Super article on JB comments from CBS Sports |

Super article on JB comments from CBS Sports

Seriously great column. Thanks for sharing.
I agree, good article.

But man he is getting hounded in the comments...:eek:
But the whole point is that he doesn't care if he gets hounded. That's where the courage comes in.

Yeah I know he doesn't care, I was just saying like, Wow, lot of hate there...I know Jimmy isn't very worried about what other people think about him.
Probably one of the worst things in his life was the Bernie Fine situation, his defensive, loyal reaction, then the blow back, the realization that there might have been something to the allegations, the uproar, the outcry, his apology . . . . I imagine him thinking, "What can happen if I speak out? Some people will get mad? Duhhhhh." He's lived through the worst. Now he gets to experience blow back for what he considers a righteous cause. I bet he won't have a single regret.
Much better article than that tripe from NBC sports posted earlier today.
Many of the comments are scary, repulsive and open up a dark side of our society.
Strong column by Reid Forgrave.
It was a gutsy statement by Boeheim - regardless of anyone's underlying feelings about the subject.
Now if only he showed as much concern about his players.

As I have said in another post...say that to him in person, I guarantee you will find out how much concern he has for his players. Have you net ever seen the presser when he went off about GMac? That is just one example.
Strong column by Reid Forgrave.
It was a gutsy statement by Boeheim - regardless of anyone's underlying feelings about the subject.
Now if only he showed as much concern about his players.

None of us here on the outside of the program have any idea what his relationships with his players are actually like.

I do know that many of his former players speak quite highly of him and have continued to be very supportive of the program.
None of us here on the outside of the program have any idea what his relationships with his players are actually like.

I do know that many of his former players speak quite highly of him and have continued to be very supportive of the program.

br...probably not worth it...from now on gonna show bleep the same cocern for his posts that he thinks JB has for his players...NONE!!
i'm more interested in boeheim winning 900 games. anyone can share their opinion if a microphone is in front of them. that's no acheivement. if people want to talk about what he does off the court, it should be how much money he donates and raises for cancer research.
not to nitpick but isn't this article from fox sports?
The article comments aren't surprising. It's just a reflection of the society we live in. Your opinion on something doesn't match mine, so instead of having an insightful debate about it, I'm gonna spew hate and vitriol.
Strong column by Reid Forgrave.
It was a gutsy statement by Boeheim - regardless of anyone's underlying feelings about the subject.
Now if only he showed as much concern about his players.

You truly have NO IDEA how much he cares for his players, current and former. There is a reason why his former players stay close to him and the program. He does so much more than people realize. There are very few, if any, coaches like him out there anymore. Believe me. He cares. A LOT.
You truly have NO IDEA how much he cares for his players, current and former. There is a reason why his former players stay close to him and the program. He does so much more than people realize. There are very few, if any, coaches like him out there anymore. Believe me. He cares. A LOT.
Agreed. I had the privilege of attending the DC alumni club banquet honoring the 2003 NC and saw first-hand and heard about how he treats his former players. There are certain former players who, shall we say, have struggled after their SU playing days. I spent a fair amount of time with one of them at the banquet. Let's just say that there is no plausible way anyone could reach the same conclusion as ColBleep having witnessed what I did.

He bends over backwards for his players.
br...probably not worth it...from now on gonna show bleep the same cocern for his posts that he thinks JB has for his players...NONE!!

Is it really best for send the message, "Hey, no problem as long as there's no active case against you?"
Or should the coach help MCW learn a lesson like: you can't always buy your way out of trouble?

When he tried to swipe the items from Lord & Taylor, MCW was showing tremendous disrespect for his teammates by jeopardizing their season.
After all, he's probably the most important player on the team.
And besides breaking the law, he embarrassed himself, his teammates, his school and his coach.
But Boeheim couldn't suspend him...that would hurt the team's on court capabilities.

The coach could have shown him that a man faces up to his wrongdoing instead of hiding behind phrases like it was a "misunderstanding" (which seems to mean that MCW misunderstood that he's supposed to pay the store for items he wants).
That actually requires taking public responsibility for your actions.

It's easy to moralize when it doesn't directly affect you.
900 wins on the court...another big loss off it.
Is it really best for send the message, "Hey, no problem as long as there's no active case against you?"
Or should the coach help MCW learn a lesson like: you can't always buy your way out of trouble?

When he tried to swipe the items from Lord & Taylor, MCW was showing tremendous disrespect for his teammates by jeopardizing their season.
After all, he's probably the most important player on the team.
And besides breaking the law, he embarrassed himself, his teammates, his school and his coach.
But Boeheim couldn't suspend him...that would hurt the team's on court capabilities.

The coach could have shown him that a man faces up to his wrongdoing instead of hiding behind phrases like it was a "misunderstanding" (which seems to mean that MCW misunderstood that he's supposed to pay the store for items he wants).
That actually requires taking public responsibility for your actions.

It's easy to moralize when it doesn't directly affect you.
900 wins on the court...another big loss off it.

Were you in the room when JB discussed this with MCW? Do you work in/for the basketball program? Do you know anyone who does? Do you either run, asked your advice as to the runnings or have any influence whatsoever in reagrds to the basketball program? Do you know the story on what happened, other than what was reported on this board and in the media? My guess your answer to all those questions would be NO. Therefore maybe you should get off your high horse and come back to reality and realize you really have no idea what you are talking about. Can you honestly tell me you have never made a mistake? If you do, then I will call you a liar to your face!! Everyone has made mistakes in their lives.

What is sad that it's "fans" like you that do not appreciate the fact that players/athletes are human and make mistakes and the from youo high pedestal you have place youself you judge others. I trust a coach like JB who has been very successful and had many players come back that are appreciative for the way he treated them (like adults, not kids), then someone like you who sits behind a keyboard on a message board and judge someone based on little to no knowledge of what happened.

Sadly, you will probably come back with the same basic garbage you have been spewing here and in other posts. I really feel sorry for you as apaprently you don't get enough attention in real life and thus must come here to say things like this to get whatever attention you are craving. Unfortunately for you, sir, this is the worng type of attention, because if anyone on this board had any interest to what you have to say, it is now gone. Enjoy message board obilivion, sir!!
I'm a NRA Life Member, and JB was right on the money. I hunt, own more guns than I should, but I don't own a single military/assault type weapon and don't see the need for them as sporting arms. The last time we tried to fix this, the manufacturer just changed their designs to skirt the regulations. This is very tough to get a law that does what you want to accomplish without restricting sporting guns that part of our heritage. There are a lot of smart people in this country, maybe somebody can come up this a reasonable approach.
I've already said this once in another thread. The AK4 Bushmaster (the same basic weapon the madman at Sandy Hook had) has for some perverse reason become the #1 non-hunting weapon being sold in the U.S.. What is their purpose? The madman carried a 30 bullet clip. What is its purpose? I will strongly reiterate that I have no problems with responsible individuals owning hunting guns for their sport (BTW its not my sport). But for some perverse reason some people in our society glorify guns and insist on reasoning that our country is based on the premise that bans or limitations on any weapons is an abridgement of everyone's (not mine, btw) individual rights. Outside of third world countries the U.S. has the dubious records of 1) # of murders (not suicides) by guns in the world; and 2) # of mass killings using guns (Finland is 2nd with 2 mass killings while the U.S. is over 16). And in almost every case (I said almost) the use of semi-automatic guns or pistols were the primary weapon of choice with ammo clips holding 30 bullets. Why is the Bushmaster so popular? No kick. Quick finger response on trigger. Any dummy can use it ... with effective lethal power. So I ask again what is the purpose? My hunting friends out there. How many deer have you brought home using a Bushmaster AK4? How many bullets do you need in a clip? I will now add a disclaimer. Banning weapons is not the singular answer to the violence in our society. We need much stronger laws and regulations that are enforced relative to obtaining weapons. We need significant background checks; we need longer waiting periods; we need significant restrictions on gun show sales; we need law enforcement response for individuals not appropriately using gun safes; and yes we need a neighborhood reporting system. And with all the great minds that are at our disposal (not including Arizona, Texas, and the NRA) I am sure that legislation can be accomplished that will not abridge the rights of responsible hunting gun owners. And to those who will say (typical NRA response) that any restriction or limitations on guns is abridgement of an indviidual's civil rights I respond by saying that ensuring those individual rights has abridged the individual rights of many who only wanted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I will accept, readily, the loss of some civil liberties to ensure that a Sandy Hook or a Virginia Tech or an Aurora Colorado or a Columbine or a ... etc. never happens again!!! For society's betterment.
And Colonel Bleep, Sir, you are an absolute idiot for attempting to make an argument that is worse than apples and oranges.
Strong column by Reid Forgrave.
It was a gutsy statement by Boeheim - regardless of anyone's underlying feelings about the subject.
Now if only he showed as much concern about his players.
This is sarcasm. Right? Cause SU "wouldn't have won 10 games " if he didn't care for his players!
This is sarcasm. Right? Cause SU "wouldn't have won 10 games " if he didn't care for his players!
See his arguments above. No unfortunately it was not meant as sarcasm. :0(

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