The JIm Boeheim Show before BC II |

The JIm Boeheim Show before BC II


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


“Coach, I listened to you exchange with Bud Poliquin after the Pittsburgh game and I have several comments.

- You do hear people say that the NCAA tournament is all that matters. I don’t believe that. I think each season at Syracuse features good teams, good players and good performances. Seasons can be made special by regular conference championships, conference tournament wins, #1 rankings and 30 win seasons. Basing one’s reaction to a season entirely on a single elimination tournament reduces a fan’s enjoyment to only a few seasons.

- Bud made several mistakes: You can cut a season in half and say that a 25-0 start doesn’t count and only a 3-6 finish is part of the current era. We didn’t get a whole different team for the Boston College game, (in 2014). You also can’t use the negatives in a season to negate the positives. If a team has a great regular season, a great conference tournament or a great NCAA tournament that will make the season memorable, even if the whole season wasn’t great. Finally, each team is a different team. You have to put together each year’s team from whoever is left from last year’s team and whoever you can recruit form high school or get in the transfer market. The 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 teams are four entirely different teams and next year’s team will be different than this one. They can’t be linked together to create an “era”. They have to be evaluated individually.”

In the second hour I called in another question. I noted that west Virginia had beaten #1 ranked Baylor 89-68 by forcing 29 turnovers and that they are averaging forcing 25 a game, 6 more than anyone else in the country. I asked what they are doing to accomplish this and is this something we could be doing here?

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


On the Virginia Tech game- “It’s tough to win on the road. Virginia Tech is a really good team that had won 15 straight at home. They have veteran guys and shoot the ball well. We didn’t play as well as we need to play. We didn’t just beat Miami and Pittsburgh. We were up by 20 or more in those games….We are a better team than what we are playing… We just couldn’t keep the quality of our play that high. It was disappointing to play that poorly defensively. If we play well on defense, that’s a close game….We gave up too many easy baskets and played poorly on offense…. We didn’t get good movement….We made a good comeback to get it back to 3 but we weren’t consistent. We struggled the whole game on defense. It’s like playing 4 freshmen or sophomores. Once you figure it out, you should be able to continue...Tyus Battle has been consistent. Andrew White has been solid. Taurean Thompson is the best player in the low post we’ve had in some time and he can hit the 15 footer and pass.” (Did he mean the high post?) “Tyler Lydon was OK until he hurt his ankle.”

“Tyler probably shouldn’t have played the second half….Tyler’s ankle is sore and he has not been practicing. We hope he can practice tomorrow. We’ll have to wait and see. You can still play and contribute with a bad ankle.” Later Gomez wondered who made that decision- is it the coach or the trainer? “You listen to the trainer. He has an idea. But only the player can tell the degree of pain. If he’s limping, that’s a good clue.”

Regarding Boston College: “They are playing great right now. Ky Bowman is the best freshman guard in the country.“ Matt noted that Jerome Robinson has had eight 20 point games in a row and he’s their second best scorer to Bowman. JB: “You can’t find two better guards on one team in the country. Bowman was a football player and decided he’d rather play basketball. Nobody knew about him. He likes basketball better, which is understandable since it’s physically easier.….They are both strong and physical, which helps them play man to man. And they shoot well, too….Sometimes the zone helps you in certain areas but in other areas you aren’t sure it’s best….BC also has 6-7 A. J. Turner, a good all-round player. They don’t have much bench – a couple of guys. Most teams in the league play 6-7 guys, with Florida State being an exception.”

They also discussed the problems of winning on the road in the ACC. Matt said that home teams are 21-7 so far in the conference. JB: “The bottom teams have gotten better and that makes it harder. Everybody’s good enough to beat you on the road”. (In their place.) There are two teams unbeaten in the conference- Florida State and Notre Dame, who, Jim pointed out, barely beat Pitt and Clemson. “That’s the way the league is. Florida State had a couple NBA caliber players who stayed and they’ve had a couple of good recruiting classes….UNC played 8-9 guys last year so they have plenty of experience. They have great size and Jackson and Berry are shooting the ball better. They might be better than last year. ”

I called in my comments. JB’s response: “I agree completely that you can’t take part of a season and use it to evaluate a team….For me it’s very important to win the regular season games. I never said it wasn’t. Most fans and the media say that the post season is what’s really important. Jamie Dixon won 27 games a year at Pitt and they wanted to get rid of him. 26-27 wins is a great year. My point is that it’s not a bad year when you go to the Final Four. The ideal is to play well in both the regular season and the post season. You don’t want to just barely get in. You want to get in comfortably hand have a good seat.”

In the second hour I called in another question. I noted that west Virginia had beaten #1 ranked Baylor 89-68 by forcing 29 turnovers and that they are averaging forcing 25 a game, 6 more than anyone else in the country. I asked what they are doing to accomplish this and is this something we could be doing here? “They are pressing the whole game- 40 minutes- with 9-10 guys. They recruit for that. They have great athletes. They are the only team in the country doing that. Only they can sustain it.” Why are they the only team doing it? ”People used to press like that. Now we just get a few soft presses. Not many teams have that kind of depth. If you expand your defense your half- court defense won’t be quite as good.”

It is interesting to look at the NCAA stats on forcing turnovers:
Turnovers Forced | DI Men's Basketball Statistics -
There aren't many power conference teams among the leaders. That implies that the ball handlers in power conferences can handle this type of approach better. However, if West Virginia is the only team using this approach, then you can't really draw that conclusion.

Adam called in to ask about DaJuan Coleman. JB: “He is available. His knees are sore but he can play. He has limited movement and that makes it hard to do the things he has to do. Lots of teams have a short roster. Last year we went a long way with 6 ½ players.” (The midget was really good.) “We need more consistent point guard play. We are halfway through the year.” Matt asked if it was a home-road thing. “No- they’ve had some bad games at home, too.”

A question texted in asked if the coach had noticed more traveling calls this year. “That’s a good observation. We had a few in our game that didn’t look like traveling. They are definitely making more contact calls.”

The BC game is “90’s day”, dedicated to appreciating the players who player for us in the 90’s, including Derrick Coleman, (barely), Billy Owens, Dave Johnson, Lawrence Moten, John Wallace, Lazraus Sims, Todd Burgan, Ryan Blackwell, Jason hart and Etan Thomas. “It was a great era.”
no come on man, he said FRESHMAN guard - you know, better than Monk, Ball, Fox, Fultz, F.Jackson, D.Smith...

You're right I checked my notes. He did say Bowman was the best freshman guard.

Gomez had his first opportunity to talk with Jim Boeheim of the year, (since Adrian Autry was on last week). He joked that the coach was no invited to Donald Trump’s inaugural. JB: “I’m not sure I would want to go. It just gets weirder and weirder. He seems to be putting some good people in his cabinet and I hope he listens to them or we’ll have about 8 wars.”

Vice President Biden got the Medal of Freedom. “He’s a great guy. He’s always supported our teams. He leaves a message after a tough loss or a good game. He’s in it for the love of his country, not to help himself. I’m very proud to know he’s a Syracuse guy.”

Louie Carnesecca celebrated his 92nd birthday on January 5th. JB: “For ten years after he retired he looked better than he did at 70.” (He was 67 when he retired in 1992.) “He calls me every year to discuss our season. His teams always played great defense and came at you the whole game.”) It helps when you have six guys on the court, including Louie.) “He never had a complaint after a game. He just shook your hand.”

Eric Devendorf “talks to the players about conditioning and how to get to the basket. That’s all he’s allowed to do- talk to them. “Later, describing the ND-Miami game, expressed admiration that one of the teams had “gone the last 3-4 times right to the basket to score – it’s what you have to do late in games.” Eric was the best we’ve had at doing just that since the days of the Pearl.

Lazarus Sims walked by. He was there for Mayor Minor’s speech. “He’s part of the city now.”

Coach has a little time to pay attention to golf and noticed that Justin Thomas had a 59 in a tournament in Hawaii after winning there the previous week. Dan McCarthy of Syracuse was the leading money winner on the Canadian PGA Tour and won four tournaments. He’s now on the tour, which kind of Triple A for golf. “That’s a tough tour. Guys come right off that toru and win PGA tournaments.).

One of the things they are bringing back to the concession stands to celebrate the 90’s at the BC game is “Crystal Pepsi”. Remember that? The coach didn’t. He’s an aficionado of soft drinks, (as am I), and he was a “Coke drinker” back then. He remembers Coke Zero, (which he didn’t like), but not Crystal Pepsi, which apparently was a colorless version of Pepsi.

Regarding Grayson Allen: “He made some mistakes and admitted to it. You have to control yourself. The assistant coach backed him up. He’s been getting enough heat. He’s a good kid. In the heat of battle, you react to things.”

Should we play in quarters rather than halves, as the women, the high schools and the NBA do? “We’ve been playing for two halves for so long, it’s hard to switch. I haven’t thought of any advantages or disadvantages. The time outs would be different. I don’t know if there’s any interest in changing.”

Coach is suitably impressed with the UCONN women’s team, which beat #20 South Florida 102-37. “They might not lose- their toughest games are behind him. They may be better next year. They’ve got two transfers waiting to play. They had one close game. Against Florida State they had to make about 8 plays in a row to win and they made them all. A really well coached team.” JB is such a basketball guy that he even watches the women’s games, whether Syracuse is involved or not.

OCC is ranked the #1 JUCO team in the country. When Tyrone Albright was there, they won a national championship, (1993).

Gomez had mentioned that the first SU game he had attended was the Navy game in the NCAAs where David Robinson beat us, (1986). When I called in my second questions I mentioned that Navy went to the line 54 times in that game and we only went 21 times. Jim responded to that by saying that “We were down 18-20 points and started fouling them with 10 minutes to go.” When have you ever seen a Jim Boeheim team do that? If we’d started fouling them with ten minutes to go, we’d have run out of players long before the game ended.

They talked briefly about the football championship game. “A great game.” Is there any financial benefit to SU because a conference team won? “If you make the Final Four, everybody in the conference shares the $16 million. It doesn’t matter if they won. There will be a little extra money coming in.” Matt pointed out that the league had a 9-3 record in bowl games. JB: “The league was under-rated. The same thing happened in basketball in terms of NCAA tournament production.”

What does coach think about the NFL playoffs? “They’ve got some prime quarterbacks still playing. It’s fun to watch.” What about the hiring of Doug Marrone and Tom Coughlin in Jacksonville? “They will do a great job. They are smart football guys and Syracuse guys.”

Bo Jackson said that he would not want his children playing football, considering what he knows now. JB: “I saw him a lot on TV. He was good at both sports but should have stuck with baseball. If you are a position player, you are much less likely to have a career ending injury. In football, you’re going to be sore for the rest of your life. Players are bigger, stronger, faster and hit harder than the old days. It’s a struggle for them to get out of bed in the morning.”

The NBA MVP will be either James Harden or Russell Westbrook. Harden is averaging a triple double and Harden is close. Houston has won more games. Westbrook already had a TD in the third quarter of a recent game. He had a game where he didn’t make any threes and scored 34. If he makes threes he scores 50. “Mike D’Antoni is a great coach for point guards. He got Steve Nash two MVPs and he’ll get Harden a couple.“

They talked about our 2010 team and how we seemed to have all the NBA prospects but Butler had Gordon Heyward, who has had a good NBA career and so has Shelvin Mack, who now with Utah. “We’ve got no one but Wes Johnson”, who is barely playing for the Clippers.

The Knicks “have lost a couple of close ones and can’t get it going.. They’ve got Porzingis but they have a lot of older guys. I don’t think it can be fixed. They can’t get the players they need to come to new York. Nobody wants to give up a great player for Carmelo.

Gomez brought up the George Karl book and Jim repeated what he’d said last week: “He went overboard. Those players got him there. I would never criticize players in a book about what they did years ago.

Gomez asked if it’s harder to coach millennials than previous generations. JB: “They still want to win. There are more distractions today. Too many kids are thinking “How can I get to the NBA?” when they aren’t going to the NBA. For a typical college starter, their chances of playing in the NBA are small, although their chances of playing someone, such as Europe, are good. We’ve had a lot of guys play in Europe.

Ice Cube is sponsoring a 3 on 3 tournament involving retired NBA players. “These things usually don’t go too well. I think it will be pretty slow. Basketball is a hard game for old timer’s games. I hear John Wallace will coach one team. “

Jim’s all-time favorite baseball player is Hank Aaron. He was big Milwaukee Brave fan back in the day, (the “day” being now more than 50 years ago), and he was star struck when he got the meet Hank, who is “a great player and great role model for everybody”.

They were watching the Miami Notre Dame game, which was back and forth. “Games can swing quickly. Kids can make mistakes…Notre Dame is a resilient, veteran team with guys who know how to win. Miami is very physical. Notre Dame is the bets passing team in the conference. They really know how to move the ball.” Miami was setting up for a final play with 7 seconds left, inbounding on the offensive end. “They will spread the court- there’s no time to run a play.“ Miami threw the ball away and Notre Dame won. Yup, kids can make mistakes.
So now if we limit it to best Freshman guard in the New England states we may be approaching reality.

These days the best freshman guard in the country might be the best guard in the country. If you're really good, you aren't going to be a sophomore.
no come on man, he said FRESHMAN guard - you know, better than Monk, Ball, Fox, Fultz, F.Jackson, D.Smith...

You can totally make a case for Battle as well.
man wakes up woozy on the train tracks and the story goes the two gorillas who beat his a$$ were bigger than king kong.
Anything about the answer to my second question about why can't we be like West Virginia? I thought people would be all over that.
was glad to hear that dajuan has the green light to go. i was thinking both he and chukka were done.
Anything about the answer to my second question about why can't we be like West Virginia? I thought people would be all over that.
I didn't understand his answer. :noidea:

Gomez had his first opportunity to talk with Jim Boeheim of the year, (since Adrian Autry was on last week). He joked that the coach was no invited to Donald Trump’s inaugural. JB: “I’m not sure I would want to go. It just gets weirder and weirder. He seems to be putting some good people in his cabinet and I hope he listens to them or we’ll have about 8 wars.”

Vice President Biden got the Medal of Freedom. “He’s a great guy. He’s always supported our teams. He leaves a message after a tough loss or a good game. He’s in it for the love of his country, not to help himself. I’m very proud to know he’s a Syracuse guy.”

Louie Carnesecca celebrated his 92nd birthday on January 5th. JB: “For ten years after he retired he looked better than he did at 70.” (He was 67 when he retired in 1992.) “He calls me every year to discuss our season. His teams always played great defense and came at you the whole game.”) It helps when you have six guys on the court, including Louie.) “He never had a complaint after a game. He just shook your hand.”

Eric Devendorf “talks to the players about conditioning and how to get to the basket. That’s all he’s allowed to do- talk to them. “Later, describing the ND-Miami game, expressed admiration that one of the teams had “gone the last 3-4 times right to the basket to score – it’s what you have to do late in games.” Eric was the best we’ve had at doing just that since the days of the Pearl.

Lazarus Sims walked by. He was there for Mayor Minor’s speech. “He’s part of the city now.”

Coach has a little time to pay attention to golf and noticed that Justin Thomas had a 59 in a tournament in Hawaii after winning there the previous week. Dan McCarthy of Syracuse was the leading money winner on the Canadian PGA Tour and won four tournaments. He’s now on the tour, which kind of Triple A for golf. “That’s a tough tour. Guys come right off that toru and win PGA tournaments.).

One of the things they are bringing back to the concession stands to celebrate the 90’s at the BC game is “Crystal Pepsi”. Remember that? The coach didn’t. He’s an aficionado of soft drinks, (as am I), and he was a “Coke drinker” back then. He remembers Coke Zero, (which he didn’t like), but not Crystal Pepsi, which apparently was a colorless version of Pepsi.

Regarding Grayson Allen: “He made some mistakes and admitted to it. You have to control yourself. The assistant coach backed him up. He’s been getting enough heat. He’s a good kid. In the heat of battle, you react to things.”

Should we play in quarters rather than halves, as the women, the high schools and the NBA do? “We’ve been playing for two halves for so long, it’s hard to switch. I haven’t thought of any advantages or disadvantages. The time outs would be different. I don’t know if there’s any interest in changing.”

Coach is suitably impressed with the UCONN women’s team, which beat #20 South Florida 102-37. “They might not lose- their toughest games are behind him. They may be better next year. They’ve got two transfers waiting to play. They had one close game. Against Florida State they had to make about 8 plays in a row to win and they made them all. A really well coached team.” JB is such a basketball guy that he even watches the women’s games, whether Syracuse is involved or not.

OCC is ranked the #1 JUCO team in the country. When Tyrone Albright was there, they won a national championship, (1993).

Gomez had mentioned that the first SU game he had attended was the Navy game in the NCAAs where David Robinson beat us, (1986). When I called in my second questions I mentioned that Navy went to the line 54 times in that game and we only went 21 times. Jim responded to that by saying that “We were down 18-20 points and started fouling them with 10 minutes to go.” When have you ever seen a Jim Boeheim team do that? If we’d started fouling them with ten minutes to go, we’d have run out of players long before the game ended.

They talked briefly about the football championship game. “A great game.” Is there any financial benefit to SU because a conference team won? “If you make the Final Four, everybody in the conference shares the $16 million. It doesn’t matter if they won. There will be a little extra money coming in.” Matt pointed out that the league had a 9-3 record in bowl games. JB: “The league was under-rated. The same thing happened in basketball in terms of NCAA tournament production.”

What does coach think about the NFL playoffs? “They’ve got some prime quarterbacks still playing. It’s fun to watch.” What about the hiring of Doug Marrone and Tom Coughlin in Jacksonville? “They will do a great job. They are smart football guys and Syracuse guys.”

Bo Jackson said that he would not want his children playing football, considering what he knows now. JB: “I saw him a lot on TV. He was good at both sports but should have stuck with baseball. If you are a position player, you are much less likely to have a career ending injury. In football, you’re going to be sore for the rest of your life. Players are bigger, stronger, faster and hit harder than the old days. It’s a struggle for them to get out of bed in the morning.”

The NBA MVP will be either James Harden or Russell Westbrook. Harden is averaging a triple double and Harden is close. Houston has won more games. Westbrook already had a TD in the third quarter of a recent game. He had a game where he didn’t make any threes and scored 34. If he makes threes he scores 50. “Mike D’Antoni is a great coach for point guards. He got Steve Nash two MVPs and he’ll get Harden a couple.“

They talked about our 2010 team and how we seemed to have all the NBA prospects but Butler had Gordon Heyward, who has had a good NBA career and so has Shelvin Mack, who now with Utah. “We’ve got no one but Wes Johnson”, who is barely playing for the Clippers.

The Knicks “have lost a couple of close ones and can’t get it going.. They’ve got Porzingis but they have a lot of older guys. I don’t think it can be fixed. They can’t get the players they need to come to new York. Nobody wants to give up a great player for Carmelo.

Gomez brought up the George Karl book and Jim repeated what he’d said last week: “He went overboard. Those players got him there. I would never criticize players in a book about what they did years ago.

Gomez asked if it’s harder to coach millennials than previous generations. JB: “They still want to win. There are more distractions today. Too many kids are thinking “How can I get to the NBA?” when they aren’t going to the NBA. For a typical college starter, their chances of playing in the NBA are small, although their chances of playing someone, such as Europe, are good. We’ve had a lot of guys play in Europe.

Ice Cube is sponsoring a 3 on 3 tournament involving retired NBA players. “These things usually don’t go too well. I think it will be pretty slow. Basketball is a hard game for old timer’s games. I hear John Wallace will coach one team. “

Jim’s all-time favorite baseball player is Hank Aaron. He was big Milwaukee Brave fan back in the day, (the “day” being now more than 50 years ago), and he was star struck when he got the meet Hank, who is “a great player and great role model for everybody”.

They were watching the Miami Notre Dame game, which was back and forth. “Games can swing quickly. Kids can make mistakes…Notre Dame is a resilient, veteran team with guys who know how to win. Miami is very physical. Notre Dame is the bets passing team in the conference. They really know how to move the ball.” Miami was setting up for a final play with 7 seconds left, inbounding on the offensive end. “They will spread the court- there’s no time to run a play.“ Miami threw the ball away and Notre Dame won. Yup, kids can make mistakes.
Wait wait wait. Joe Biden calls Jim Boeheim's phone and leaves messages regarding victories and defeats? Now that's news! And I like hearing it.

I actually know someone who was dying and Joe Biden called him and spoke to him for half an hour. He is a man who has endured great tragedy and also seems to have an infinite capacity for compassion for others. I am proud he's a Syracuse fan.
I didn't understand his answer. :noidea:

It was another attempt to push away the issue of pressure defense.

'West Virginia is the only team in the country doing it." Doesn't that give them an advantage?

"They recruit for it." Couldn't we?

"They have great athletes." I thought we did, to.

The one answer that would have made sense is that we don't have the depth, which, with the injuries, is now true.

Basically, he just prefers to insure the integrity of his half-court defense and try to beat teams in the half court game. He also likes to play his best players as much as possible and doesn't want to run people in an out to keep them fresh for a constant press.

It's the conservative approach. i suppose some would call it "meathead basketball". If Hopkins doesn't work out, maybe we can can look for a basketball equivalent of Dino Babers. I think if we pressed for 40 minutes we'd have the 30,000 crowds back again.
Last edited:
Coach absolutely mentioned Sherman Douglas 89-90 which is not correct
"Jim’s all-time favorite baseball player is Hank Aaron. He was big Milwaukee Brave fan back in the day, (the “day” being now more than 50 years ago)."

Me too ! 1957 Braves first got me interested in baseball as a kid. I remember exactly where I was when Aaron broke Ruth's record years later.
"Jim’s all-time favorite baseball player is Hank Aaron. He was big Milwaukee Brave fan back in the day, (the “day” being now more than 50 years ago)."

Me too ! 1957 Braves first got me interested in baseball as a kid. I remember exactly where I was when Aaron broke Ruth's record years later.
Yes and I remember where I was in 1960 when my hero, Ted Williams, hit a home run in his last career at bat. Shed a tear with that one.
"Jim’s all-time favorite baseball player is Hank Aaron. He was big Milwaukee Brave fan back in the day, (the “day” being now more than 50 years ago)."

Me too ! 1957 Braves first got me interested in baseball as a kid. I remember exactly where I was when Aaron broke Ruth's record years later.

1957. Bob "Hurricane" Hazel...and company.
no come on man, he said FRESHMAN guard - you know, better than Monk, Ball, Fox, Fultz, F.Jackson, D.Smith...
Im going to see Fulz next Wednesday against Colorado. Good seats for $16.

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