The Jim Boeheim Show |

The Jim Boeheim Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:
(Update: the last podcast is a preview of the first Duke game from last year so maybe they have stopped podcasting the show. )

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-4424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will probably do the second hour the following day.


First hour:
Coach, everyone is talking about the mysteries of the jump shot. We’ve seen Trevor Cooney hit jump shots and we know Ron Patterson, BJ Johnson, Kaleb Joseph and even Michael Gbinije can hit them. I can think of several reasons why a play might miss a jump shot: closely guarded, out of his range, rushed it, off balance, not squared to the basket, poor form, lack of confidence, too much pressure, etc. As you watch these guys, do they all seem to have the same problems or are they missing for different reasons?

Second hour:
Coach, I remember Arinze Onuaku’s attempts to make free throws. He’d throw the ball practically into the rafters and it would come down at the basket with the velocity of the comet that killed the dinosaurs. I’ve noticed that Chris McCullough has a high trajectory with his shot and is struggling at the line. It’s been argued that a high trajectory is good because the basket gets narrower if you come at it from the side. But it also seems to cause the ball to bounce violently away from the rim if the shot isn’t dead on. Is there an ideal trajectory for a jump shot or a foul shot?


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

They talked about having a week off at this point in the season. “For a veteran team, a week off is too much time but if you have a lot of things to work on, it’s good. The goal of this part of the season is to get as good as you can. You want to win the tough games- we’ve won, lost a couple of others, so we’ve got even more to work on. We haven’t been good defensively. We’ve have built up good stats against the bad teams but haven’t played well on defense against the good ones. “

I called in my first question about the problems the various players have had hitting from outside. “We haven’t rushed or forced anything, although Trevor is like Kobe Bryant. He can make the tough ones.”

(I’ll let that one sink in for a minute before we proceed.)

“I’m at a loss as to why we aren’t shooting better. We’ve had wide open threes. We can make a better percentage. Ron Patterson, BJ Johnson and Kaleb Joseph are shooting 18% between them and they all can hit in the 30’s. Kaleb’s pretty good and Ron and BJ were recruited to shoot and score. We’ve addressed that in our recruiting. Three of the four guys coming in can shoot it well. They haven’t been making a lot of threes in practice game situations. They need to make more to get their confidence for games. If you can’t do it in practice you can’t do it games. Trevor must put the ball on the floor more. People think he shouldn’t play but he’s the best shooter we’ve got. If somebody else was shooting well, we’d have him in there. We also need to defend better. You can have bad shooting and still win if you play good defense.“

Matt Park compared Trevor to a clean-up hitter in baseball who “is expected to hit all the home runs”. JB: “You shouldn’t define yourself as just a three point shooter. You have to be able to put the ball on the floor, too. Trevor and Mike can be better scorers and with those two and the two big guys we’d have plenty of scoring.”

Gomez later brought up the same issue of shooting. JB: “We’re not shooting well but can do better and hopefully, we will. When you’re not shooting, you have to some other way to win. Last year we had some big games where we made 7-8-9 threes and some where we got 3-4.” Gomez asked if “you can over-think it?” JB: “In a game you can’t worry about missing. I don’t take guys out for missing threes, as long as they are playing defense and doing other things. The guys have pretty good confidence. I don’t tell them not to shoot or else they won’t shoot. I remind them they can put the ball on the floor. But it has to be the player’s decision. Whatever way you score is fine. I thought from the beginning it would take time.”

Matt asked how many of those late threes St. John’s hit were defensive lapses. “The first one was a lapse from the forward spot.” (You hear that, Chad Ford?!?). “We were on schedule to limit them but they got two open looks.” Matt asked if the momentum changed with the near brawl that broke up, since we hardly scored after that and they went on a run, (2-17 in fact). JB: “We just didn’t play well. We got a couple of stops and had a couple of chances to extend the lead and didn’t do it. I don’t put much stock in momentum.”

I later called in my second question. I did get in the line about the comet that killed the dinosaurs and both JB and Gomez laughed at it. “Trajectory is important. The higher you go the bigger the hoop is. I was never good at physics, but I know that. Chris was pretty good before St. John’s. He just had a bad game. He just missed a couple, lost confidence.” Gomez suggested it was like a golf swing- everybody has their own unique way of doing it. JB: “Some have a low trajectory, some high. It’s better to err on the side of a high arc instead of a low arc. You don’t want ti real flat. It makes the rim smaller. High increase your chances of making it.”

I still think it matters how far the shot has to fall because that determines how hard it bounces. (Pouts)

They talked about Louisiana Tech, where Karl Malone played years ago. “Karl Malone and John Stockton ran the bets pick and roll in the history of the game…They are very good. They press, run, have a shot-blocker inside, can score from the perimeter, all you need. Some of their games have been high scoring, some not. They have veterans who have run a lot of rod games. Speedy Smith can score but he does what a point guard has to do- he gets the ball to people and he makes plays.” Matt pointed out that Tech hasn’t made the tournament since 1991. JB: “They deserved to be in last year”, (when they won 29 games). Jim watched them in their loss to Louisiana-Lafayette, (86-94), in which two guys, (Alex Hamilton and Eric McCree totaled 52 points). Louisiana Tech is one of three teams we have played who are favorites to win their conference, (with Hampton and Holy Cross).

Will Michigan’s losses hurt our RPI or is it too early? “It can. You always want the teams you play to do well. Michigan was good, not great. They didn’t play well. They made threes to beat us. Eastern Michigan is a little better than they’ve been, a lot better defensively. Everybody plays 5-6 guarantee games where you get a home game and they get a lot of money. Sometimes those teams turnout to be pretty good.”

The player of the game for the week, (the POG?) was Rakeem Christmas. “He’s been really consistent in every game. He’s shown huge improvement.”

They briefly looked ahead to the Villanova game. “Illinois is good and Villanova ran away from them. They have guys who’ve started for 3-4 years. That’s what it takes.”

I think you can read between those lines.
I like your recaps - read them all the time!

I am surprised by the lack of interest on the basketball side. Are the SU fans really that fair weather when the the football or bball teams aren't doing well?

SU still has a lot of bball to play. 3 point shooting can turn around quickly. Go Cuse!
“We haven’t rushed or forced anything, although Trevor is like Kobe Bryant. He can make the tough ones.”

(I’ll let that one sink in for a minute before we proceed.)

I've let five minutes go by and it still won't sink in!

I did get in the line about the comet that killed the dinosaurs and both JB and Gomez laughed at it.

Thanks for recap as always, SWC. Couple interesting things to me:

1.) "...Ron and BJ were recruited to shoot and score. We’ve addressed that in our recruiting. Three of the four guys coming in can shoot it well."

I like the honesty here by JB. Not often you get a coach willing to say "player x was recruited to do this task" like he just said with Ron & BJ being recruited to be shooters/scorers. Especially interesting on Ron's account, since for some reason I had him pegged as a guy who was recruited mainly for his tenacious defense & long wingspan at top of zone.

Also interesting to hear JB admit that we have changed our recruiting strategy a bit recently to focus more on the shooting aspect. Think it's no big secret that SU seemed to get away from that in recent recruiting, seemingly going after guys who were more "athletes" (Grant, McCullough, MCW, Kaleb, Ennis, Dion, Fair, Triche, Joseph...can be argued that none of these players were really known for their accurate shot) than shooters (like a Rautins, Cooney, Southerland type player) - and I think it has def had negative consequences for us recently, especially the past 2-3 years. Why I was glad to see a guy like Tyler Lydon get an offer & commit, and also why I'm so excited to see Malachi Richardson here next year.

2.) "They haven’t been making a lot of threes in practice game situations. They need to make more to get their confidence for games. If you can’t do it in practice you can’t do it games."

UGH. Kinda already knew this is how JB must feel about the subject...but hearing it directly from him still stings haha. I just know this is a main reason why JB historically rolls with such a short bench (because he may need that 100% proof that some of these younger guys are for sure up to challenge by how they play in practice)...but I just don't agree with it. Count me in the "JB should play more guys each year & maybe it would help the team in March/April" group, and even if a guy isn't exactly 100% demonstrating he's "better" then a starter by his play in practice, you can still give some game time/experience to make sure the guy isn't more a "gamer" than practice player, to give the starters some rest, to develop a bench throughout the year so that there are more options if 1-2 guys are having a poor night, to develop the younger players more for upcoming seasons, etc. But, oh well, JB obv disagrees...
Thanks for recap as always, SWC. Couple interesting things to me:

1.) "...Ron and BJ were recruited to shoot and score. We’ve addressed that in our recruiting. Three of the four guys coming in can shoot it well."

I like the honesty here by JB. Not often you get a coach willing to say "player x was recruited to do this task" like he just said with Ron & BJ being recruited to be shooters/scorers. Especially interesting on Ron's account, since for some reason I had him pegged as a guy who was recruited mainly for his tenacious defense & long wingspan at top of zone.

Also interesting to hear JB admit that we have changed our recruiting strategy a bit recently to focus more on the shooting aspect. Think it's no big secret that SU seemed to get away from that in recent recruiting, seemingly going after guys who were more "athletes" (Grant, McCullough, MCW, Kaleb, Ennis, Dion, Fair, Triche, Joseph...can be argued that none of these players were really known for their accurate shot) than shooters (like a Rautins, Cooney, Southerland type player) - and I think it has def had negative consequences for us recently, especially the past 2-3 years. Why I was glad to see a guy like Tyler Lydon get an offer & commit, and also why I'm so excited to see Malachi Richardson here next year.

2.) "They haven’t been making a lot of threes in practice game situations. They need to make more to get their confidence for games. If you can’t do it in practice you can’t do it games."

UGH. Kinda already knew this is how JB must feel about the subject...but hearing it directly from him still stings haha. I just know this is a main reason why JB historically rolls with such a short bench (because he may need that 100% proof that some of these younger guys are for sure up to challenge by how they play in practice)...but I just don't agree with it. Count me in the "JB should play more guys each year & maybe it would help the team in March/April" group, and even if a guy isn't exactly 100% demonstrating he's "better" then a starter by his play in practice, you can still give some game time/experience to make sure the guy isn't more a "gamer" than practice player, to give the starters some rest, to develop a bench throughout the year so that there are more options if 1-2 guys are having a poor night, to develop the younger players more for upcoming seasons, etc. But, oh well, JB obv disagrees...

I never get the point that people want players to play in a game if they stink in practice. No coach at any level in any sport whether it be high school, college, or professional is ever going to play someone in a game if they can't even prove to the coach they can produce in practice. If that coach does play that person in a game after not producing in practice they should find another profession.

Think of it this way: If you are a Revenue Controller and you need an excel macro built to compute data to accrue revenue over a specified period of time, you are going to assign this task with someone in an MIS background. You aren't going to assign the task to someone who has zero Excel skills, because if you did that would be bad management.
I like your recaps - read them all the time!

I am surprised by the lack of interest on the basketball side. Are the SU fans really that fair weather when the the football or bball teams aren't doing well?

. Go Cuse!

This is a pretty vague statement and, in my opinion, not correct. I guess every program in the country would have to be considered fair weather in this case. An 8-0 team vs a 5-3 team will always generate different levels of attention. There isnt always a need to over analyze the same things day after day. This team cant shoot. Call it mental or whatever, its a fact. We all know this.
Thank you again for your recap/report for those from afar. Sounds like a strong dose of reality when JB talks about players not hitting threes in practice neither. I for one keep expecting the team to slowly come out of this shooting funk but maybe even that is high expectations at this point. Hopefully a full week off will result in a couple new wrinkles to open shooters up but if it hasn't happened so far, again maybe hoping for too much. Anxiously waiting to see what team shows up on Sunday.
Thanks for recap as always, SWC. Couple interesting things to me:

1.) "...Ron and BJ were recruited to shoot and score. We’ve addressed that in our recruiting. Three of the four guys coming in can shoot it well."

I like the honesty here by JB. Not often you get a coach willing to say "player x was recruited to do this task" like he just said with Ron & BJ being recruited to be shooters/scorers. Especially interesting on Ron's account, since for some reason I had him pegged as a guy who was recruited mainly for his tenacious defense & long wingspan at top of zone.

Also interesting to hear JB admit that we have changed our recruiting strategy a bit recently to focus more on the shooting aspect. Think it's no big secret that SU seemed to get away from that in recent recruiting, seemingly going after guys who were more "athletes" (Grant, McCullough, MCW, Kaleb, Ennis, Dion, Fair, Triche, Joseph...can be argued that none of these players were really known for their accurate shot) than shooters (like a Rautins, Cooney, Southerland type player) - and I think it has def had negative consequences for us recently, especially the past 2-3 years. Why I was glad to see a guy like Tyler Lydon get an offer & commit, and also why I'm so excited to see Malachi Richardson here next year.

2.) "They haven’t been making a lot of threes in practice game situations. They need to make more to get their confidence for games. If you can’t do it in practice you can’t do it games."

UGH. Kinda already knew this is how JB must feel about the subject...but hearing it directly from him still stings haha. I just know this is a main reason why JB historically rolls with such a short bench (because he may need that 100% proof that some of these younger guys are for sure up to challenge by how they play in practice)...but I just don't agree with it. Count me in the "JB should play more guys each year & maybe it would help the team in March/April" group, and even if a guy isn't exactly 100% demonstrating he's "better" then a starter by his play in practice, you can still give some game time/experience to make sure the guy isn't more a "gamer" than practice player, to give the starters some rest, to develop a bench throughout the year so that there are more options if 1-2 guys are having a poor night, to develop the younger players more for upcoming seasons, etc. But, oh well, JB obv disagrees...

I think the whole "gamer" concept is over-rated. Players who consistently produce in games get to the point where they can do so by practicing a lot and well. That said, I've always felt that coaches enjoy practices even more than games because they are in control of what happens in practice more, (much more), than they are in games. The more you impress them in practice, the more favorably disposed they will be toward you and the more playing time you will get.
I very much appreciate the recaps!

I appreciate Coach saying what he did about targeting better shooters. Length and athleticism is great to have but if that type of player can't shoot or score off the dribble consistently then you end up going through some ugly offensive droughts.
I tend to agree with you on FT trajectory. I have seen interviews with FT experts (and I don't mean coaches, but people who are/were exceptional FT shooters, i.e. >90%) who say that you just want to get the ball gently over the front of the rim. It's true that a high arcing shot will come at the hoop at a better angle for hitting the mark, but if it misses it is more likely to bounce away. Obviously, you don't want too flat of a shot either and good backspin is essential. The true test is to watch good FT shooters. You will notice that most of them have a medium trajectory on their shots.
I like your recaps - read them all the time!

I am surprised by the lack of interest on the basketball side. Are the SU fans really that fair weather when the the football or bball teams aren't doing well?

SU still has a lot of bball to play. 3 point shooting can turn around quickly. Go Cuse!
Damn straight.
(I’ll let that one sink in for a minute before we proceed.) - Luv that line, made me LOL.

Usually JB says stuff that doesn't mean much, but this contains some content of real interest. Thanks for writing this up every week.

Concerning the trajectory, another issue with higher is better, is that at some point the change in degree of launch gets too small to control.

Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:
(Update: the last podcast is a preview of the first Duke game from last year so maybe they have stopped podcasting the show. )

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-4424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will probably do the second hour the following day.


First hour:
Coach, everyone is talking about the mysteries of the jump shot. We’ve seen Trevor Cooney hit jump shots and we know Ron Patterson, BJ Johnson, Kaleb Joseph and even Michael Gbinije can hit them. I can think of several reasons why a play might miss a jump shot: closely guarded, out of his range, rushed it, off balance, not squared to the basket, poor form, lack of confidence, too much pressure, etc. As you watch these guys, do they all seem to have the same problems or are they missing for different reasons?

Second hour:
Coach, I remember Arinze Onuaku’s attempts to make free throws. He’d throw the ball practically into the rafters and it would come down at the basket with the velocity of the comet that killed the dinosaurs. I’ve noticed that Chris McCullough has a high trajectory with his shot and is struggling at the line. It’s been argued that a high trajectory is good because the basket gets narrower if you come at it from the side. But it also seems to cause the ball to bounce violently away from the rim if the shot isn’t dead on. Is there an ideal trajectory for a jump shot or a foul shot?


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

They talked about having a week off at this point in the season. “For a veteran team, a week off is too much time but if you have a lot of things to work on, it’s good. The goal of this part of the season is to get as good as you can. You want to win the tough games- we’ve won, lost a couple of others, so we’ve got even more to work on. We haven’t been good defensively. We’ve hav

I think you can read between those lines.
Other subjects:

They talked about the snowstorm and how winter is here, also the Holiday season which meant that JB had to park in another lot to get to Delmonico’s, which is a very popular place for holiday meals. Jim said he’d been out to get his family’s Christmas tree that day. Matt asked him if he was as good a “talent evaluator” in the Christmas tree lot as he was on a basketball court. Jim said he doesn’t spend a lot of time on it. “The key is to go on a cold day so you don’t waste much time arguing about it.” He still gets a real tree, although some of those artificial trees he sees advertised are spectacular. Later Gomez asked him if he cuts his own. “We didn’t even do that back in Lyons, which was a small town!”

Matt asked about some of the “squirrely results” around the country, I.e. Columbia throws a scare into Kentucky, New Jersey tech beats Michigan, Incarnate Word beats Nebraska, “South Carolina Upstate” beats Georgia Tech, etc. Buffalo and Columbia have led Kentucky at halftime. JB: “There are an awful lot of good teams. Columbia has some big guys and some good, solid players. Kentucky really got it going after they missed a few shots. Columbia missed some open threes. Kentucky went over the top and got some dunks. San Diego State almost beat Arizona, then barely beat the University of Sand Diego and fell behind by 25 points to Washington, then needed a 9-0 run to beat long Beach who will be coming in here and has a good team. Louisville is very good, as are Wisconsin, Arizona, Notre Dame, Wichita State and Gonzaga.. Arizona has had 3-4 close games, almost all at home”

Did Columbia create a “road map” showing how to beat Kentucky? “No, they didn’t slow it down. They’re just a good team. They won 20 games last year, (21-13: the lost in the CIT quarter-final), and have some good guys back. The Ivy League is good this year. Brown just beat Providence.”

MP: “Coach Calipari made a reference to “Cal-ball”. What is that?” JB: “I have no clue. He just makes stuff up.”

Matt commented on “what sports does to a brand name, Noting that NJIT ‘s merchandise is up 285%”. JB: “Winning is good for business. When Doug Flutie threw that pass against Miami, their applications went from 2,500 to 10,000 the next year. That’s about $750,000 in application fees.” I’ll add that I remember read that after we went to the Final Four in the spring of 1987 and then the Sugar Bowl in the fall of 1987, SU’s applications were up by a huge percentage- the most since after the war in 1946, (I can’t remember the number). This is why colleges have these sports teams- advertising. It puts your name out there. It’s crazy, but it works.

Incarnate Word was a tournament team last year” (No they weren’t but they went 21-6 in Division II: they’ve moved up to Division I this year.) “It’s college basketball.” Connecticut has lost three in a row “They lost Napier, who was a fantastic player, and Daniels. They’ve lost two games on tough shots from the corner.” (I’m soooo sad.)

On TV Floyd Little was giving out the Doak Walker Award to Melvin Gordon. Jim: “I watched all his (Floyd’s), games. One inch and he was gone. We had a pretty good backfield with him and Larry Csonka. I saw his first game against Kansas, which had Gayle Sayers. 159 yards and 5TDs. I’m sure he had a punt return, too. It was a perfect day with perfect weather. He was one of the ten most exciting halfbacks in college basketball (sic) history.” Imagine, Floyd Little was one of ten most exciting halfbacks in the history of both college football and basketball!

“His contract in Denver was for $25,000/year. Dave Bing’s first contract in Detroit was for $18,0. Coach Mac told me he once made $2500 as a positon coach and his coordinator was making $2600. Ten years ago coordinators got a couple hundred thousand. Now they’re making millions. I got $25,000 in my first year. Now new coaches get $1 million+. There hasn’t been that much inflation!”

Matt asked about the college football playoff. Jim said “I haven’t given it that much attention”. Then he proceeded to talk about it for several minutes. “Eight teams seems more reasonable. If you are left out at #9, you are not one of the top teams. #9 is not going to win but #5-6 could. You have to draw the line somewhere. Eight teams is inevitable and very doable. You could fit it in easily and you won’t leave a team out in the cold that could win a title. . Football still has the bowl games. In basketball, making the tournament is the equivalent of a bowl game. Getting into the tournament is the big deal for most teams….Just think if Alabama had lost the SEC title game, we wouldn’t have and SEC team in the final four. They would have beaten each other too much. With an 8 team tourney they’re all in….they should let the Big 12 have a championship game with 10 teams. …But Ohio State would have gotten in anyway….If Florida State lost they’d have been 15th but they keep winnings….It will be interesting to see what they do. They’ll fix it.” I wonder what he would have said had he had the chance to think about it.

Gomez asked about the Georgetown protests: Do players just decide to do these things on their own? JB: “They probably clear it with the coach and school. I don’t like to be involved because you don’t know the facts in some of these cases. Anytime someone is killed at the hands of the police, it’s a terrible thing. With 4-5 police officers, it’s difficult to understand. When a toy gun is involved, (as in the Cleveland incident), it’s easy to judge it with hindsight. A 12 year old can have a gun. It’s easy to say you should hesitate. Police aren’t trained to talk about it. It’s not TV. It’s not a video game. Without police officers, we would be lost. We’d have no chance to have any kind of a live. I don’t know where we’d be. We wouldn’t have a chance.”

Pat called in to ask about leadership: “Is it better to lead by example or letting people learn from their own mistakes?” JB: “Every year it’s different. Last year’s team was quiet and they won 25 games in a row. Players look to somebody who makes plays with games on the line and wins them, not somebody who says “Let’s Go!” The juniors and seniors have to lead- they’ve been there. Every team is a little bit different. Players must get involved and assume responsibility for what they are doing.”

Rick Pitino wants an annual series with Indiana in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. He thinks they could get 80,000 people and set a record for attendance at a college basketball game. JB thinks the old record was probably for a Final Four at Dallas Stadium, maybe 75,000. I’ve had this idea bubbling for years: Let’s call it the “heartland Classic”. Each year, alternating between major sites in Indiana and Kentucky, have a weekend quadruple header between the four most famous college basketball programs in Indiana and Kentucky. For Indiana it would be Indiana, Notre Dame, Purdue and Evansville, (who has won 5 Division 2 Championships). For Kentucky it would be Kentucky, Louisville, Western Kentucky and Kentucky Wesleyan, (who has won 6 Division 2 championships). Open with Evansville vs. Kentucky Wesleyan, then have the other teams play each other based on their RPI rankings from the previous season. The state that produces the most winners is the champion, with total points being the tie-breaker. Wouldn’t that be fun?

The Big 10 will be playing their tournament in Madison Square Garden in 2018. (That’s why they wanted Rutgers- a foothold in NYC.) But they will be playing a week before the ACC tournament at the Barclay’s Center. JB: “That means they’ll have no game for a couple of weeks before the NCAA tournament.”

The Knicks are now 4-20. JB: “They’ve lost a few close games. They could have been 10-14 or something. That’s still not good. The Triangle is an equal opportunity offense and they need other guys who can score. Defensively, they are not as good- they gave up Tyson Chandler. They don’t look like a team with enough weapons to win. They just let Kemba Walker get to the basket for the winning lay-up and he’s only 5-10. “ Gomez asked how serious Carmelo’s knee injury might be. “I don’t know but I doubt it will need surgery. His knee needs rest. A knee takes a pounding through a 100 game schedule.” Gomez mentioned a plan to cut the NBA preseason in half and start earlier. JB: “That will mean less back-to-back games. They don’t really need that exhibition money. It’s not that great. 82 games is too many but they’ll never cut it down. It’s reasonable to spread the games out more.

Dion Waiters had 26 points and Kyrie Irving only had 6 in that game. “Then Kyrie wants 26. They have too many scorers on that team. They need somebody in the middle. Dion could average 20 a game on the right team, one that needs a scoring guard…..Jerami Grant went to the one team that could give him playing time. He didn’t have to go to the “D” league.”

Are the 76ers tanking it get a good draft pick? “The players would never do that but the organization might put together a team that would tank. Embiid and Noel will be good players. They’ll get an overseas guy plus a good draft pick. But Tim Duncan is not coming along. The worst team hasn’t gotten the pick in a while. They’ll get 4-5 picks who can be good players. They’ll be pretty good in 2 years and good in 3. Portland built their team though the draft. Golden State is really good but it took 3-4 years to get there. Nobody knew Curry would be quite this good or Clay Thompson. They legitimately have the best backcourt in the NBA. Curry could be the MVP. Thompson defends and scores. If healthy, they have a legitimate chance to win the NBA title.

Gomez asked how many walk-ons the SU team could have. ”You want to get to about 15 guys. If guys get sick or hurt, you need to have guys for practice. If it’s a walk-on’s last year and you have an extra scholarship, you give it to him. We won a national championship with 9 scholarship players. But 10 or 11 is a better number.”

Jim’s book with Jack McCallum is #5 on the New York Time’s best seller list: The Sport and Fitness List. “It still counts. I just say it’s a best seller.” Matt said that on Sunday the 14th there’s been a documentary on the making of the book. (Unfortunately if they mentioned the channel and time I didn’t write it down and I can’t find it on the internet- check the Sunday paper.) Jim said “It’s a book you can read ten years from now and appreciate. We didn’t break down specific games. It’s all anecdotes.” Matt noted that Barnes and Noble down the street from Delmonico’s ran out of the books. “Well they better get some more!”
I tend to agree with you on FT trajectory. I have seen interviews with FT experts (and I don't mean coaches, but people who are/were exceptional FT shooters, i.e. >90%) who say that you just want to get the ball gently over the front of the rim. It's true that a high arcing shot will come at the hoop at a better angle for hitting the mark, but if it misses it is more likely to bounce away. Obviously, you don't want too flat of a shot either and good backspin is essential. The true test is to watch good FT shooters. You will notice that most of them have a medium trajectory on their shots.


Concerning the trajectory, another issue with higher is better, is that at some point the change in degree of launch gets too small to control.
I have been to a number of shooting clinics over the years and have bought a number of different CD's on shooting. I have only found one teacher that taught any method for checking your trajectory after taking a shot...he teaches his students that when you release your shot look at the index and middle finger tips on your release hand and then compare where they are in relation to the square on the backboard. He says those fingertips should ideally finish just above the top of the square on the backboard for any jumpshot.

Chris has a very nice stroke but his trajectory does seem a bit high.
Thanks again, Steve. We will take all you can give us. If you ever learn the answer to this ( Matt said that on Sunday the 14th there’s been a documentary on the making of the book. (Unfortunately if they mentioned the channel and time I didn’t write it down and I can’t find it on the internet- check the Sunday paper.), please post it.
I have been to a number of shooting clinics over the years and have bought a number of different CD's on shooting. I have only found one teacher that taught any method for checking your trajectory after taking a shot...he teaches his students that when you release your shot look at the index and middle finger tips on your release hand and then compare where they are in relation to the square on the backboard. He says those fingertips should ideally finish just above the top of the square on the backboard for any jumpshot.

Chris has a very nice stroke but his trajectory does seem a bit high.

Thanks again, Steve. We will take all you can give us. If you ever learn the answer to this ( Matt said that on Sunday the 14th there’s been a documentary on the making of the book. (Unfortunately if they mentioned the channel and time I didn’t write it down and I can’t find it on the internet- check the Sunday paper.), please post it.

My bad. :bang::bat:

But I suspect a look at the TV section of the Sunday paper will settle the issue.
I never get the point that people want players to play in a game if they stink in practice. No coach at any level in any sport whether it be high school, college, or professional is ever going to play someone in a game if they can't even prove to the coach they can produce in practice. If that coach does play that person in a game after not producing in practice they should find another profession.

Think of it this way: If you are a Revenue Controller and you need an excel macro built to compute data to accrue revenue over a specified period of time, you are going to assign this task with someone in an MIS background. You aren't going to assign the task to someone who has zero Excel skills, because if you did that would be bad management.

Well said. You cannot say player X should be getting more minutes, without also saying player Y should be getting less, there is always a converse. There are a finite # of minutes to go around. As you're game planning, there isn't a coach at any level in any sport who wants to win that would plan to give some percentage of game time to a borderline player for pure development. That is for grade school rec leagues, or resigning to defeat.
I never get the point that people want players to play in a game if they stink in practice. No coach at any level in any sport whether it be high school, college, or professional is ever going to play someone in a game if they can't even prove to the coach they can produce in practice. If that coach does play that person in a game after not producing in practice they should find another profession.

Think of it this way: If you are a Revenue Controller and you need an excel macro built to compute data to accrue revenue over a specified period of time, you are going to assign this task with someone in an MIS background. You aren't going to assign the task to someone who has zero Excel skills, because if you did that would be bad management.

It's even worse management to have only one (or less) person that can do this. Why are the cupboards so bare for such an essential skill? (Having long arms is not a skill).

Maybe JB was too busy crying about Ennis and Grant leaving that he forgot there would be a 2014-2015 season.

We're not some rinky-dink AAC team that can't get shooters each year or get the perfect mix of one'n'dones with four year guys. It's not like we're UConn or ... oh :(
“We haven’t rushed or forced anything, although Trevor is like Kobe Bryant. He can make the tough ones.”

(I’ll let that one sink in for a minute before we proceed.)

I've let five minutes go by and it still won't sink in!

It sinks, but not in.
but maybe not in the Rochester D&C

I'll check the morning paper and on-line listings on Sunday and post what I can find. I assume this is on Time-Warner Sports or possibly one of the local broadcast channels. I don't know the title.,
I'll check the morning paper and on-line listings on Sunday and post what I can find. I assume this is on Time-Warner Sports or possibly one of the local broadcast channels. I don't know the title.,
According to the online TV Guide listings, it's on TW Sports at various times between 12/15 and 12/21.

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