The Jim Boeheim Show - before Monmouth |

The Jim Boeheim Show - before Monmouth


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!

Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


“Coach, I’d just like to make a few comments on subjects you have brought up:

- Two years ago people said that we imposed the post season ban because ti was obvious that that team, which finished 18-13, would not have had any post-season success. You disagreed, saying that we would never dismiss a team’s prospects like that. Last year we were 19-13 when selected for the NCAA tournament and they went to the Final Four. As I’ve often said, the joy of being a Syracuse fan is that we have a good team every year, with a chance for something great to happen. We’ll never know what the 2015 team might have accomplished in the post season but we can’t assume it would have been nothing.

- You’ve stated that this year’s team has the potential for greatness but that no one can say that it’s a “Final Four team” because no one can know that at this point. We’ve had six Final Four teams and none of them were supposed to be there – their highest seed was #2, meaning that we were expected to lose in the Elite 8. The highest rank in the final poll any of our Final Four teams have had was #10. We’ve had ten teams that were ranked higher than that, including five that reached a #1 ranking and never made the Final Four. The post season is a spin on the roulette wheel , which makes it important for us to appreciate all the accomplishments of each of our teams. “

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.) –

Jim did his show from the same place Coach Babers does his show from – and stayed over an extra 15 minutes to have a conversation with him. They will “piggy back” again next Wednesday. After that Coach Boeheim will do his show on Thursday nights at 7- I didn’t get whether it will be from the Hotel , (sorry, the Marriott), or whether they will be at his favored spot at Delmonico’s. But he is at the Marriott for now. He remembered the days when it was the Hotel Syracuse and he attn3ded many events there, including Hardwood Club dinners. “But it’s way better now than it was then.” The “other stuff”- including Shaughnessy’s- will be open “in a few months” . Matt said that Coach Mac “used to live there” and that the steak house was being built at “his old residence”. They are putting in a floor made of the old basketball floor the Nats played on. Sounds like an interesting place.

Coach said that this was one of many good things happening in Syracuse and “you only ehar the negative things on the front page.”

Matt said that SU was “2-0 in the Patriot League”. Jim did is speech about how you can’t tell how many things are going wrong in games like that. “Monmouth is tremendous. They are loaded. They should have been in the NCAA tournament last year.” (Over who, coach?) “Improvement doesn’t happen in a few games. We have a difficult non-conference schedule. The league is better – it’s deeper better. Clemson and Wake Forest are crushing pretty good teams.” (Clemson beat Georgia 74-64 and Davidson 95-78 while Wake beat Radford 80-59, Bucknell 94-74 and UTEP 103-81).

I called in my observations, (which were well-received). Regarding thinking the punishment two years ago: “We knew it had to happen. We had to take it. Louisville did the same thing last year and they clearly had an NCAA team. We might have won another game or two if we knew we still had a chance to go. We beat Louisville and Notre Dame as it was.”

Regarding trying to figure out if this is a final four team at this point: “It’s unrealistic. There are 20-30 teams who could make the Final Four. In recent years Virginia, Arizona and Kansas have all had top teams but not made the Final Four. We’ve been there twice. You never can tell. You try to make the tournament and hope you can play your best and get the breaks. In that Dayton loss we were 0 for 12 from three point range. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a team do that. If we’d made one of them, we would have won. (We lost that game 53-55). “We could have done something with that team.”

Regarding this year’s team: “We have lost of work to do. We have 5 new faces. There’s a lot of things you don’t see when you win by a lot of points. You need to almost discount the easy game.”

John in Syracuse said that he was “only 36 and you’re the only Syracuse basketball coach I’ve ever known. Your retirement after next season is well earned – but depressing.” Coach simply said “I appreciate it.”

John wanted to know if we’ll be changing defenses more this year. Coach: “We’ll play man to man in certain situations and press sometimes but the zone will remain our base defense. We’ve got a great schedule and it will help this team prepare. I think Monmouth is better than last year, when they beat UCLA, USC, Notre Dame and Georgetown.”

Matt suggested that this year we have “more people who can put fires out and more guys who can play so there are more fouls to play with”. JB: “You always have a key four guys who have to play well but we haven’t had depth in a few years. We’ve got veteran players and young players. This could develop into a very good team. We knew we were short in experience and shooting. It was a good recruiting class but the transfers made it a great recruiting class. But the improvement of the other guys is crucial for us to get better.”

Matt noted that the ACC tourney will be at the Barclay’s Center- was it the plan to play in this event to get a game there before that tourney? Jim said that this event was arranged before the ACC decided to hold the tourney at the Barclay’s but that he always tried to schedule a game for MSQ in the days when the BET was being played there. .

Matt noted that Frank Howard had already made more threes than he did all last year. “Frank stayed here all summer, worked on his shooting and got a lot stronger. Tyler Roberson did the same and put on 20 pounds and worked every day on his shot. Dajuan Coleman did as much as he could on those knees.”

Monmouth has a great point guard in 5-8 Justin Robinson. JB: “Size doesn’t matter. He’s one of the best point guards in the country.” And their big guy, 6-10 250 Chris Brady, had a double-double with 17p 10r vs. South Carolina. Matt said that Colgate and Holy cross didn’t have anybody that big. Jim said “Monmouth can play in our league or any league in the country.”

Matt wondered whether the work ethic of the veteran players was due to the quality of the new guys. JB: “Competition helps get you ready. You play vs. players who are good as anyone you’ll see. “ Matt said that Andrew White said that Tyus Battle “gives me everything I want in practice and I don’t ‘ want to lose time to him”.

Armand in Sherrill thanked the coach for his community work. He recalled 2010 when Arinze Onuaku and Rich Jackson played a two man game in the high and low posts or the strong and weakside. Could we get something like that going with Lydon or Roberson and Coleman this year? “We are a little more of a threat to score inside this year. Two years ago we had Rak inside. Last year we were mostly a perimeter team. We’ll have more balance this year. We’ll get more offensive rebounds and put-backs and that will make us more efficient offensively.”

Pat in Syracuse wondered if we’d be playing more aggressively this year to prevent threes and force the other team to attempt contested twos. JB: “We don’t want to give up threes. We were second or third in the conference against three point shots last year. A lot depends on Paschal Chukwu. Tyler Roberson isn’t going to block too many shots. Tyler Lydon will block a few. If a shot blocker can block 2-3 a game it changes things completely. Paschal didn’t’ play a lot at Providence. He needs game experience.

Jeff in San Francisco wondered which player was “the biggest surprise” to Coach, who said he was not surprised by anyone. “We don’t bring in guys who can’t play. Frank Howard worked so hard and we could see the results in practice. We have room to grow as a team. It will take time. With 5-6 guys you can get comfortable more quickly- there aren’t many changes.”

Please check out my post on the Dino Babers Show on the football board – which I hope to complete tonight- for Jim’s conversation with Dino.
This is so valuable to the board, SWC! I don't know how you manage the transcriptions, but I have done a few and they are HARD. I believe you have developed some nimble skills over the years. :)

Boy, he sure is talking Monmouth up, isn't he?
This is so valuable to the board, SWC! I don't know how you manage the transcriptions, but I have done a few and they are HARD. I believe you have developed some nimble skills over the years. :)

Boy, he sure is talking Monmouth up, isn't he?

Neither my note-taking nor my typing could be described as "nimble". :cool:
Just messed up my initial response so lets try again!

Thank you for the timely and very informative updates from the weekly radio show. Much of the information is a bit different than we see all the time on the internet news reports. For many of us that live out of upstate NY, the report you make weekly during the season provides insight we never appreciate from afar. Seldom, if ever, do we get any "Orange" news here in Carolina.
No need to talk them up. They are a good dangerous team. Will be a good test. They are big, good shooting experienced team! Hope they miss a lot of threes and we clean the boards. Hate teams that come in thinking they are giant killers.
"It’s the nature of coaching. Winning covers up everything. You can do a great job but if you lose it doesn’t matter. .."

i heard this comment from JB when he was talking with Dino. i thought it sounded a bit odd from a coach just coming off NCAA sanctions.
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"It’s the nature of coaching. Winning covers up everything. You can do a great job but if you lose it doesn’t matter. .."

i heard this comment from JB when he was talking with Dino. i thought it sounded a bit odd from a coach just coming off NCAA sanctions.

I didn't see a reference to sanctions there. I think it was a reference to his Holy Cross presser when he said that there are things wrong that the average fan doesn't see in easy games.
Only that I suspect your income is not commensurate with your skills.

My skills are retired. My income is based on what i did before that.
My skills are retired. My income is based on what i did before that.
Ah but dear SWC, in the day of the Internet, does one TRULY need to retire? E.G., in your case, should you DESIRE, you can set up a blog. Post your gems when you like. If the blog/website proved popular enough, you can get advertising, ergo, income.

I would only suggest this route with a few posters besides you. Namely the General and Tomcat, offhand. Perhaps Crusty on the FB side. One needs the unique perspectives and also writing skills.
Ah but dear SWC, in the day of the Internet, does one TRULY need to retire? E.G., in your case, should you DESIRE, you can set up a blog. Post your gems when you like. If the blog/website proved popular enough, you can get advertising, ergo, income.

I would only suggest this route with a few posters besides you. Namely the General and Tomcat, offhand. Perhaps Crusty on the FB side. One needs the unique perspectives and also writing skills.

But that would be too much like...

But that would be too much like...

An EXTREMELY underrated TV show. I was far too young to see it originally, but saw so many episodes when it was on one of those good nostalgia channels like Me TV

My stars, speaking of Stars, Warren Beatty had a recurring role as a snotty rich kid.
An EXTREMELY underrated TV show. I was far too young to see it originally, but saw so many episodes when it was on one of those good nostalgia channels like Me TV

My stars, speaking of Stars, Warren Beatty had a recurring role as a snotty rich kid.

That was good television.

There were three great family show at the time that I've always felt were a cut above the rest. Father Knows Best was a typical American family seen through the eyes of a parent. Dobie Gillis was seen through the eyes of a teenager and Leave it Beaver saw it through the eyes of a child.
always had to laugh at the way the counterculture (the hippies) were portrayed by the mainstream on 60's tv.lazy stoner beatniks like maynard krebs.
There were three great family show at the time that I've always felt were a cut above the rest. Father Knows Best was a typical American family seen through the eyes of a parent. Dobie Gillis was seen through the eyes of a teenager and Leave it Beaver saw it through the eyes of a child.
Interesting. Would you say the Donna Reed show saw it through the eyes of a mother?

I watched a few of this "classic" recently, and have to conclude the show was through the eyes of the sponsor...BTW can you spot the gaffe within the first five minutes or so of the show?

always had to laugh at the way the counterculture (the hippies) were portrayed by the mainstream on 60's tv.lazy stoner beatniks like maynard krebs.
Especially on Dragnet! Straight outta Reefer Madness!
Interesting. Would you say the Donna Reed show saw it through the eyes of a mother?

I watched a few of this "classic" recently, and have to conclude the show was through the eyes of the sponsor...BTW can you spot the gaffe within the first five minutes or so of the show?

I didn't catch the gaffe but it's interesting that you should post this. I like to use You-Tube as a time machine, going back to watch vitnage film and TV, sporting events, music, etc. Stuff I remember, stuff I don't and stuff I wasn't around for. I have a book on TV history and I've been searching for episodes of early shows and I recently watched a 1949 episode of The Goldbergs, a gentle comedy/drama aobut a Jewsih family in New York which was on from 1949-1955. It actually dates back to 1929 when it premiered on radio. Gertrude Berg, (molly)) was the whole show, producing and writing it based on conversations she had with people walking through Brooklyn. people would suggest stories to her based on things they'd seen or had happen to them. Tragically, the fellow who plays her husband, Philip Loeb, was blacklisted the eyar of this episode and later, in 1955, killed himself, despondent over his inability to get work.
Philip Loeb - Wikipedia

One of the other early shows I've seen is I Remember Mama, the story of a Norwegian family in San Francisco at the turn of the (20th) century. Actually it was just called "Mama" on TV but was based on a play and 1948 film with the full title:
Mama (TV series) - Wikipedia
Here is an episode of that show:
I Remember Mama Mama's Bad Day Part 1 1950

Different ethnic group, different city and different coffee but a similar show, with a similar simplicity and warmth you don't see in our entertainment any more. In the Father Knows Best/ Dobie Gillis/ Leave it to beaver days, the "typical American family was of a bland ethnic background and lived in the suburbs. But a decade earlier the first family comedies on TV featured immigrants living in cities. That was 'typical', too.
I didn't catch the gaffe but it's interesting that you should post this. I like to use You-Tube as a time machine, going back to watch vitnage film and TV, sporting events, music, etc. Stuff I remember, stuff I don't and stuff I wasn't around for. I have a book on TV history and I've been searching for episodes of early shows and I recently watched a 1949 episode of The Goldbergs, a gentle comedy/drama aobut a Jewsih family in New York which was on from 1949-1955. It actually dates back to 1929 when it premiered on radio. Gertrude Berg, (molly)) was the whole show, producing and writing it based on conversations she had with people walking through Brooklyn. people would suggest stories to her based on things they'd seen or had happen to them. Tragically, the fellow who plays her husband, Philip Loeb, was blacklisted the eyar of this episode and later, in 1955, killed himself, despondent over his inability to get work.
Philip Loeb - Wikipedia

One of the other early shows I've seen is I Remember Mama, the story of a Norwegian family in San Francisco at the turn of the (20th) century. Actually it was just called "Mama" on TV but was based on a play and 1948 film with the full title:
Mama (TV series) - Wikipedia
Here is an episode of that show:
I Remember Mama Mama's Bad Day Part 1 1950

Different ethnic group, different city and different coffee but a similar show, with a similar simplicity and warmth you don't see in our entertainment any more. In the Father Knows Best/ Dobie Gillis/ Leave it to beaver days, the "typical American family was of a bland ethnic background and lived in the suburbs. But a decade earlier the first family comedies on TV featured immigrants living in cities. That was 'typical', too.
I don't know if you are Jewish Steve. What I caught for the gaffe is Molly Goldberg talking about someone in the family getting a new dress for Easter.

Now my background is mixed so I got Easter baskets and at least once walked in the 5th Ave parade, but my non-Jewish mom also tried her hand at making Passover seders a few times. I CANNOT SEE Molly Goldberg or her family celebrating Easter back then.

Please listen again in case I misheard it.
I didn't catch the gaffe but it's interesting that you should post this. I like to use You-Tube as a time machine, going back to watch vitnage film and TV, sporting events, music, etc. Stuff I remember, stuff I don't and stuff I wasn't around for. I have a book on TV history and I've been searching for episodes of early shows and I recently watched a 1949 episode of The Goldbergs, a gentle comedy/drama aobut a Jewsih family in New York which was on from 1949-1955. It actually dates back to 1929 when it premiered on radio. Gertrude Berg, (molly)) was the whole show, producing and writing it based on conversations she had with people walking through Brooklyn. people would suggest stories to her based on things they'd seen or had happen to them. Tragically, the fellow who plays her husband, Philip Loeb, was blacklisted the eyar of this episode and later, in 1955, killed himself, despondent over his inability to get work.
Philip Loeb - Wikipedia

One of the other early shows I've seen is I Remember Mama, the story of a Norwegian family in San Francisco at the turn of the (20th) century. Actually it was just called "Mama" on TV but was based on a play and 1948 film with the full title:
Mama (TV series) - Wikipedia
Here is an episode of that show:
I Remember Mama Mama's Bad Day Part 1 1950

Different ethnic group, different city and different coffee but a similar show, with a similar simplicity and warmth you don't see in our entertainment any more. In the Father Knows Best/ Dobie Gillis/ Leave it to beaver days, the "typical American family was of a bland ethnic background and lived in the suburbs. But a decade earlier the first family comedies on TV featured immigrants living in cities. That was 'typical', too.
Didn't know that about Loeb. Sad.

We may be entering another blacklist era, and worse.

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