The Jim Boeheim Show (1/3/19) |

The Jim Boeheim Show (1/3/19)


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Carrabba's Italian Grill in Fayetteville. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question! - Syracuse University Athletics
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: TuneIn | Free Internet Radio | NFL, Sports, Podcasts, Music & News

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


They might be switching to the two hour format with tonight’s show so I have prepared two questions, one for each hour:

“Coach, you’ve often said that it takes longer for big men to develop and also that foreign players take longer to develop because they didn’t grow up playing the game. Are we at a disadvantage recruiting as many foreign-born big men as we do compared to American-born big men? “

“Coach, we used to have good post –up scorers on our team: Otis Hill, Etan Thomas, Hakim Warrick, Arinze Onuaku, Rick Jackson and, in his senior year, Rakeem Christmas. Is there anyone on the current roster or anyone we are recruiting, (I realize you can’t name names), that could develop into that kind of player? “

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. The quotes may not be verbatim –they are from my scribbled notes. I have not knowingly changed the meaning. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)

Coach talked about Notre Dame, our next opponent: “They played very well at Virginia Tech, despite losing. It was still close- 4 points late. Tech shot 60% from three point range and 70% in the second half. Notre Dame has veteran guys and are a very good, well coached team. They’ve had a couple injuries just like they did last year but they’ve got some physical players and good guards. Connecticut transfer Juwan Durham leads the conference in blocked shots. John Mooney is their top scorer, (actually 2nd) and a top rebounder… Nate Laszewski is 6-10 but plays the perimeter. He’s one of the best shooters in college. We’ve played well at the Joyce Center. Gerry never lost a game there. It’s a small building with a loud crowd.“

Matt mentioned that a Miami player was declared ineligible. Jim hadn’t heard and wanted details. It turned out to be Dewan Hernandez, (formerly Huell) . He hasn’t played for them – they were holding him out because he was part of the Adidas investigation.

I called in my first question and was able to get the second in as a follow-up, (I had asked the producer when I called in if this was their first two hour show –that will be next week). I opened with a couple of good lines. I told him I’d heard on poster declare that “We couldn’t have won 10 games without Eric Dungey”. Jim laughed at that- where had he heard that before? Then I told the story of the scalper who told me as I got off the shuttle bus from Manley “I can get you a seat right next to Boeheim”. I told him “But that’s Chukwu’s seat!” With that Matt let out a yelp and stifled it. I didn’t hear the coach laughing on that one.

The answer to my question was primarily about things Coach has never said, (he says). He never said that foreign players take longer to develop because they didn’t grow up playing the game. “Many countries have extensive basketball programs.” He did admit that “Paschal didn’t play a lot right away when he came over. Our two big guys both average about 10 rebounds a game if you figure it out per 40 minutes. (11.5 and 11.1 actually, coach). Their defense has been OK.” (Coach never said it wasn’t!) “There aren’t many offensive big guys in college or the NBA any more. Teams like St. John’s Villanova and Marquette are perimeter teams. It’s much more of perimeter game. The reason we didn’t win early wasn’t our big guys.” (Coach never complained about the big guys.) “Buffalo’s big man was a 6-6 guy, (6-8 250 Nick Perkins). In college you win with perimeter players, guards and forwards. Our problem was that frank was hurt. “

I asked him if anyone could develop into an inside scorer like Rakeem Christmas. “There aren’t many Rakeem Christmases out there. We’ve been very fortunate to have players like Rakeem and Arinze Onuaku, who became a fine inside scorer. But we’ve won without them. Baye Keita, Craig Forth and Jeremy McNeil helped us win a lot of games.“ (Of course Forth and McNeil were surrounded by Carmelo Anthony and Hakim Warrick, both of whom could post up.)

JB then opened up on those who insist that guards can’t coach centers. “Bernie Fine and Brendan Malone hardly played the game and they coached our big men. Pete Newell was the best big man coach ever and he was barely 6 feet tall. I’ve worked with the big guys. I did it today. It’s all about doing the drills. North Carolina is the only program with multiple big men. Kansas used to have them but they are down to one now. You can go through every college and NBA team and not find very many offensive centers. The trend in the game is to open things up.”

Josh in Boulder Colorado was “impressed with our last win”. He asked what can be done to get Marek to shoot more. JB: “I never have told him not shoot. A player has to be comfortable with his shot. He’s working hard on it and his confidence is growing. Offense has been our problem. Bad offense shouldn’t lead to bad defense but it often does. We are better than we’ve played but that’s not saying much. One aberration is that Ohio State game. They have flaws but are a Top 15 team.

Matt went through a series of questions submitted by fans at the restaurant. One was about playing a 20 game ACC season. “That’s too many games. We’ll be beating each other up and the committee won’t give us credit for that. We can still play 18, play Georgetown, play a Big 10 team and a tournament. The league is getting better because the bottom t4rams are getting better. Pittsburgh, Boston College and Wake Forest are improving. You can be a good team and go 8-10 or 9-9 in the ACC and not get in the tournament. (With 20 games) we wouldn’t play teams like ODU. I’d like to play two more weak teams and be 11-2. Georgetown is the one game we would keep. Everybody wants it.”

Someone named Cameron wanted to know what Jim’s favorite color was. JB was taken aback by that one. “I haven’t thought about that one. It might have been green at one time. I guess it should be orange but I don’t have anything orange.” Matt told Cameron that “any other coach would have gone right to the default answer- orange- but Coach Boeheim thinks about his answers”.

Jake asked who the best player Jim every coached was. “Carmelo Anthony had the best career after he left here but Derrick Coleman, Billy Owens, Pearl Washington and Sherman Douglas were great players for us.”

Beanna Stewart was at the game. JB: “She will probably go down as the greatest women’s basketball player ever. She won 4 straight national championships and player of the year awards in college, the Olympics and now she’s got an MVP in the WMBA. She’ll probably get several more. She’s a great girl.”

The SU women’s team was playing Clemson. They were well underway, leading 33-24. They had attempted 20 three pointers already to Clemson’s 5, which made Jim chuckle. (The women would go on to win 84-75, making 16 of 38 three to 1 of 8 for the Tigers).

The men will play Clemson after Notre Dame. “They have Marcquise Reed, one of the best players in the conference and a tough inside guy in Elijah Thomas. Nothing is easy in the ACC.

Steve Alford is out at UCLA. “It’s unusual for that to happen during the season. I don’t like it. It doesn’t make much sense. They had two guys out. They are lucky to have a veteran coach there in Murray Bartow. Once you get into conference play, things can change dramatically. You can throw everything else out the window.” That’s what Jim would like to do. But the ACC is tough. “Everybody has a tough stretch. We’ve got 5-6 ranked teams, 3-4 of them in the top ten.”

On the SU Bowl Game: “It’s a great thing to win a bowl game. The experts expected a 5-6 win season at best. It’s a tremendous tribute to the players and coaches. Eric Dungey is a warrior. But I think the rise of the defensive backs and the defensive line were the keys. We’ve bene able to score but we haven’t bene able to stop teams. Mitchell will be a really good quarterback.” (Yes he said “Mitchell”!) “That Oklahoma running back looks really good. There are a lot of really good pieces.” Matt mentioned Triston Jackson, whom juim was familiar with from his basketball recruiting. They discussed the new transfer rules that allowed Abdul and Adams and Jackson to play. Jim thinks it’s a loophole they might close in the near future.

Alabama Clemson will be a “great game. We could have easily beaten Clemson if we’d stopped that fourth down pass by that back-up quarterback. It’s crazy. Clemson has a good chance. But don’t bet against Alabama. But Georgia lost to Texas. Oklahoma had its way after the bad start. Maybe Alabama isn’t that strong?”

Matt said he met someone who went to Canton McKinley High School, one of the top high school athletic programs in the country. Has Jim ever recruited anyone from there? He thought about it and thought perhaps he had. “We don’t recruit Ohio much. We got Louis Orr from there. We had a Cincy guy last year and it didn’t work out so well.”
I wish you had asked JB how we will prevent their 6'4" guy from posting us up 4 times like last season, and why our 7'2" guy can't post them up once.

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