Commandments | Commandments


Give it all to me fool!
Aug 26, 2011
The absolutes of being a real, true, Syracuse football fan, as per our most humble posters (please add)

I. Thou shall never, ever, leave a game early, regardless of reason, commitment, infirmary, or other worldly pleasure or torture.
II. Thou shall never shake keys.
III. Thou shall never wear only blue as a section.
IV. Thou shall never do anything on a Friday night or Saturday, other than attend an Orange game, regardless of familial, vocational, or other conflicting worldly pursuits.
V. Thou shall stand, pretty much always, and shall never castigate nor judge another for doing the same.
VI. Thou shall not covet Orange Basketball, while shunning Orange Football.
VII. Thou shall forsake Shirtworld.
VIII. Thou shall never anticipate winning (or say so aloud).
IX. Referees cannot be trusted, for their compensation comes from North Carolina, a place that is to be forsaken.
X. Thy head coaches of Boston College and Rutgers shall always be despised and ridiculed.
So it is written

Happy Yul Brynner GIF
XVI.Thou shall not worship false gods (Paterno).
XVII. Thou shall stand until the first basket for Syracuse.
XVIII. Remember the Game Day, to keep it holy.

XVII is a hoop commandment. Also, should we have been using "shalt" instead of "shall?"
XVII is a hoop commandment. Also, should we have been using "shalt" instead of "shall?"
We cover hoops on And eight of the 10 commandments have the word shall in them. Not have shalt.
My nephew and his fiancé told me today they picked a date for their wedding….September 16, 2023. I told them if there is a Syracuse game that day, they are going to get a really nice gift….but I won’t be at the wedding.
My nephew and his fiancé told me today they picked a date for their wedding….September 16, 2023. I told them if there is a Syracuse game that day, they are going to get a really nice gift….but I won’t be at the wedding.
pretty sure we are at purdue that day
XI. Thou shall never do the "wave".
I love the wave! What do you have against the wave? Were you traumatized by the wave as a child? Did you spill your beer during a wave? Are you also against dancing?
someone vision GIF
Thou shall make an appearance to support the wonderful and hard working folks at the Fine Mess Cruz Tailgate as often as possible
The Wave Sucks - - just my opinion -- real cheering works, the wave looks orchestrated - therefore no true emotion
I love the wave! What do you have against the wave? Were you traumatized by the wave as a child? Did you spill your beer during a wave? Are you also against dancing?

Our fans do the wave when we're on offense.

That's like making noise to distract your own FT shooters.


Kevin Bacon Dancing GIF by STARZ

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