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Gross is on ESPNCNY Carlson is tweeting about his comments on the Dome..
Gross is on ESPNCNY Carlson is tweeting about his comments on the Dome..
While I agree with many of your points I've got to dispute #6. In the late 1970s when I live there the population of Onondaga County was 464,000. Today it is 467,000. The five county area (Onondaga, Oswego, Madison, Cortland, Cayuga) had 767,000 residents in 1979; today the area is home to 791,000.
CNY population is higher today. I can buy that population growth has been minimal and wages for most folks stagnant or worse. But Central New Yorkers tend to paint a drearier picture of conditions than they are. You've got a different economy for sure than when I lived there but it's not all bad news.
100 dollar season tickets should be factored inThis has been discussed in many threads but regardless of the population, the amount of people with enough disposable income to be attending games on a regular basis has really shrunk. Wages overall have really declined as far as per capita buying power.
She's an idiot. She blew a great opportunity for the city at no cost.
The days of a wild Yale tailgate look to be over..., I do. It might not always be that many, but I have no doubt that easier access and better parking and tailgating would attract bigger crowds. Parking and tailgating for many at home games is a job. Then there's the climb up the hill. Doesn't keep me from going, but I bet it does for several thousand.
Years ago, when UConn used to play Yale at Yale Bowl, they'd get an extra 10,000 fans, mostly from UConn, because the tailgating was so good. Of course, many never left the parking lot and it was before they built the Rent.
This has been discussed in many threads but regardless of the population, the amount of people with enough disposable income to be attending games on a regular basis has really shrunk. Wages overall have really declined as far as per capita buying power.
Anyone else agree that a stadium seat will not work on the 300 level? When someone tries to sneak by you you have to stand or shift your legs.
If a person has a personal bring along seat, or the rentable soft seats with a back, then said person has less room and is tripping over the back of the chair.
Between the twenties on the lower bowl, and select other areas maybe. This way it also doesn't hinder capacity as much.
Wouldn't a stadium seat flip up when you stand ... providing even more room when someone wants to walk by.
SU won't show Miner (or you) its top-secret study for publicly funded sports arena
this is all so strange. lots of hot head SU fans here aren't thinking about this from the mayor's narrower perspective.You show me yours and I'll show you mine.
SU should release the report to the City or at least let the city look at it. I wonder if they were holding in to it until the new chancellor took office. The communication on this whole fiasco sucks.this is all so strange. lots of hot head SU fans here aren't thinking about this from the mayor's narrower perspective.
i would love to see that study to pick it apart. i guarantee it is loaded with expenses the city can't afford . i'm sure it's filled with the typical rosy unrealistic projections of economic impacts in stadium studies. they know that minor is cash strapped and might not be willing to make a big bet about this so they want her to sign off on it without anyone knowing what the city is on the hook for
why is SU so scared of the rest of us seeing this study?
SU won't show Miner (or you) its top-secret study for publicly funded sports arena
Have his first book, there is some gut-busting boffo belly grabber stuff in there. More real laughs out loud than I have had in 10 years.
.100 dollar season tickets should be factored in
inflation adjusted costs of attending have gone down
I think its also a matter of shifting priorities in spending of disposable income. Food has taken share as people spend more to eat healthier, telecom spend (cable, cell phones etc) are much much higher than 15 years ago, gym memberships and yoga classes are way bigger (not to mention debt servicing as credit usage as % of disposable income is way higher). People are doing more things as individuals, less as groups - going to SU games is I think for many locals a core element of being part of the broad community. As people care less and less about community at large and focus more on themselves and their segmented little corner of the community (socioeconomically divided neighborhoods, alternative private schools, yoga classes etc vs knights of Columbus, pot lucks at the fire station etc). The internet, real estate prices, and lack of a common enemy (we all united around not liking communism) - has led to a decline in community - and as unrelated as it seems that will definitely hit college football attendance in a town like Syracuse.