They split their 2 games. SH won on January 3 by 12. UConn won on February 4 by 23. Was margin of victory the tie breaker? Or most recent win? I don't know.
OK, here goes. First, the tiebreaker rules.
1. Regular season head-to-head results (one or two games).
If the tied teams split their two games, then proceed to Step 2 below.
2. Each team’s record vs. the team or tied teams occupying the highest position in the standings.
Continue down through the standings until one team gains an advantage. When comparing
records against a single team or collective tied teams (before ties are broken), the following may
a. If the games played against the team or group are equal, winning percentage prevails.
b. If the games played against the team or group are unequal, the following scenarios apply:
i. Most wins do prevail only if the team with fewer wins could not equal that win
total if they played the same number of games. Two examples of many scenarios
that do provide an advantage:
1) Team A 2-0 Team B 0-1
2) Team A 3-0 Team B 1-1
ii. Most wins do not prevail if the team with fewer wins could equal or surpass the
win total of the other team. Two examples of many scenarios that do not provide an
1) Team A 1-1 Team B 0-1
2) Team A 2-0 Team B 1-0
iii. Fewer losses do not prevail if the teams have the same number of wins and if the
team with fewer games could equal or surpass the loss total of the other team. Two
examples of many scenarios that do not provide an advantage:
1) Team A 1-0 Team B 1-1
2) Team A 0-1 Team B 0-2
c. If an advantage is not determined, proceed to the next team or group in the standings for
d. If the tie cannot be broken after continuing down through the last team or teams in the
standings, revert back to comparing records against the top teams in order and allow
winning percentage to prevail even if there is a comparison of unequal games. Only then, if
the percentages are both 1.000, is 2-0 better than 1-0. However, the reverse is not true – no
team gains advantage when all have a .000 winning percentage (0-1 is never better than 0-2).
If any ties still exist after implementing all of the above tie-breaking procedures, a coin flip is required.
The procedure takes place at The BIG EAST Conference office immediately following the conclusion of
the last regular season conference game. Commissioner John Marinatto or his designee will administer
this procedure. This session is open to the media and to athletic department representatives of the tied
OK. Head to head, they split. On to step 2.
- Both lost to SU - UConn twice. But according to the rules, this does not provide an 'advantage' for SH (see above - 0-1 is never better than 0-2).
- Moving on to Marquette - both lost.
- ND - SH lost, UConn went 1-1. But according to the rules, this does not provide an advantage to UConn, as SH could match UConn's record against Marq if they had played the same number of games.
- Georgetown - The Hall finally wins. They beat GT while UConn lost.
Here is the actual tie breaking procedure from the BE web site - also contains the procedure for a 3-way tie (or more).