SU Basketball & Football politics... |

SU Basketball & Football politics...


Watching you.
Aug 15, 2011
I figured this was worthy of another thread because it is a very important topic moving forward as we venture into the ACC. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this if willing to share. This is basically picking up from another thread that Marsh01 and I were involved in.

Great post, people who are basketball only fans think that Syracuse football is like a 3rd world country.
Just remember, football runs the $$ ship these days. I'd suggest you get on board sooner than later.
We just made it to 2 bowls (both wins) in the last 3 seasons and beat up on some really good teams on the way.
Things are not NEARLY as bad as some make it out to be.
I love both Syracuse basketball and football. I wish some more would do the same.

For me its more about my dislike for where college football is and the pre-determined 8 teams that can only compete for a national championship. The sport is a complete joke and if you are not in this group of 8 teams then what the hell are you playing for? A belk Bowl bid? BFD
Hoops is completely different. You could be 10-26 and make the sweet 16.
I love Syracuse football and basketball but I take basketball losses much harder knowing what is at stake as opposed to just turning the page when we lose a football game these days.
I do not disagree with you Marsh01 about the state of college football and the incredible amount of hypocrisy that goes on within the NCAA for the top programs; however, we aren't one of the top 8 programs and never really have been. Sure we won the national title back in 1959 and came really damn close in 1987 as well, but we've never been a consistent Top 10 football program. We likely aren't ever going to be competing for National Championships, it's just how it is. (It would be an honor to eat crow on that one though ;)). Even during McNabb's days, we would always somehow end up losing 3 ridiculous games each season. For whatever reason, that is reality.

With that being said, it still drives me nuts that the football side is treated like they are a step-child to an extent. Granted, the football side from 2004-2009 was horrendous, and even back to 2000 wasn't very good. The end of P's tenure was bad, the hiring of Greg Robinson was an utter disaster and we were often found in ESPN's Bottom 10 rankings. The lust for the football program evaporated and people were completely fed up. I was one of them, but I still went to all of the Dome games. We've been to 2 bowl games in the last 3 seasons and our record is 21-17. Not great, but starting to show signs of overall improvement. Starting to get kids drafted again as well. Most importantly, opposing teams are starting to take us serious.

In that same time I mentioned above, the basketball side saw incredible performances and tourney appearances. A national title (love you Melo), another Final Four last year, an Elite 8 in 2012, multiple Sweet 16's, several NBA lottery picks, The Melo Center, record-breaking crowds, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, which is an awesome thing. I hope that this continues for as long as possible. (Side note, speaking of football hypocrisy and the NCAA, take a look at Kentucky basketball. They are hand-picking NBA lottery picks. Something funny is going on there and everyone knows it, but the NCAA will never hammer them because they know how valuable that brand is.) I went to the BET every year, I went to the Garden games, I go to the Dome games. Looking forward to wearing bright Orange at Cameron and the Dean Dome as well. People who may have been fans of both sides seem to have given up hope on the football side. I'm not saying all fans, but many.

It comes to down to being an overall Syracuse sports fan, I wish people would realize that football is on the ups. Drives me nuts when I hear that a diehard Syracuse Basketball fan is a diehard Notre Dame or Penn St football fan. What???? Are you kidding me?! F ND and Ped St. We got a team right here. The brass finally realized we were WAY behind the 8-ball when it came to supporting its football team and its respective facilities. Some might think that the facilities were good before, well guess what the recruits didn't. Teams we compete against recruiting-wise talk about our lack of football facilities and lack of fan support at games as recruiting tactics and it has worked. Just look at Rutgers and WVU. Just look at how much the Melo Center has improved our recruiting in basketball. I'm thinking our recruiting in football will improve once the IPF is done and we can blow away recruits on their visits. Just take a look at how good this year's football recruiting class is so far. Recruiting is a joke because you have to convince a 17 year old celeb to come play for you. Alot of coddling, but at the end of the day, recruiting is as important as anything. Just ask JB. The groundbreaking of the IPF is a huge step in the right direction. Improvements inside of the Dome with the new Jumbotron, the digital banner in between the 1st and 3rd levels and upgrades inside of the locker rooms are all great. Unfortunately, these should have been done 10 years ago. Now that football, more or less, got us into the ACC and into a new lucrative TV contract, we have been to splurge on this type of stuff.

The football team has lost its first two games under new HC Scott Shafer. We had Penn St on the ropes, but we couldn't hold on. The game at NW was an utter embarrassment, no questioning that. I like Shafer, I think he was the right fit given our circumstances with Marrone leaving. Continuity was a necessity at that point and the players and administration already really liked Shaf. Fans are starting to get ancy, thinking that we're reverting back to the dark GRob days. Not happening. The talent and sheer depth of the players, the necessary football improvements and support that this team now has from the university should go a long way in preventing that for now. We need to keep the faith. It's been 2 games. These next two games are against inferior competition (Wagner, Tulane), but are both at the Dome. When the players/staff run out to a half-filled Dome, it has to be an awful feeling. Not supporting them isn't going to do anything but hinder their spirits. Think about it. Come out and support the team. Please.

I love SU Football and SU Basketball and would love to see the day where more fans are involved in both.

See you Saturday, hopefully.
I agree, and feel strongly to root for both. I use to say basketball only because of karma and bla bla bla but that misconception has passed away.

1. Its not like one has to fail for the karma for the other to win championships. . Florida won the national championship in both sports in the same year a while back and went on to win back to back basketball championships on top of that.

2.We aren't talking about brothers competing with each other. We are talking about seperate programs full of thousands and thousannds of fans.
They should not be shrunk to the perception of two individuals, but instead should be looked at as 2 community families that intertwine through many friends, brothers and sisters.

My uncle is a football mainly guy. I wish I could get him to come watch more basketball, but occasionally he will slip in and watch a game. We always get together and tailgate at home out here on the west coast to watch the football.

However, part of me is diehard basketball first and always will be, so totally understand Marsh comments. Its not even about what program is better for me its just about the love of Cuse hoops. I want a dynasty and to reach duke/unc/kentukcy status, and to stay there forever.

Basketball is my father, mother,wife, and newborn baby, football is my friendly neighbor who I knew and grew up with and Uconn/rutgers were the bully/felons that live down the street.

I know it will sound strange to say it but not only do I not hate Gtown as much as Arrogant Uconn, but I really don't hate them all that much. We have fed off each other for a mutual benefit. Uconn and Syracuse however would sabatoge one another to death if they could. I even get madder at Louisville just because they play zone and won the big one recently. Perhaps it is just the fact us and Gtown have about a equal record with each other and both have final fours. We really don't get in each others way in march which is good. This is just 1 fans perception though.
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They should not be shrunk to the perception of two individuals, but instead should be looked at as 2 community families that intertwine through many friends, brothers and sisters.

Which is why supporting football is the ideal scenario for Syracuse to continue to succeed athletically from a national perspective. Sure, our other sports programs are really good, we just need the fans to come out and support the football team as well. Basketball gets 35k in a half Dome, football can barely get 40k in the full Dome.

They will be back sooner than later. I can't stand bandwagon fans though.
I figured this was worthy of another thread because it is a very important topic moving forward as we venture into the ACC. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this if willing to share. This is basically picking up from another thread that Marsh01 and I were involved in.

I do not disagree with you Marsh01 about the state of college football and the incredible amount of hypocrisy that goes on within the NCAA for the top programs; however, we aren't one of the top 8 programs and never really have been. Sure we won the national title back in 1959 and came really damn close in 1987 as well, but we've never been a consistent Top 10 football program. We likely aren't ever going to be competing for National Championships, it's just how it is. (It would be an honor to eat crow on that one though ;)). Even during McNabb's days, we would always somehow end up losing 3 ridiculous games each season. For whatever reason, that is reality.

With that being said, it still drives me nuts that the football side is treated like they are a step-child to an extent. Granted, the football side from 2004-2009 was horrendous, and even back to 2000 wasn't very good. The end of P's tenure was bad, the hiring of Greg Robinson was an utter disaster and we were often found in ESPN's Bottom 10 rankings. The lust for the football program evaporated and people were completely fed up. I was one of them, but I still went to all of the Dome games. We've been to 2 bowl games in the last 3 seasons and our record is 21-17. Not great, but starting to show signs of overall improvement. Starting to get kids drafted again as well. Most importantly, opposing teams are starting to take us serious.

In that same time I mentioned above, the basketball side saw incredible performances and tourney appearances. A national title (love you Melo), another Final Four last year, an Elite 8 in 2012, multiple Sweet 16's, several NBA lottery picks, The Melo Center, record-breaking crowds, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, which is an awesome thing. I hope that this continues for as long as possible. (Side note, speaking of football hypocrisy and the NCAA, take a look at Kentucky basketball. They are hand-picking NBA lottery picks. Something funny is going on there and everyone knows it, but the NCAA will never hammer them because they know how valuable that brand is.) I went to the BET every year, I went to the Garden games, I go to the Dome games. Looking forward to wearing bright Orange at Cameron and the Dean Dome as well. People who may have been fans of both sides seem to have given up hope on the football side. I'm not saying all fans, but many.

It comes to down to being an overall Syracuse sports fan, I wish people would realize that football is on the ups. Drives me nuts when I hear that a diehard Syracuse Basketball fan is a diehard Notre Dame or Penn St football fan. What???? Are you kidding me?! F ND and Ped St. We got a team right here. The brass finally realized we were WAY behind the 8-ball when it came to supporting its football team and its respective facilities. Some might think that the facilities were good before, well guess what the recruits didn't. Teams we compete against recruiting-wise talk about our lack of football facilities and lack of fan support at games as recruiting tactics and it has worked. Just look at Rutgers and WVU. Just look at how much the Melo Center has improved our recruiting in basketball. I'm thinking our recruiting in football will improve once the IPF is done and we can blow away recruits on their visits. Just take a look at how good this year's football recruiting class is so far. Recruiting is a joke because you have to convince a 17 year old celeb to come play for you. Alot of coddling, but at the end of the day, recruiting is as important as anything. Just ask JB. The groundbreaking of the IPF is a huge step in the right direction. Improvements inside of the Dome with the new Jumbotron, the digital banner in between the 1st and 3rd levels and upgrades inside of the locker rooms are all great. Unfortunately, these should have been done 10 years ago. Now that football, more or less, got us into the ACC and into a new lucrative TV contract, we have been to splurge on this type of stuff.

The football team has lost its first two games under new HC Scott Shafer. We had Penn St on the ropes, but we couldn't hold on. The game at NW was an utter embarrassment, no questioning that. I like Shafer, I think he was the right fit given our circumstances with Marrone leaving. Continuity was a necessity at that point and the players and administration already really liked Shaf. Fans are starting to get ancy, thinking that we're reverting back to the dark GRob days. Not happening. The talent and sheer depth of the players, the necessary football improvements and support that this team now has from the university should go a long way in preventing that for now. We need to keep the faith. It's been 2 games. These next two games are against inferior competition (Wagner, Tulane), but are both at the Dome. When the players/staff run out to a half-filled Dome, it has to be an awful feeling. Not supporting them isn't going to do anything but hinder their spirits. Think about it. Come out and support the team. Please.

I love SU Football and SU Basketball and would love to see the day where more fans are involved in both.

See you Saturday, hopefully.
That is a very good post. Here are my thoughts and reasons why i posted what i did.

Im 42 (will be 43 in a month). When i was growing ip in the late 70's and all through the 80's ( and even the 90's) the sport was incredible. Great rivalries, great bowl games. Yea it sucked when teams like Ped state and washington split a natl title but hey thats life. Then the BCS came along and messed everything up. It basically took 100 teams out of the running for a chance at glory (hell even west va played for a title so it could have happened to anyone).

I used to love saturdays in the fall. Nothing like college football. My love for the sport has changed. I wouldnt say it has changed because of our decline although those gerg years were very difficult to accept. The sport has evolved into this all sec all the time showcase. I know we dont have a snowball chance in hell to play for a title so its tough to get all rah rah over a Belk Bowl bid. Doesnt change my love for the orange. I still watch and root like hell. I just dont take losses hard anymore like i used too. I literally took me 6 months to get over the Tennessee loss in the dome. When we lost to Ped state i was over it 4 minutes after the game ended.

Different with college basketball. We are always in the mid for a national title. We have become an elite power who gets the best players. College hoops has the best post season on the planet. 25 teams legitimately have a chance of winning a title if not more. I lay awake at night after we lose a game until 4am and cant function the next day.

Nothing would please me more than to win a national title in football. I probably would bawl like a baby if it happened. I just dont ever see it happening until they open up the invite list to more than 2-4 teams.

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I respect basketball only's reguardless. Cuse hoops are double, almost triple the importance of any team to me and I never watch another game reminding myself that.
I figured this was worthy of another thread because it is a very important topic moving forward as we venture into the ACC. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this if willing to share. This is basically picking up from another thread that Marsh01 and I were involved in.

I do not disagree with you Marsh01 about the state of college football and the incredible amount of hypocrisy that goes on within the NCAA for the top programs; however, we aren't one of the top 8 programs and never really have been. Sure we won the national title back in 1959 and came really damn close in 1987 as well, but we've never been a consistent Top 10 football program. We likely aren't ever going to be competing for National Championships, it's just how it is. (It would be an honor to eat crow on that one though ;)). Even during McNabb's days, we would always somehow end up losing 3 ridiculous games each season. For whatever reason, that is reality.

With that being said, it still drives me nuts that the football side is treated like they are a step-child to an extent. Granted, the football side from 2004-2009 was horrendous, and even back to 2000 wasn't very good. The end of P's tenure was bad, the hiring of Greg Robinson was an utter disaster and we were often found in ESPN's Bottom 10 rankings. The lust for the football program evaporated and people were completely fed up. I was one of them, but I still went to all of the Dome games. We've been to 2 bowl games in the last 3 seasons and our record is 21-17. Not great, but starting to show signs of overall improvement. Starting to get kids drafted again as well. Most importantly, opposing teams are starting to take us serious.

In that same time I mentioned above, the basketball side saw incredible performances and tourney appearances. A national title (love you Melo), another Final Four last year, an Elite 8 in 2012, multiple Sweet 16's, several NBA lottery picks, The Melo Center, record-breaking crowds, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, which is an awesome thing. I hope that this continues for as long as possible. (Side note, speaking of football hypocrisy and the NCAA, take a look at Kentucky basketball. They are hand-picking NBA lottery picks. Something funny is going on there and everyone knows it, but the NCAA will never hammer them because they know how valuable that brand is.) I went to the BET every year, I went to the Garden games, I go to the Dome games. Looking forward to wearing bright Orange at Cameron and the Dean Dome as well. People who may have been fans of both sides seem to have given up hope on the football side. I'm not saying all fans, but many.

It comes to down to being an overall Syracuse sports fan, I wish people would realize that football is on the ups. Drives me nuts when I hear that a diehard Syracuse Basketball fan is a diehard Notre Dame or Penn St football fan. What???? Are you kidding me?! F ND and Ped St. We got a team right here. The brass finally realized we were WAY behind the 8-ball when it came to supporting its football team and its respective facilities. Some might think that the facilities were good before, well guess what the recruits didn't. Teams we compete against recruiting-wise talk about our lack of football facilities and lack of fan support at games as recruiting tactics and it has worked. Just look at Rutgers and WVU. Just look at how much the Melo Center has improved our recruiting in basketball. I'm thinking our recruiting in football will improve once the IPF is done and we can blow away recruits on their visits. Just take a look at how good this year's football recruiting class is so far. Recruiting is a joke because you have to convince a 17 year old celeb to come play for you. Alot of coddling, but at the end of the day, recruiting is as important as anything. Just ask JB. The groundbreaking of the IPF is a huge step in the right direction. Improvements inside of the Dome with the new Jumbotron, the digital banner in between the 1st and 3rd levels and upgrades inside of the locker rooms are all great. Unfortunately, these should have been done 10 years ago. Now that football, more or less, got us into the ACC and into a new lucrative TV contract, we have been to splurge on this type of stuff.

The football team has lost its first two games under new HC Scott Shafer. We had Penn St on the ropes, but we couldn't hold on. The game at NW was an utter embarrassment, no questioning that. I like Shafer, I think he was the right fit given our circumstances with Marrone leaving. Continuity was a necessity at that point and the players and administration already really liked Shaf. Fans are starting to get ancy, thinking that we're reverting back to the dark GRob days. Not happening. The talent and sheer depth of the players, the necessary football improvements and support that this team now has from the university should go a long way in preventing that for now. We need to keep the faith. It's been 2 games. These next two games are against inferior competition (Wagner, Tulane), but are both at the Dome. When the players/staff run out to a half-filled Dome, it has to be an awful feeling. Not supporting them isn't going to do anything but hinder their spirits. Think about it. Come out and support the team. Please.

I love SU Football and SU Basketball and would love to see the day where more fans are involved in both.

See you Saturday, hopefully.

Semi-related story: In NYC, wanted to go to Syracuse Alumni bar for NW game (Overlook on East Side). Ask my buddy (Syracuse grad like me, huge SU basketball guy who went to Atlanta this year) and he says "It's not a great game." And my reply was "NW is Top 20!".

Long story short, I am on my way to game and text my buddy "Hey I'm heading over there if you want to meet up." We go and 15 minutes before the game the place was empty. Not one Orange banner, not a sign, nothing. Sad.

Long story longer - Really want Syracuse football to succeed and get fans back. I go to a game every year at the Dome, and would go more except my job does not allow me to travel much on weekends. But it needs to succeed in order to get them back. Every other year with 8 wins unfortunately isn't going to cut it.
It would be great if more people loved the football program like they love the basketball program. But you can't make people feel that way. The only way it will happen is if the football program goes through a period of sustained excellence.

It's tough to get excited about mediocrity. And I hate to put it that way. But the reality is the football program has been down for a very long time and this year does not appear to offer much for fans to get excited about. SU football has not been exciting IMHO since McNabb left.

All of us hope that changes. But until it does, many of us will describe ourselves as big time Syracuse basketball fans and leave it at that. And I think that is OK. I'll never cheer for another school's football program but I don't feel any Syracuse basketball fans should be criticized if they don't have the same passion for the football program.

Let's Go Orange - football and basketball alike!
In that same time I mentioned above, the basketball side saw incredible performances and tourney appearances. A national title (love you Melo), another Final Four last year, an Elite 8 in 2012, multiple Sweet 16's, several NBA lottery picks, The Melo Center, record-breaking crowds, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, which is an awesome thing. I hope that this continues for as long as possible. (Side note, speaking of football hypocrisy and the NCAA, take a look at Kentucky basketball. They are hand-picking NBA lottery picks. Something funny is going on there and everyone knows it, but the NCAA will never hammer them because they know how valuable that brand is.) I went to the BET every year, I went to the Garden games, I go to the Dome games. Looking forward to wearing bright Orange at Cameron and the Dean Dome as well. People who may have been fans of both sides seem to have given up hope on the football side. I'm not saying all fans, but many.

The NCAA hammered Kentucky pretty bad in the late 80's/early 90's. Were they not so valuable back then or was Eddie Sutton a bigger scumbag that Calipari?
I respect basketball only's reguardless. Cuse hoops are double, almost triple the importance of any team to me and I never watch another game reminding myself that.

My feeling is this... if you just flat out don't like football as a sport and that's the reason you don't like Syracuse football, that's fine. I, for instance, don't like lacrosse.

But, if you are a fan of SU basketball and then root for another school in football, then I feel like you're probably (not all the time, but probably) the type of fan that would jump ship if SU hoops ever started sucking.
Maybe there's just not an appetite for college football in central New York.

Even the SEC teams that are not in contention for championships are filling their stadiums (I'm sure it doesn't hurt to have Florida, Georgia, LSU, Alabama, A&M, USC on the schedule...).

In 2012, of all the SEC schools, only Vanderbilt had an average attendance lower than SU (only by a couple hundred) and Kentucky averaged over 10,000 more fans per game than SU. Even when teams like LSU have consecutive down years (1998 and 1999, 4-7 and 3-8, respectively), they averaged 80,000 in attendance. Alabama was 4-9 and 6-6 in 2003 and 2004 but averaged about 82,000 in attendance. For most "football" schools, the success of the team has no effect on how many people show up.

It's not unlike Syracuse basketball. In the "down" years, SU will be still be leading the nation in attendance. If we go 10-20 this year, we'll average 25,000 next season. If we go 13-17 that year, we'll average 25,000 the next season.
It's not unlike Syracuse basketball. In the "down" years, SU will be still be leading the nation in attendance. If we go 10-20 this year, we'll average 25,000 next season. If we go 13-17 that year, we'll average 25,000 the next season.

No, I doubt it... People just don't follow losers. It's a fact of life, like it or not...
It's not unlike Syracuse basketball. In the "down" years, SU will be still be leading the nation in attendance. If we go 10-20 this year, we'll average 25,000 next season. If we go 13-17 that year, we'll average 25,000 the next season.

I respect your optimism, but this is wishful thinking on steroids. First of all, we haven't led the nation in attendance since 2005 - Kentucky has been first every year. Secondly, we have averaged in the 22-23K range for attendance the past 4 years despite being a consistent Top 10 team, not 25K.

In 2002, we averaged 17K while winning 20 games and being squarely on the bubble towards the end of the year. If the day ever comes where SU goes 10-20 and 13-17 (meaning no chance of a tourney bid), the Dome will look like a morgue. We have our core fanbase of 15K or so fans that go to NIT games, and go to early season Tuesday night games against Colgate. Those are the people that would be in the Dome if we were dreadful. The casual fans would dry up very quick just the way football has.
Great Post Rocco, and great point eao115.

I am like a lot of you who live and die for Syracuse Football AND Basketball. There isn't 1 other team I pull for all in sports so all my emotions ride on these 2 programs. The one thing that is evident is there are currently a TON of badnwagon Cuse basketball fans. You can tell just from twitter and facebook that a lot of the basketball fans are in the younger generation, where the die hard football fans, are exactly that, die hards who rode out the Gerg years. I am willing to bet that if God forbid something happens to Syracuse basketball, like say an NCAA probation, and the basketball program goes through a prolonged dry period, you will see some of the bandwagon fans jumping off like fleas. However the ones that you would have left are the ones who feverishly support both programs. Now before anyone screams at me I know there is just going to be some who like basketball, and then those who like football, and then ones like Marsh who just don't like the business of CFB. Bottom line people want to support a winner. I know we are not the same 0-2 as we were a few years ago, but the average fan doesn't know that, so we are unlikely to see the support in turn. I don't think the Athletic Department can just expect the average fan to come back, if they want them they are going to have to go out and get them. How exactly is a good question, but whatever it is will require spending some money, but if you look at the money surrounding college football right now it would be well worth it. In the meantime this was a good post just to get the point out there that even if you are a casual supporter of Syracuse Football it is more important then you think to make it a point to get out and make it to a few games. We are on our way back I have no doubt about that so at least you can say you hopped on the bandwagon right before it took off.
Maybe there's just not an appetite for college football in central New York.

Even the SEC teams that are not in contention for championships are filling their stadiums (I'm sure it doesn't hurt to have Florida, Georgia, LSU, Alabama, A&M, USC on the schedule...).

In 2012, of all the SEC schools, only Vanderbilt had an average attendance lower than SU (only by a couple hundred) and Kentucky averaged over 10,000 more fans per game than SU. Even when teams like LSU have consecutive down years (1998 and 1999, 4-7 and 3-8, respectively), they averaged 80,000 in attendance. Alabama was 4-9 and 6-6 in 2003 and 2004 but averaged about 82,000 in attendance. For most "football" schools, the success of the team has no effect on how many people show up.
It's not unlike Syracuse basketball. In the "down" years, SU will be still be leading the nation in attendance. If we go 10-20 this year, we'll average 25,000 next season. If we go 13-17 that year, we'll average 25,000 the next season.

ya that's not even close to true. I believe Syracuse Basketball attendance has actually been on a downward trend since the 80's

and as far as down South football is concerned it's not that all those people are die hard fans. Don't get me wrong a ton are, but a lot of people go to the games because they are an event. That's also what really hurts us up here. We don't have a centralized location where everyone can tailgate, but that's another discussion for another time. Football is a lifestyle down South, it's just what you do. If you have ever been to their tailgates you know what I am talking about. Just having something like that attracts tens of thousands of more fans
there are a ton more syracuse basketball fans nationally since 02-03. its a growing enterprise, and will continue to grow now that its in the acc.
My feeling is this... if you just flat out don't like football as a sport and that's the reason you don't like Syracuse football, that's fine. I, for instance, don't like lacrosse.

But, if you are a fan of SU basketball and then root for another school in football, then I feel like you're probably (not all the time, but probably) the type of fan that would jump ship if SU hoops ever started sucking.

This is me. I don't watch any college football (very little NFL football nowadays) so I'm not a guy who loves another school's team. If they are on TV and I have time, I'll watch as much as I can, but I don't go out of my way to watch. And I'm still a little pissed at college football in general for ruining natural college rivalries. I'm excited to watch the hoops team beat the crap out of UNC and Duke, but all things being equal, I'd much rather we were still playing in the Big East.
Great Post Rocco, and great point eao115.

I am willing to bet that if God forbid something happens to Syracuse basketball, like say an NCAA probation, and the basketball program goes through a prolonged dry period, you will see some of the bandwagon fans jumping off like fleas. .

Yeah Kentucky was in the same place 4-5 years ago. Thats what being good does.
Cuse basketball is more then that though we don't have a one and done system we have a unique 2-3 zone that goes long and a coach that coaches kids to grow and mature.
Kids stay at syracuse for 2-4 years and become known by the college basketball world as underclassmen and ones to keep a eye on.

Syracuse basketball is one of the top 2-3 programs in the country that has swag, personallity , exciting games,and athleticism that leads to exiciting plays. All fans know we are elite at that. As good as any team in the country at that makes us very easy to jump onto. Constantly bringing in elite athletic forwards at all times, and leading the country in blocks and transition.
After us, Louisville adopted a zone like ours and they aren't going anyhere and neither are we.
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Yeah Kentucky was in the same place 4-5 years ago. Thats what being good does.
Cuse basketball is more then that though we don't have a one and done system we have a unique 2-3 zone that goes long and a coach that coaches kids to grow and mature.
Kids stay at syracuse for 2-4 years and become known by the college basketball world as underclassmen and ones to keep a eye on.

Syracuse basketball is one of the top 2-3 programs in the country that has swag, personallity , exciting games,and athleticism that leads to exiciting plays. All fans know we are elite at that. As good as any team in the country at that makes us very easy to jump onto.

Louisville isn't going anywhere with there zone drop the syracuse will talk.

I totally agree. My point was more hypothetical that if the basketball program had a dry spell like the football program did that a lot of the fans would jump off. Then you find out who the real fans are.
Cuse basketball is a hot commodity and will always be as long as it keeps its zone even under hop or whoever. Its built on that athleticism. As long as that is there there will always be a good amount of fairweather fans. To much swag.

Similar to Syracuse's football defense making football fun for many years, but I can't see cuse basketball ever hitting rak bottom while the zone is there. They had 2 straight nit and first round losses and climbed out of it easy as pie.
There's no way SU basketball ever gets as low as during Greg Robinson's reign of terror - that would be like 7 wins / year. The basketball program is in a much better position now and going forward than the football team ever was any time recently.

As far as going to games in the south, it's nearly impossible to get a ticket in a decent seat - for football. For basketball, you can pick pretty much any seat you want for like $20 and sit in a half-empty arena. It's great.
OK I haven't read everyones responses yet didn't ant to be tainted. :noidea:

I am a huge bball fan, growing up in upstate NY with long winters and no real pro sports around SU bball was it. I still remember listening on the radio to games that weren't on TV during the week in the heart of the BEC schedule. I've never been a huge college fball fan,. There are so many players on each team, its a major undertaking to follow recruiting and we pretty much have zero chance to play for a NC every season because of the crappy system. I follow the Giants but now days with the cap, non garanteed contrats and all the player turnover it causes It takes me 3-4 weeks to figure out what we have every season. I do follow SU football. I know what our record is and who we will be playing most weeks. I watch many of the games and rout or the team. I'm extremely happy that our football program had enough history and was back on the upswing to help us get into the ACC and all the money that will bring which is mainly a fball thing. I understand that without football getting us into the ACC long terit could have killed the bball program.

I'm a fan don't get me wrong but I've tried when we are good, not so good, on the upswing everything and I have to be realistic I'll never be as much of a college fball fan as I am a college bball fan. However I will always pull for SU fball wish them well and hope that someday the system changes a bit so we don't have to keep watching the same 12 teams cycle through with a chance to win the NC and snag all the other big post season games.

As far as the message board I simply am not knowledgable enough to really post a heck of a lot on the fball side. I read over there quite a bit its very helpfull for a fan of my level. Whatever that means you decide.
My feeling is this... if you just flat out don't like football as a sport and that's the reason you don't like Syracuse football, that's fine. I, for instance, don't like lacrosse.

But, if you are a fan of SU basketball and then root for another school in football, then I feel like you're probably (not all the time, but probably) the type of fan that would jump ship if SU hoops ever started sucking.

I hear you. I'm nt a lacross fan myself but I want SU to win every damn lacross game forever and I'm proud that the program is so great. I like pro football but no where near the level I love college bball. I'm not a huge follower of college fball but I still rout for SU fball and support them above any others.
I totally agree. My point was more hypothetical that if the basketball program had a dry spell like the football program did that a lot of the fans would jump off. Then you find out who the real fans are.

I agree with a dry spell would loose a certain percentage of fans. I bet none that re posting in this thread however.

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