Stupid work screwing up the NCAA tournament for me... | Page 2 |

Stupid work screwing up the NCAA tournament for me...

I still use an old fashioned spiral calendar. Each January when I buy a new one, before I write in kid's birthdays, anniversaries,etc, I go right to the first 2 days of the tourney and draw a straight line through Thursday and Friday. Nothing is getting in the way of those 2 days.
Exactly. The first Thursday and Friday's of the NCAA should be National Holidays!!
I am an expert on this subject as my entire youth revolved around lies. Here are my thoughts.

Dont use the death in the family excuse. I worked for JC Penny in my late teen years and wanted to get out of work once and I told them my grandmother died. I felt kind of crappy about it but still went ahead with it. Well then I got a sympathy card that they sent out to my parents house which they found and that wasnt good. I had to them go back to them and say I lied (I also got paid for the day which was really bad).

If you are going to use the call in sick excuse you need to plant the seed days ahead. Monday make sure you cough a ton and complain to staff about how crappy you feel and it started over the weekend. Tuesday do the same thing but make sure your symptoms worsen. Stay up until 3 AM Wednesday and then get up at 6AM. Do not shower and go into work dressed down carrying kleenex in your hands. When people ask if you have called the doctor tell them that you are calling the doctor today to see if you can get in because you cant shake this thing you have. That afternoon make sure you leave early saying you have a doctors appointment. Then when you call in sick Thursday people will say ""well he was sick all week." Never just call in sick on a whim. That is the classic employee mistake. employers can sniff it out a mile away.

Have someone call your cell phone about noon during the meeting with an emergency. Purposely dont answer it the first two times they call. Then on he third time they call you excuse yourself and say you need to take this call. Excuse yourself from the room and when you go into the hall to talk in private make sure you come back into the room flustered. If you have kids use them as an excuse "Jimmy threw up at school and I need to pick him up." Or use the wife excuse "It was Suzie, she had a blow out on 81 near Pulaski and drove into a ditch and shes pretty shaken up and I need to go help her."

I have more if you are interested.
Im pretty good at this also. Years ago I was working a college winter UPS job. All winter I had the downtown route, home by 5:30 every day. On my last day they put me on the "north country" route, Central Square, Oswego etc. I asked the driver when he thought we'd be done, "if we're lucky we'll make it back by 8 or 9..." Well, that was not gonna work because I had about 30 people showing up at my parents house at 7 (parents were conveniently out of town:). As I was racking my brain on how to get out of this the answer hit me out of the blue, sorta. Walking up someone's driveway I slipped, packages flew in the air and I hit the ground fairly hard. Didn't cause any damage, or did it? Yep, I limped around for the next couple of hours, "giving it my best" and finally the driver realized he needed help or we'd never got done. So they drove a replacement for me out to meet us up near 9 Mile and drove me back to the office. After filling out my injury report I limped to the parking lot and then ran to my car. Made it home by 6:30 and had a great time. Normally I wouldn't have done soemthign like this but I was pretty hacked off when I found out my hours had changed from the 7-5:30 I'd been working for over a month to 7am - 9pm without any notice or warning.
Unfortunately, if Syracuse is playing - I would appreciate if you would take 1 for the team and stick it out at work.

Bad Karma is no way to start the tournament.
Im pretty good at this also. Years ago I was working a college winter UPS job. All winter I had the downtown route, home by 5:30 every day. On my last day they put me on the "north country" route, Central Square, Oswego etc. I asked the driver when he thought we'd be done, "if we're lucky we'll make it back by 8 or 9..." Well, that was not gonna work because I had about 30 people showing up at my parents house at 7 (parents were conveniently out of town:). As I was racking my brain on how to get out of this the answer hit me out of the blue, sorta. Walking up someone's driveway I slipped, packages flew in the air and I hit the ground fairly hard. Didn't cause any damage, or did it? Yep, I limped around for the next couple of hours, "giving it my best" and finally the driver realized he needed help or we'd never got done. So they drove a replacement for me out to meet us up near 9 Mile and drove me back to the office. After filling out my injury report I limped to the parking lot and then ran to my car. Made it home by 6:30 and had a great time. Normally I wouldn't have done soemthign like this but I was pretty hacked off when I found out my hours had changed from the 7-5:30 I'd been working for over a month to 7am - 9pm without any notice or warning.

I am glad to see there are other people as sick as I am.
While stationed in England during the World Cup, the entire country basically shut down during the days/times England played. Most people were either in the pubs watching or at home (in that order) watching the match. Also, would happen to some degree, throughout the year during big games and the championship games of the different cups in England and Europe...
I am an expert on this subject as my entire youth revolved around lies. Here are my thoughts.

Dont use the death in the family excuse. I worked for JC Penny in my late teen years and wanted to get out of work once and I told them my grandmother died. I felt kind of crappy about it but still went ahead with it. Well then I got a sympathy card that they sent out to my parents house which they found and that wasnt good. I had to then go back to them and say I lied (I also got paid for the day which was really bad).

If you are going to use the call in sick excuse you need to plant the seed days ahead. Monday make sure you cough a ton and complain to staff about how crappy you feel and it started over the weekend. Tuesday do the same thing but make sure your symptoms worsen. Stay up until 3 AM Wednesday and then get up at 6AM. Do not shower and go into work dressed down carrying kleenex in your hands. When people ask if you have called the doctor tell them that you are calling the doctor today to see if you can get in because you cant shake this thing you have. That afternoon make sure you leave early saying you have a doctors appointment. Then when you call in sick Thursday people will say ""well he was sick all week." Never just call in sick on a whim. That is the classic employee mistake. employers can sniff it out a mile away.

Have someone call your cell phone about noon during the meeting with an emergency. Purposely dont answer it the first two times they call. Then on he third time they call you excuse yourself and say you need to take this call. Excuse yourself from the room and when you go into the hall to talk in private make sure you come back into the room flustered. If you have kids use them as an excuse "Jimmy threw up at school and I need to pick him up." Or use the wife excuse "It was Suzie, she had a blow out on 81 near Pulaski and drove into a ditch and shes pretty shaken up and I need to go help her."

I have more if you are interested.

I am an expert on this subject as my entire youth revolved around lies. Here are my thoughts.

Dont use the death in the family excuse. I worked for JC Penny in my late teen years and wanted to get out of work once and I told them my grandmother died. I felt kind of crappy about it but still went ahead with it. Well then I got a sympathy card that they sent out to my parents house which they found and that wasnt good. I had to then go back to them and say I lied (I also got paid for the day which was really bad).

If you are going to use the call in sick excuse you need to plant the seed days ahead. Monday make sure you cough a ton and complain to staff about how crappy you feel and it started over the weekend. Tuesday do the same thing but make sure your symptoms worsen. Stay up until 3 AM Wednesday and then get up at 6AM. Do not shower and go into work dressed down carrying kleenex in your hands. When people ask if you have called the doctor tell them that you are calling the doctor today to see if you can get in because you cant shake this thing you have. That afternoon make sure you leave early saying you have a doctors appointment. Then when you call in sick Thursday people will say ""well he was sick all week." Never just call in sick on a whim. That is the classic employee mistake. employers can sniff it out a mile away.

Have someone call your cell phone about noon during the meeting with an emergency. Purposely dont answer it the first two times they call. Then on he third time they call you excuse yourself and say you need to take this call. Excuse yourself from the room and when you go into the hall to talk in private make sure you come back into the room flustered. If you have kids use them as an excuse "Jimmy threw up at school and I need to pick him up." Or use the wife excuse "It was Suzie, she had a blow out on 81 near Pulaski and drove into a ditch and shes pretty shaken up and I need to go help her."

I have more if you are interested.

Definitely don't use the family death. When I worked at P&C in high school, I called into work because my uncle actually did pass away. I was very shaken (obviously) and my manager bluntly responded saying she would need to see an obituary. Of course I didn't show it to her- I found the question extremely rude, uncalled for, and so did my family.

Hate when people fake family death's to get out of something, just because it makes people like my manager question those like me who are serious about it.

Obviously, not calling you out marsh.

To the original poster: ..err I mean, F all day meetings...F it, F them both!
I am an expert on this subject as my entire youth revolved around lies. Here are my thoughts.

Dont use the death in the family excuse. I worked for JC Penny in my late teen years and wanted to get out of work once and I told them my grandmother died. I felt kind of crappy about it but still went ahead with it. Well then I got a sympathy card that they sent out to my parents house which they found and that wasnt good. I had to then go back to them and say I lied (I also got paid for the day which was really bad).

If you are going to use the call in sick excuse you need to plant the seed days ahead. Monday make sure you cough a ton and complain to staff about how crappy you feel and it started over the weekend. Tuesday do the same thing but make sure your symptoms worsen. Stay up until 3 AM Wednesday and then get up at 6AM. Do not shower and go into work dressed down carrying kleenex in your hands. When people ask if you have called the doctor tell them that you are calling the doctor today to see if you can get in because you cant shake this thing you have. That afternoon make sure you leave early saying you have a doctors appointment. Then when you call in sick Thursday people will say ""well he was sick all week." Never just call in sick on a whim. That is the classic employee mistake. employers can sniff it out a mile away.

Have someone call your cell phone about noon during the meeting with an emergency. Purposely dont answer it the first two times they call. Then on he third time they call you excuse yourself and say you need to take this call. Excuse yourself from the room and when you go into the hall to talk in private make sure you come back into the room flustered. If you have kids use them as an excuse "Jimmy threw up at school and I need to pick him up." Or use the wife excuse "It was Suzie, she had a blow out on 81 near Pulaski and drove into a ditch and shes pretty shaken up and I need to go help her."

I have more if you are interested.
Why do I have the feeling that Marsh still uses some of these preliminary scenarios to get another stroke per side in golf? :noidea:
Timely thread -- I just put a 12-5 meeting on Thursday and Friday in my calendar.
Definitely don't use the family death. When I worked at P&C in high school, I called into work because my uncle actually did pass away. I was very shaken (obviously) and my manager bluntly responded saying she would need to see an obituary. Of course I didn't show it to her- I found the question extremely rude, uncalled for, and so did my family.

Hate when people fake family death's to get out of something, just because it makes people like my manager question those like me who are serious about it.

Obviously, not calling you out marsh.

To the original poster: ..err I mean, F all day meetings...F it, F them both!

Yea I know. I was 18 and stupid.
Why do I have the feeling that Marsh still uses some of these preliminary scenarios to get another stroke per side in golf? :noidea:

Oh man I could write a 10 page thread on the golf excuses I have used. Including one when my wife went into labor. :oops:
Oh man I could write a 10 page thread on the golf excuses I have used. Including one when my wife went into labor. :oops:
Was that one an excuse to her or who you were playing with? LOL
I always went with the "My wife and I have an appt with our lawyer" If they asked questions, I'd just say it was personal, and looked sad. My unit at Fort Drum thought I was going through a divorce, I was just trying to make sure I got to the Dome on time!
Over the years, I have gotten pretty much what I wanted in terms of scheduling around Syracuse Basketball. When I ran the back end of a large retail place I'd schedule trucks purposely around home games I would attend. Back in the days of analog broadcasting I was able to use 100 foot of co-ax off the shelf draped over a 53 foot pallet storage trailer in the dock. Took my own 27" from home and strapped it to a pallet and put it at the 6 foot level. That's how I watched the National Champ game. In and out of trailer like a madmad at the timeouts. The first five games I was able to work around but not a Monday night. I've never called in for a game. It is way to obvious and I am a terrible liar. I also watched games 3 and 4 of the 2004 WS that way. Karma for doing the right thing can be good.

This smartphone with watchespn thing is the for a guy like me. Except for the whole having to concentrate a little so it kind of becomes radio and having the game called by some annoying douche (ahem Jimmy Dykes, ahem) Anyone know if MarchMadnessonDemand will do anything similiar? Hell, they could get one off fees of 10 bucks to stream it? This is the future. I digress...

I am in the position now of working 3 11s What. and 7 Sat, so a friday nooner and sunday game I am good. It has always strangely always worked out for me. If now. I've worked in 2.5 hour lunches before if I have to there is a B-Dubs like 1.3 miles from the office...
Just sent and email for Thursday and Friday of the BET and Thursday and Friday of the first weekend
I always went with the "My wife and I have an appt with our lawyer" If they asked questions, I'd just say it was personal, and looked sad. My unit at Fort Drum thought I was going through a divorce, I was just trying to make sure I got to the Dome on time!
Vicious, underhanded, sneaky even.
just remember iommi, youre never gonna get ahead saying yes to The Man. i think sabbath should cover this

What...I got through only :90 of that. I repeat: What.
i have come up with the perfect alibi to make sure i am able to see the syracuse game no matter what since usually by the beginning of march i have a pretty good idea which sites cuse could be placed(looking at a bunch of different bracket projections) so ill know whether they are thursday or friday so i strategically put in about 2 weeks before the tournament that i have a dentist appointment in the afternoon so i can only work until 1(my employer has no clue which dentist i go to or how long it takes for appointments there) so when i leave i dont go the route to my house(which is 10 minutes away i go around the block taking a couple extra minutes) then get home and have all afternoon to watch so this year i "have a dentist appointment on friday afternoon " since its a near lock we are in philly and if not it will be dayton which are both friday sites.
i have come up with the perfect alibi to make sure i am able to see the syracuse game no matter what since usually by the beginning of march i have a pretty good idea which sites cuse could be placed(looking at a bunch of different bracket projections) so ill know whether they are thursday or friday so i strategically put in about 2 weeks before the tournament that i have a dentist appointment in the afternoon so i can only work until 1(my employer has no clue which dentist i go to or how long it takes for appointments there) so when i leave i dont go the route to my house(which is 10 minutes away i go around the block taking a couple extra minutes) then get home and have all afternoon to watch so this year i "have a dentist appointment on friday afternoon " since its a near lock we are in philly and if not it will be dayton which are both friday sites.
I have to agree with 690 on this one. All of this could have been avoided if you just took off the days months in advance.

I did block off both days as vacation days - which I've done the past few years --- the issue is that this mandatory meeting is trumping my planned "vacation" because everyone I work with knows I am just planning on watching basketball all day. I need to have actual travel plans to get out of this. Maybe I should just buy a ticket to vegas and say I planned on spending the whole weekend at the .
I screwed up the tournament on my own but I had to make a decision, either go to the Georgetown game or miss the first weekend of the Tourney. Gotta check myself into inpatient rehab so I'll be gone for a month so I'm pushing it off until next week. I figure I absolutely cannot miss this Georgetown game and missing the first weekend won't be all that bad or just an excuse to keep pushing it off. We do better when I can't watch anyway.
My wife is due to give birth on 3/7. With my two-week paternity leave, I get the week of the BET off, as well as the first week of the NCAAs.

Only catch is that I have to raise an actual baby, which is probably a piece of cake.

I am an expert on this subject as my entire youth revolved around lies. Here are my thoughts.

Dont use the death in the family excuse. I worked for JC Penny in my late teen years and wanted to get out of work once and I told them my grandmother died. I felt kind of crappy about it but still went ahead with it. Well then I got a sympathy card that they sent out to my parents house which they found and that wasnt good. I had to then go back to them and say I lied (I also got paid for the day which was really bad).

If you are going to use the call in sick excuse you need to plant the seed days ahead. Monday make sure you cough a ton and complain to staff about how crappy you feel and it started over the weekend. Tuesday do the same thing but make sure your symptoms worsen. Stay up until 3 AM Wednesday and then get up at 6AM. Do not shower and go into work dressed down carrying kleenex in your hands. When people ask if you have called the doctor tell them that you are calling the doctor today to see if you can get in because you cant shake this thing you have. That afternoon make sure you leave early saying you have a doctors appointment. Then when you call in sick Thursday people will say ""well he was sick all week." Never just call in sick on a whim. That is the classic employee mistake. employers can sniff it out a mile away.

Have someone call your cell phone about noon during the meeting with an emergency. Purposely dont answer it the first two times they call. Then on he third time they call you excuse yourself and say you need to take this call. Excuse yourself from the room and when you go into the hall to talk in private make sure you come back into the room flustered. If you have kids use them as an excuse "Jimmy threw up at school and I need to pick him up." Or use the wife excuse "It was Suzie, she had a blow out on 81 near Pulaski and drove into a ditch and shes pretty shaken up and I need to go help her."

I have more if you are interested.

Man, and I thought I was creative when as a kid, if I didn't feel like going to school one day, I'd just make my mom take my temperature, then I'd hold the thermometer against a lightbulb briefly while she was out of the room. Voila! Fever! And I'd run around and frolic once she left for work.

It backfired, though, one day when I held it to the bulb too long and it read 106 degrees and I couldn't get it to come back down under the faucet or anything. I forget if she found me out or if I just announced it was normal and went to school without letting her see it.

As for this meeting, is your boss a dude? I mean geez, who does this? At my company last March, they even temporarily added ESPN and CBS to our cable lineup (which is usually just CSPAN and news channels)

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