First, in the future I would suggest that you not take the Lord's name in vain while posting - it is offensive to many. Second, I do not recall any player wearing a floppy hat or backward baseball cap during any official football proceeding under Marrone. And I've been to every home game for as long as I can recall and have no doubt that I have been to far more banquets, golf outings, donor events and coaches/players meeting in a single year than you ever have. Third, your interpretation of a word that has nothing to do with race is your problem - you apparently attribute certain attributes to a particular group of people - I don't. Fourth, I gather you're still smarting from the fact that despite being some type of professional broadcast researcher, you apparently have no real feel for viewer or fan perception of the football game experience. Don't take your inferiority complex out on me with what is apparently your own self-contained racism.