This is the time of year I feel the most grateful for this place, for the athletes that represent a place that has meaning to me, and for all the people that make it possible.
This year is especially gratifying. We've had a lot of down years and we have all felt it. A year ago we went through a significant change in leadership, with the uncertainty it brought, then nearly immediate optimism with a flood of talented players & coaches that joined Fran Brown in the effort to revive Syracuse University's football program. It's been quite a year, one that could have been a little better, or maybe a lot worse. I'm happy for me, for all of you, but especially for the university, the players, and the coaches. Thanks to those that took a big chance on the change: Wildhack, Brown, Nixon & other coaches, players like McCord that transferred in, and players like Gadsden, Pena, & Allen that didn't transfer out. You did us all proud and we're grateful. Very grateful. Exceedingly grateful.
This Syracusefan.com place continues to provide a wonderful venue for Syracuse fans. I've not been to a better fan site. Those of you that make this place possible, and sane, provide a great service to the rest of us. It's been decades in the making and takes a lot of effort to maintain, from technical and content perspectives. Most of the time we take it for granted. Today I want to thank you for what you do. You make my life better...every day. Temery, CTO, OX, Tomcat, Bees, CuseLegacy, MSOrange, Orange79, Cherie, and others: thank you for this place. It's appreciated more than words can convey. You're heroes...
And to those of you that post here, I thank you for the content and perspectives you offer. Quite honestly, I'm honored to share cyberspace with many of you. The quality of poster here shouldn't be underestimated. There are people here that are sports coaches & professionals, financial management folks, attorneys & similar, medical professionals, researchers, teachers, business folks, real estate professionals, contractors, administrators, welders, gamblers, etc. Many of you are connected to the sports programs somehow or run the tailgates, at home games and on the road. All of you create the incredible depth of perspective that make us all richer. This place is largely based on respect and dialogue. Thanks for that and thank you all for what I've learned and continue to learn from you. Much of what i know about SU sports I've learned from YOU. Best wishes in your endeavors and LGO!!