the need for a dual QB |

the need for a dual QB


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Watching Tbow last night made it obvious what a differance a running duel threat QB can make. Tim has to be one of the worst passing QB's in the NFL but his ability to stretch the D and keep them honest with his feet makes such a huge diff. I think that going forward Doug has to place as much emphasis on a QB's ability to make something happen with their feet vs just their arm. I really hope that AB or Hunt or Kinder are provided a chance.
Watching Tbow last night made it obvious what a differance a running duel threat QB can make. Tim has to be one of the worst passing QB's in the NFL but his ability to stretch the D and keep them honest with his feet makes such a huge diff. I think that going forward Doug has to place as much emphasis on a QB's ability to make something happen with their feet vs just their arm. I really hope that AB or Hunt or Kinder are provided a chance.
Tebow's not a dual threat QB. He can't throw. Running back playing the QB position.
Tebow's not a dual threat QB. He can't throw. Running back playing the QB position.
My point exactly. If they can win in the NFL with Tebow what could we do with a true duel threat QB like Hunt or AB
My point exactly. If they can win in the NFL with Tebow what could we do with a true duel threat QB like Hunt or AB

If that is the plan then I would hope that Marrone tells Nassib to take his diploma and leave. No need to not run your O next year. That being said I really think that Marrone's plan is the old Denver Bronco's O with McNabb as QB. So it will take a lot more than a running QB to make this O look decent.

This is a tangent but have we run any seem routes this year? I was thinking about this and do not recall any. Now it could be that Nassib can't make that throw. However he is good with the post so I am not so sure that is the case. Or it could be that we do call those patterns and Nassib is too scared of an INT.
Tebow is a one-trick pony, who really has no business being a starting NFL QB.
the problem with this statement is that tebows 'one-trick' is putting Ws on the board. which happens to be the 'business'...of...'being a starting NFL QB'.
FWIW Bob L is likening Broyld to Daunte Culpepper. I don't think Broyld has that ext 40lbs of fat though. both he and smallwood will qualify.
I want a qb that can throw the ball accurately 60 yards or less, with 4.5 or better speed is 6"3" at the least, is intelligent, competitive and a good leader.
the problem with this statement is that tebows 'one-trick' is putting Ws on the board. which happens to be the 'business'...of...'being a starting NFL QB'.

He knows how to win - I'll grant you that. I question his ability to maintain his recent success.
As always, may the best QB be the starter. If that is Nassib, so be it. if not, that's fine too.
the problem with this statement is that tebows 'one-trick' is putting Ws on the board. which happens to be the 'business'...of...'being a starting NFL QB'.

I don't really see how he's any more responsible for putting W's on the board than Dilfer was for that B'more team that won the super bowl. Not f-ing up was his skill, which worked fine when the defense was shutting everyone in the world down. When teams began to move the ball a bit better, however, that skill faded and Dilfer only started more than 6 games in a season once the rest of his career -- and that was for the Browns. I think the point is that Denver is winning b/c the defense held the Jets to 13 and scored a TD of its own.

Tebow led two drives of significance, one ending in a turnover on downs. He seems like a good kid that everyone likes to root for for some reason and he's certainly a great athlete. But ultimately it's hard to imagine he's going to be a legit NFL starter for any real length of time.
there it is!! the dilfer defense. its everybody elses win but his.

your QB sucks, but he wins and it infuriates me, so i will throw a 'even dilfer can win a SuperBowl' line out and see what you got.

right now tebow makes plays that the other 31 QBs cant, and he doesnt make plays that the other 31 QBs can.

and right now in '$$ time'...hes $$. in order to get the chance to make a play in '$$ time', obviously your defense and your specials teams will have to put you in position to do so.

he will have a 10year career.
I don't really see how he's any more responsible for putting W's on the board than Dilfer was for that B'more team that won the super bowl. Not f-ing up was his skill, which worked fine when the defense was shutting everyone in the world down. When teams began to move the ball a bit better, however, that skill faded and Dilfer only started more than 6 games in a season once the rest of his career -- and that was for the Browns. I think the point is that Denver is winning b/c the defense held the Jets to 13 and scored a TD of its own.

Tebow led two drives of significance, one ending in a turnover on downs. He seems like a good kid that everyone likes to root for for some reason and he's certainly a great athlete. But ultimately it's hard to imagine he's going to be a legit NFL starter for any real length of time.

I see your point and acknowledge that Denver's D is just a resposible as Tebow for those wins. Tebow was solely responsible for the game winning drive and touchdown this week, as well as the ridiculous come from behind victory against Miami, including the 2pt conversion. They also put up 38 last week against Oakland and gave up 24. Not exactly a defensive struggle.

Love him or hate him, he is 4-1 as a starter and wins games. I'm not so sure this lasts, but right now he is making plays when plays need to be made.
I want a qb that can throw the ball accurately 60 yards or less, with 4.5 or better speed is 6"3" at the least, is intelligent, competitive and a good leader.

So do most NFL teams.
I want a qb that can throw the ball accurately 60 yards or less, with 4.5 or better speed is 6"3" at the least, is intelligent, competitive and a good leader.
Even Tom Brady isn't accurate 60 yards or less. Most QBs aren't very accurate past 30 yards. I don't think the quarterback you described is a real person in any dimension.
Even Tom Brady isn't accurate 60 yards or less. Most QBs aren't very accurate past 30 yards. I don't think the quarterback you described is a real person in any dimension.

My basic point is that I want the best with as close to what I wrote as possible. As for the 60 yes I embellished a bit but I want that long soft pass to be completed and thrown where the receiver has the advantage with little or no chance of a pick. Granted I'm sure it'll be a mix of some sort but these are my goals for an SU qb and I'm hoping SU comes as close as they can when getting one. I want a qb that can handle the pocket, take off when needed and make the defense respect that he could take off at any time. Now, they have to make a decision, go after him and leave the receiver open or take a chance he won't blow by him. I want the SU offense to be able to take advantage of his abilities and when the matchup is in the qb's favor to run a spread or option, they do so and it's for a constant yardage gain. I want him to be tall enough to see over the middle and hit out passes that only his receiver can get.

Now, am I asking a lot, heck yeah. I just don't want a one dimensional qb...I want it all just like I want a national championship. It's Marrones job to get as close to this as he can. I will always root for who ever is at qb at SU but since we're talking about qb's, just want the best.
there it is!! the dilfer defense. its everybody elses win but his.

your QB sucks, but he wins and it infuriates me, so i will throw a 'even dilfer can win a SuperBowl' line out and see what you got.

right now tebow makes plays that the other 31 QBs cant, and he doesnt make plays that the other 31 QBs can.

and right now in '$$ time'...hes $$. in order to get the chance to make a play in '$$ time', obviously your defense and your specials teams will have to put you in position to do so.

he will have a 10year career.

I love that you treat a comparison to Dilfer as some sort of cliche after your original post gave us the classic "Tebow's just a winner, folks" argument. Well done.
My basic point is that I want the best with as close to what I wrote as possible. As for the 60 yes I embellished a bit but I want that long soft pass to be completed and thrown where the receiver has the advantage with little or no chance of a pick. Granted I'm sure it'll be a mix of some sort but these are my goals for an SU qb and I'm hoping SU comes as close as they can when getting one. I want a qb that can handle the pocket, take off when needed and make the defense respect that he could take off at any time. Now, they have to make a decision, go after him and leave the receiver open or take a chance he won't blow by him. I want the SU offense to be able to take advantage of his abilities and when the matchup is in the qb's favor to run a spread or option, they do so and it's for a constant yardage gain. I want him to be tall enough to see over the middle and hit out passes that only his receiver can get.

Now, am I asking a lot, heck yeah. I just don't want a one dimensional qb...I want it all just like I want a national championship. It's Marrones job to get as close to this as he can. I will always root for who ever is at qb at SU but since we're talking about qb's, just want the best.

I'm with you brother! Your initial post just caught me as funny.

My first reaction was to add our QB should also have 4 arms so he never fumbles, laser eyes (think x men) to mow down potential pash rushers, be able to bench press a car, and throw the ball through pass defenders. Bet the dome would sell out to see that.

Been a long few weeks as a Cuse football fan, and this Bernie Fine BS isn't helping me any either.
I see your point and acknowledge that Denver's D is just a resposible as Tebow for those wins. Tebow was solely responsible for the game winning drive and touchdown this week, as well as the ridiculous come from behind victory against Miami, including the 2pt conversion. They also put up 38 last week against Oakland and gave up 24. Not exactly a defensive struggle.

Love him or hate him, he is 4-1 as a starter and wins games. I'm not so sure this lasts, but right now he is making plays when plays need to be made.

I agree on this part -- he's 4-1 and can do some things very few other qbs can do. Absolutely no reason for denver to go back to brady quinn simply b/c quinn can throw a 15-yard out better.

I guess my point is more that he will have to be able to throw the ball better to be a long-term starter. that may only be b/c nfl head coaches are too stubborn to convert entirely to a "gimmick" offense. But, regardless, he'll likly have to throw the ball better to stick as a long-term starter.
Watching Tbow last night made it obvious what a difference a running duel threat QB can make. Tim has to be one of the worst passing QB's in the NFL but his ability to stretch the D and keep them honest with his feet makes such a huge diff. I think that going forward Doug has to place as much emphasis on a QB's ability to make something happen with their feet vs just their arm. I really hope that AB or Hunt or Kinder are provided a chance.
I know that Doug wants this as well. He said so when I met him here in LA. I would love to see Kinder or most especially Hunt get in there for a series. Problem is if he is toosuccessful a QB controversy is born and Nassib is the QB of choice or our passing game. Whether AB can come in and take the backup spot over Hunt and Kinder and Loeb is an entirely different issue. All the running QBs must develop their passing ability to compete on this level meaning Div 1As you might know I'm hoping Hunt can develop into that player who does it all. Losing both parents at his age is tough and I feel for him.
I'm with you brother! Your initial post just caught me as funny.

My first reaction was to add our QB should also have 4 arms so he never fumbles, laser eyes (think x men) to mow down potential pash rushers, be able to bench press a car, and throw the ball through pass defenders. Bet the dome would sell out to see that.

Been a long few weeks as a Cuse football fan, and this Bernie Fine BS isn't helping me any either.

Yep, and fire shoots out of his arse!

Yeah this bernie and bye week make it pretty hard no doubt.
Watching Tbow last night made it obvious what a differance a running duel threat QB can make. Tim has to be one of the worst passing QB's in the NFL but his ability to stretch the D and keep them honest with his feet makes such a huge diff. I think that going forward Doug has to place as much emphasis on a QB's ability to make something happen with their feet vs just their arm. I really hope that AB or Hunt or Kinder are provided a chance.

I agree.

I believe that with our talent level, we need a dual QB who can move the ball with his arm and feet.

Hopefully Kinder, Hunt and/or Broyld at some point can grow into a solid major college QB.
Even Tom Brady isn't accurate 60 yards or less. Most QBs aren't very accurate past 30 yards. I don't think the quarterback you described is a real person in any dimension.
His name is Eli Manning.
FWIW Bob L is likening Broyld to Daunte Culpepper. I don't think Broyld has that ext 40lbs of fat though. both he and smallwood will qualify.
Smallwood won't be playing for the Cuse.

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