the crane the crane | Page 117 |

the crane the crane

I think we'll petition to have Walt permanently set in place, knuckled down as an archway over Forestry artwork you might say...

Edit: I think we'd have to paint him orange...
We can do for Walt what Mike Mulligan did for MaryAnne. (Though Walt doesn't have any steam to contribute. Nor do we have a basement to put him in).
They are loading what looks like a full crawler track from one of the cranes on the current flatbed.
The newer yellow crane with the lattice jib or tip is lowering a spiral it got from somewhere next the yellow counterweights
The backstays are all set around the corner so maybe we see some spiral girder assembly soon - maybe tomorrow.
Looks like the white crane loaded its own crawler track onto the flatbed? And now the crew is working on taking the other one off - is the small white crane disassembling itself?
Yep, they just took it off. Wonder if the new yellow crane is taking whitey's place? Perhaps it is needed up with Skylar? Whitey has its landing gear down to support itself and the flatbed is about to cart this crawler out of the yard. The crane looks a little funny with no legs.
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They can’t leave spiral on East side as is can they, don’t they have to add girder to support ?
There's a spiral and girder ready to go next to or tomorrow?
Yep, they just took it off. Wonder if the new yellow crane is taking whitey's place? Perhaps it is need up with Skylar. Whitey has its landing gear down to support itself and the flatbed is about to cart this crawler out of the yeard.
I would guess the yellow crane, which appears to be able to extend to the top of the box girders on the west wall of the dome, has replaced the white one become of its longer reach. The white one will probably go to the east side, where it is tall enough to reach the girders there.

They are putting a new spiral up on the east side. Looks like the spiral just moved into the Irving Ave main work area is the next one to go up on that side.

Progress at last!
I think they are going to remove the small white crane - there is now a truck with a red flatbed that looks like it is al steel to handle heavy loads. This should be interesting to watch.
I think they are going to remove the small white crane - there is now a truck with a red flatbed that looks like it is al steel to handle heavy loads. This should be interesting to watch.
Could be. I believe they already have one on the east side.
Looks like a collar is already on the spiral just moved into the open on Irving. The siding and scaffolding also appears to be installed on that back box girder. I bet both go up tomorrow. Might see a box girder go up on the east side later tonight, or at least tomorrow morning. Cool!
Red flatbed back in right under the small white crane's superstructure and I'll bet as tomcat says it will be going to the other side of the Dome.
Does anyone know if there are any girders or spirals at Skylar's end of the dome?
The girder that arrived around 8:20 was backed the whole way up Forestry until just the cab was visible. I assume it was unloaded there but I couldn't see it happen
I gotta say that these guys are impressive. They set the white crane up on a stand and the trucker backed the trailer under it...the first time without having to jockey the trailer around. There have to be some superb drivers involved in this project...the number of huge elements transported over a long distance, navigated through city streets, etc. That white crane is huge, yet just a fly compared with Walt...
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A friend of mine passed this along, thought I would share.

Very cool shot.

Strikes me as odd that, for all the protection given to things like aluminum benches, and all the hubbub made about honoring Pearl and The Shot over the past few years on a new hardwood floor, they're beating the hell out of the actual court where he played.
Is that original hoops floor inlayed so it’s flush with rest of Dome floor?
I don’t think I ever knew this was still under there.
Yes it is. It was the same rubber floor that was at Manley.
well if he cant put up a spiral he cant put up a girder.

but it does mean that we could be putting up a spiral while a girder is being done which would speed up the pace.
well if he cant put up a spiral he cant put up a girder.

but it does mean that we could be putting up a spiral while a girder is being done which would speed up the pace.

Dual lifting makes more sense, lets hope they do that

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