SU in New Orleans |

SU in New Orleans


All American
Aug 29, 2011
Had a great time in New Orleans this past weekend, a few lingering thoughts now that it's back to reality back home in D.C.

- Had a reservation at the Renaissance (the team hotel) but they promptly screwed it up by double-charging me for the room before I even showed up and neglecting that my reservation was for two beds for my buddy and I that came to NO. So instead we went to the JW Marriott down the street, but while having a drink waiting for everything to get cleared up, the team walked in and we got a chance to meet Coach Marrone and get a picture.
- Not much of an SU presence on Bourbon Street on Friday night, the place was overrun with Florida teenies in town for the LSU game. This was incredibly annoying but got to meet a few good SU fans, including three guys we hung out with on the balcony above one of the bars.
- My first time on Bourbon Street was a glorious April weekend in 2003, and have been back a few times since, but courtesy our newfound friends, found a whole new use for beads - whipping at the heads of douchebag Florida fans. This was highly effective.
- SU representation picked up on Saturday - who needs any other event for tailgating when you have such a unique experience as the French Quarter. Definitely did some good "work" before the game.
- I was proud of the SU turnout at the game, and was amazed by the total lack of support for Tulane. I wasn't expecting much, maybe 20K, but they couldn't have had more than 2,000 on their sideline. Definitely more orange in the building.
- Like everyone, I am very concerned about this team. As everyone said walking out, a win is a win, but that wasn't exactly encouraging.
- If we're going to burn AAM's redshirt, why not do it any of the previous five games? And if Marrone thinks he's a back that can always get a needed yard, where was he on 4th and 6 inches inside the 1 against Rutgers?
- Could our playcalling be any more predictable than it is?
- Marrone's game management leaves much to be desired. We may need a coach of common sense. 16 seconds left, clock running, with 3 timeouts, inside the 10. Why not call timeout, set up a play to get the ball to the middle of the field and have plenty of time to call timeout to set up a field goal on the last play. Instead, we run to the line with a running clock, run off tackle away from the middle of the field, and the clock nearly runs out with Bailey getting stood up at the line, giving Krautman a diagonal kick. Drove me nuts.
- Nice SU representation on Saturday night post-game , though I definitely missed the massive orange turnout that I was part of in 2003. Hope we get to reprise it next April.
- Florida fans are douchebags - best moment of the weekend was the SU fan next to us on Saturday night clocking some dbag in pink pants making out with his girlfriend in the middle of the street.

Well done Orangemen fans.
Sounds like the guy needs a new girlfriend.

er, meant the dbag's girlfriend. But yes, I concur based on the fact that she was by far out of his league.
er, meant the dbag's girlfriend. But yes, I concur based on the fact that she was by far out of his league.

This is going way OT...but the way a guy gets a girl that's way out of his league is by being a . Game Theory 101. Getting clocked would significantly reduce his social yes, he's prolly looking for a new girlfriend this week.

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