yeesh, getting booted out of there was a trip. Early first qtr, no buzz at all, no obnoxious behavior by anyone at all, literally grabbed the mini Jack out into the open not even poured into the Coke yet... And the big hand of the Nazi Usher hits the shoulder with a pull and simultaneous "you're outta here" and takes me out of there with a friend in tow (one who had the presence of mind to take pics on the way out... Wouldn't listen, give no chance and I tell him I want to speak to your head supervisor here. Had a clear head, a fistful of hate toward ND, pissed at the ridiculous nature of this policy with no leeway or second chance. Old cantankerous power tripping usher takes me to his fearless leader saying it won't matter as it is a hard and fast policy that I should have looked at my ticket for the policy. I look at him with as much disdain as I can muster again asking to please take me to your head guy. We have to wait a bit for me to be brought to him where he again says to me that it wouldn't matter, and it was apparent he was used to slobbering drunks who just get booted. Well I channel my most Hamilton like articulate and rational mindset and go at it with the head honcho who little did I know was Capt. Bligh reincarnated: Well after a little song and dance with Capt. Bligh all the while with him looking at me with laser like vision never breaking gaze or showing any human emotion...there I am giving him the blah blah blah, had no idea of the policy, blah blah blah, we can drink in the Carrier Dome, blah blah blah, will be more than happy to get rid of it, blah blah blah, revere this university and all it stands for (simultaneously throwing up in my mouth), blah blah blah, hope he can make an exception for this situation... Finished my spiel, he's still staring right through me uttering not a single word for what felt like an hour, finally with a wave of his Capt. Blye hook hand he waves us off and barely audibly mutters to the Nazi usher, "let him stay". The dissappointed look on the face of that usher could've been I swear the original ad for those visa commercials as far as I was concerned, and then off I went back to the crew giving over with a tear the rest of the Jr. JD bottles all the while being met with looks of What is going on from everyone in the section. Had I gotten booted I had an insurance extra tix I would have used to get back in as one of my friends was left back in Chicago too hungover to have made the game, Ah good times...