Baye to talk to him/attempt to form logical sentences (I'm guessing). Baye told him they wouldn't let him in the party. If my memory serves me correctly, they both ended up walking in not too long after that. Baye's just a gentle giant.

This roommate I am referring to (lurker here, 917Comstock) also indirectly called Fab Melo a b*tch to his face outside shaw hall on our way to a rave once, so encounters on a night out were definitely easy to come by.

Although none of this holds a candle to watching Southerland (also a very nice kid) dougie in a south campus apartment (Blackknight was in attendance).
CTO...nice story. I have no issue at all with any part of it. You painted a vivid picture with your words and I could just see the images unfolding in my mind. Isn't that what writers are supposed to do? Thank you.
I thought it was a cute story... nothing more, nothing less. The security guard, very polite and very professional, was doing his job. He was rightfully telling this woman (who happens to be white) that she could not go behind the bench without a ticket. All of a sudden, a tall dark-complected uniformed basketball player shows up and indicates (to the similar looking security guard) that I am "legit." Guard smiles and lets me go to my seat.

So what is wrong with this story? 1) As many here know, Baye is a friend of mine. 2) It would have been incorrect to refer to both men as "African-Americans." 3) I did not want to use the word "black." Given these three points, how else could I have told the story?

BTW, what other "odd" language have I used that offends you? I am a professional writer. I am a "word person." Occasionally folks joke they have to look up words I use ("self-flagellation" comes to mind). I love to learn new words. I assume everyone does. Maybe I am wrong.

It is posts like yours that make me think I should never post anything that suggests I know anyone because I feel bad when people say I am a name-dropper or something. Seriously. (And, as Bill Orange and Fishy know, I hesitated before posting this story -- which I had shared with them --because I was afraid of a reaction like yours).
thank you one of the old AOL posters, I always love to read your posts, your travels and your "Forrest Gump Karma" like life adventures. keep on keeping on...PS, you still have that raggedy old sweater from 2003? Maybe time to get it out :)
Cool story cto. Sorry we weren't able to drop by on Wednesday, we were trying to get out of the XL Center as quickly as possible when the game ended.

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