The Downside- Purdue |

The Downside- Purdue


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- Just before the game, we were informed that star receiver Oronde Gadsden, who had been through to be ‘week-to-week’ after last week’s injury is, in fact, out for the year, which means that his career here might be over if he decides, (as Andre Cisco and Trill Williams and Chris McCullough in basketball did), to declare for the draft anyway. We also found out that Trebor Pena, Kalan Ellis and Joe More, who we thought ‘might’ be ready to play in this game continue to be out and didn’t even travel with the team. I understand why Coach Babers doesn’t reveal this information before a game but it’s still disappointing to find that player’s injuries were more serious that had been hinted at. It’s also disappointing that so many of our injuries end player’s years and careers here. Does it just seem to happen to us more than anyone else? The injury bug that eventually brought last season down is still biting.

- It was worrisome to see a shot of the SU trainer messaging Garrett’s forearm, followed by a shot of Carlos Del Rio Wilson, who is likely not to win a game like this for us. Garrett remained in the game but we didn’t pass much after that. Purdue, for their part decided to take away our deep shots after some receivers got wide open early. But Garrett’s efforts to get the ball to them were not very sharp, even early in the game.

- But he wasn’t helped by some notable drops, the worst by Omari Hatcher, who just had to get his mitts on it and waltz into the end zone. These plays didn’t produce much yardage but it did warn Purdue to get back there and cover these people, which opened things up for Shrader’s and Allen’s runs and short passes. You have to think Gadsden would have caught those balls and given us a big early lead.


- Grady Denaburg missed that one field goal, (it was the first 40+ attempt of the season, leading one to wonder how accurate he is from distance), but otherwise seemed unaffected by kicking outdoors. But Jack Stonehouse, who should be unaffected, having averaged 42.4 yards per punt last year at Missouri, punted for a vonMarburgarain 34.3 on three punts. I'm glad we didn't have to use him much in this one.

- There were three teams on that field tonight. Ranked in the order of competence, they were Syracuse, Purdue, the Referees. The guys who belong in the striped suits called 20 penalties for 232 yards, many of them questionable for both teams. Those penalties sustained drives or negated touchdowns. Then there were the penalties they should have called, such as an obvious pass interference in the end zone in the first half followed by an obvious hit out of bounds, (far worse than one they called on us later in the game), which, after a sack was followed by Grady Denaburg’s missed field goal. Even the field goal would have made the fourth quarter a lot less nerve-racking.

- Then came the two totally weird calls on fumbles we recovered in the fourth quarter that could have put this game away. On the first a Purdue player, reaching for the ball, couldn’t get his arm up enough to get a hand on it and wound up swatting the ball away – while his right toe strayed out of bounds. He never came close to possessing the ball but it was ruled that because he touched it while his toe was out of bounds, Purdue got the ball back, even though we recovered it. Then they positioned the ball a couple yards closer to our goal than the spot where the fumble occurred, which, by their ruling, is where it was supposed to be placed.

- One the second, the ball was stripped from the Purdue runner, who was being gang tackled. It feel to the ground, between two Syracuse players. One seemed to pin the ball against the other and the mass of players descended upon it. When they unpiled it, a Syracuse player had it and a ref clearly singled that it was Syracuse ball. The play was reviewed and it was announced that “the call on the field stands”. I celebrated what seemed like it might end the game. Then I looked at the screen and Purdue was running a play. Somehow the call on the field had been changed before the review and that was what had ‘stood’. But that’s then the Syracuse defense rose and stuffed three straight plays to turn the ball back to us on downs. They are the ones that ‘stood’ and we got the ball after all. There was a great game in there somewhere, if you could find it among the pile of the official’s shenanigans.
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I didn’t have the volume up. I learned a new rule on fumbles tho, just touch it and go out of bounds and it’s your ball, got it. I guess EVERYONE is having trouble finding good help these days. That might’ve been the dumbest thing I ever did see lol. Those bums should’ve been fired on the spot and two random people from the stands should’ve been selected to take their spot lol
I'm glad I watched on TV as the stripes got both fumbles right. I blame the rules which have taken all sense out of the game. Too many rules leading to inconsistent enforcement and over dependence on replay. I blame the rule makers not enforcers. Stripes get evaluated every game and in football don't have a bias against Cuse...hoops not so sure but think that was anti JB.
The officiating/rules made it hard to fully enjoy watching the game.
I'm glad I watched on TV as the stripes got both fumbles right. I blame the rules which have taken all sense out of the game. Too many rules leading to inconsistent enforcement and over dependence on replay. I blame the rule makers not enforcers. Stripes get evaluated every game and in football don't have a bias against Cuse...hoops not so sure but think that was anti JB.
You must have seen something I didn't see on the 2nd fumble.
I'm glad I watched on TV as the stripes got both fumbles right. I blame the rules which have taken all sense out of the game. Too many rules leading to inconsistent enforcement and over dependence on replay. I blame the rule makers not enforcers. Stripes get evaluated every game and in football don't have a bias against Cuse...hoops not so sure but think that was anti JB.

How in the world did they get the second fumble call right? There’s no video of a Purdue player ever possessing it and the two closest officials both called it syracuse ball.
How in the world did they get the second fumble call right? There’s no video of a Purdue player ever possessing it and the two closest officials both called it syracuse ball.
I think the stripe signaled the wrong direction. No replay showed any team with control of it. Just because a guy comes out of pile doesn't mean he had it the whole time.
This Board had the simultaneous pick wrong. Stripes were right. The first fumble, dumb rule but stripes were right. Second fumble nobody clearly was seen possessing it. I think stripe signaled wrong direction and that caused confusion. Rightly so. The officiating is bad for everyone. This belief that the entire officiating world is out to screw SU is insane.
I think the stripe signaled the wrong direction. No replay showed any team with control of it. Just because a guy comes out of pile doesn't mean he had it the whole time.
This Board had the simultaneous pick wrong. Stripes were right. The first fumble, dumb rule but stripes were right. Second fumble nobody clearly was seen possessing it. I think stripe signaled wrong direction and that caused confusion. Rightly so. The officiating is bad for everyone. This belief that the entire officiating world is out to screw SU is insane.
Just because we're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get us. (I keed I keed)
Seriously though, the 1st fumble was fine, that's the rule. But the 2nd was clearly an SU recovery. 77 from Purdue dove into the pile but he never took the ball from the 2 SU players on top of it
The first ref got it right, but the 2nd who was further away, overrode it for Purdue & it was too inconclusive to overturn.
Personally I'm not one to care what officials do, it's the whole "don't worry about things u can't control" perspective. But the refs sucked for both sides yesterday. I saw calls against Purdue that had me shaking my head as well. It was equal opportunity incompetence, not just an anti-Orange thing.
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- Just before the game, we were informed that star receiver Oronde Gadsden, who had been through to be ‘week-to-week’ after last week’s injury is, in fact, out for the year, which means that his career here might be over if he decides, (as Andre Cisco and Trill Williams and Chris McCullough in basketball did), to declare for the draft anyway. We also found out that Trebor Pena, Kalan Ellis and Joe More, who we thought ‘might’ be ready to play in this game continue to be out and didn’t even travel with the team. I understand why Coach Babers doesn’t reveal this information before a game but it’s still disappointing to find that player’s injuries were more serious that had been hinted at. It’s also disappointing that so many of our injuries end player’s years and careers here. Does it just seem to happen to us more than anyone else? The injury bug that eventually brought last season down is still biting.

- It was worrisome to see a shot of the SU trainer messaging Garrett’s forearm, followed by a shot of Carlos Del Rio Wilson, who is likely not to win a game like this for us. Garrett remained in the game but we didn’t pass much after that. Purdue, for their part decided to take away our deep shots after some receivers got wide open early. But Garrett’s efforts to get the ball to them were not very sharp, even early in the game.

- But he wasn’t helped by some notable drops, the worst by Omari Hatcher, who just had to get his mitts on it and waltz into the end zone. These plays didn’t produce much yardage but it did warn Purdue to get back there and cover these people, which opened things up for Shrader’s and Allen’s runs and short passes. You have to think Gadsden would have caught those balls and given us a big early lead.


- Grady Denaburg missed that one field goal, (it was the first 40+ attempt of the season, leading one to wonder how accurate he is from distance), but otherwise seemed unaffected by kicking outdoors. But Jack Stonehouse, who should be unaffected, having averaged 42.4 yards per punt last year at Missouri, punted for a vonMarburgarain 34.3 on three punts. I'm glad we didn't have to use him much in this one.

- There were three teams on that field tonight. Ranked in the order of competence, they were Syracuse, Purdue, the Referees. The guys who belong in the striped suits called 20 penalties for 232 yards, many of them questionable for both teams. Those penalties sustained drives or negated touchdowns. Then there were the penalties they should have called, such as an obvious pass interference in the end zone in the first half followed by an obvious hit out of bounds, (far worse than one they called on us later in the game), which, after a sack was followed by Grady Denaburg’s missed field goal. Even the field goal would have made the fourth quarter a lot less nerve-racking.

- Then came the two totally weird calls on fumbles we recovered in the fourth quarter that could have put this game away. On the first a Purdue player, reaching for the ball, couldn’t get his arm up enough to get a hand on it and wound up swatting the ball away – while his right toe strayed out of bounds. He never came close to possessing the ball but it was ruled that because he touched it while his toe was out of bounds, Purdue got the ball back, even though we recovered it. Then they positioned the ball a couple yards closer to our goal than the spot where the fumble occurred, which, by their ruling, is where it was supposed to be placed.

- One the second, the ball was stripped from the Purdue runner, who was being gang tackled. It feel to the ground, between two Syracuse players. One seemed to pin the ball against the other and the mass of players descended upon it. When they unpiled it, a Syracuse player had it and a ref clearly singled that it was Syracuse ball. The play was reviewed and it was announced that “the call on the field stands”. I celebrated what seemed like it might end the game. Then I looked at the screen and Purdue was running a play. Somehow the call on the field had been changed before the review and that was what had ‘stood’. But that’s then the Syracuse defense rose and stuffed three straight plays to turn the ball back to us on downs. They are the ones that ‘stood’ and we got the ball after all. There was a great game in there somewhere, if you could find it among the pile of the official’s shenanigans.
Pretty much covered it all, SWC.
Biggest issue for me has to be the WR's. This game should've been over in the first half if they could just hang on to the ball.
Hatcher's drop was the most egregious but this was a group effort in playing hot potato. We had enough to beat Purdue, but if the receiving corps doesnt step up, we're not doing squat against the big boys .
Just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us. (I keed I keed)
Seriously though, the 1st fumble was fine, that's the rule. But the 2nd was clearly an SU recovery. 77 from Purdue dove into the pile but he never took the ball from the 2 SU players on top of it
The first ref got it right, but the 2nd who was further away, overrode it for Purdue & it was too inconclusive to overturn.
Personally I'm not one to care what officials do, it's the whole "don't worry about things u can't control" perspective. But the refs sucked for both sides yesterday. I saw calls against Purdue that had me shaking my head as well. It was equal opportunity incompetence, not just an anti-Orange thing.
I refuse to blame referees for wins or losses.

The non-call on the blatant PI near the endzone really hurt last night
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Another ref screw-up was when we got a first down (by forward progress) but the ref marked it two yards back. We ended up punting (for 23 yards)
I'm still scratching my head over that one. I went back and re-watched that play twice. Allen was clearly inbounds and 2 yards past the line before he got tackled and knocked backwards. Thought for sure it was a first down (even the announcers did), and next thing I hear is 2nd and 1 and then they called a snap infraction penalty and backed us up another 5 yards. I always thought forward progress determined where the ball should be spotted, but I guess these refs felt differently.
Just because we're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get us. (I keed I keed)
Seriously though, the 1st fumble was fine, that's the rule. But the 2nd was clearly an SU recovery. 77 from Purdue dove into the pile but he never took the ball from the 2 SU players on top of it
The first ref got it right, but the 2nd who was further away, overrode it for Purdue & it was too inconclusive to overturn.
Personally I'm not one to care what officials do, it's the whole "don't worry about things u can't control" perspective. But the refs sucked for both sides yesterday. I saw calls against Purdue that had me shaking my head as well. It was equal opportunity incompetence, not just an anti-Orange thing.
I agree with everything but the clear recovery but the bottom line is people should hate that the rules that make the game unwatchable.
hoping darton is ok. he was quite disruptive inside and the broadcasters sure liked telling his story.
saw alford limping a bit. we need him. and yes the punting and kicking need work. seems like even the EP'S were getting shanked left by both squads.
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I agree with everything but the clear recovery but the bottom line is people should hate that the rules that make the game unwatchable.
I can’t comprehend your logic on the second fumble. There is NO explanation you can give that would justify giving the ball back to Purdue.
I think the stripe signaled the wrong direction. No replay showed any team with control of it. Just because a guy comes out of pile doesn't mean he had it the whole time.
This Board had the simultaneous pick wrong. Stripes were right. The first fumble, dumb rule but stripes were right. Second fumble nobody clearly was seen possessing it. I think stripe signaled wrong direction and that caused confusion. Rightly so. The officiating is bad for everyone. This belief that the entire officiating world is out to screw SU is insane.

That's not what I said.

"The guys who belong in the striped suits called 20 penalties for 232 yards, many of them questionable for both teams. Those penalties sustained drives or negated touchdowns. Then there were the penalties they should have called...There was a great game in there somewhere, if you could find it among the pile of the official’s shenanigans."
I refuse to blame referees for wins or losses.

The non-call on the blatant PI near the endzone really hurt last night

I refuse to blame the referees for wins. :cool:
Just because we're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get us. (I keed I keed)
Seriously though, the 1st fumble was fine, that's the rule. But the 2nd was clearly an SU recovery. 77 from Purdue dove into the pile but he never took the ball from the 2 SU players on top of it
The first ref got it right, but the 2nd who was further away, overrode it for Purdue & it was too inconclusive to overturn.
Personally I'm not one to care what officials do, it's the whole "don't worry about things u can't control" perspective. But the refs sucked for both sides yesterday. I saw calls against Purdue that had me shaking my head as well. It was equal opportunity incompetence, not just an anti-Orange thing.
The SU player even came up with ball after pile was removed
Pretty much covered it all, SWC.
Biggest issue for me has to be the WR's. This game should've been over in the first half if they could just hang on to the ball.
Hatcher's drop was the most egregious but this was a group effort in playing hot potato. We had enough to beat Purdue, but if the receiving corps doesnt step up, we're not doing squat against the big boys .
1st road game for these guys without Gadsen. They will improve and we will get Jones and Peña back. Would like to see the TEs get some action tho at least squat for 10 yards, especially with a spy on Shrader
The SU player even came up with ball after pile was removed

Once both balls were fumbled, no Purdue player had possession of either one and yet the ball was awarded to them each time. :confused:

Whether it's a screwy rule, (if you don't possession the ball how can you possess it out of bounds?) or a screwy call, it's not right.

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