the reasons i prefer HC with offensive background |

the reasons i prefer HC with offensive background


Living Legend
Aug 16, 2011
Scheme matters more on offense
I want a system QB
I think offensive head coaches are more likely to make efficient kicking decisions

I know Babers didn't succeed. He's one guy.

About scheme

We face tradeoffs - the resources you spend on a coach's background likely result in fewer resources on the other side of the ball. You might hire the perfect coordinator but the odds are that the people you spend the most money on have the most expertise.

I think scheme matters slightly more on offense than defense. I think talent matters slightly more on defense than offense. This isn't to say that talent isn't important on both sides.

I think offensive coordinators and defensive coordinators can recruit non-qbs equally well on both sides of the ball

If scheme matters more on offense and both sides can recruit players on the other side, spending money on an offensive coach makes sense.

About system QBs

When is the last time you've heard of a system corner or a system linebacker? We have heard "system qb" our whole lives. It's a dismissive way of saying the QB isn't that good.

Since football is incredibly stupid, very few people think "Hmm, you mean to tell me that a qb who isn't that good can appear to be good with the right system. That sounds like a great idea!"

About kicking

I think offensive and defensive coaches love the side of the ball they coach more. Defensive coaches like playing defense. Offensive coaches like playing offense. Let's say both are equally biased. Playing offense the whole game would be the best defense ever. Playing defense the whole game would be the worst offense ever. Coaches choose to stop playing offense far too much - this is proven. Nothing is guaranteed but the odds of more efficient kicking decisions improve with an offensive head coach.

The downside of an offensive wacko is that practicing defense against the air raid doesn't prepare you very well for a factory with a pro style balanced offense. If you're a factory and want to win every game and have the talent to do so in a more balanced offense, it makes sense to run a more balanced offense to best prepare your talented defense. We are not a factory who expects to win every game so this concern is lessened for me.

This is about probabilities, i know there are a million teams doing things a million different ways. An overweight chimp in new jersey sometimes succeeds with a punt block offense.
I tend to agree. Lip service is often paid to, "it all starts in the trenches." You can scheme around some oline deficiencies(and many do) but only to a point. I prefer an oline guy as a head coach. It's not necessary, but it often helps solidify the biggest group on offense.

I think any of Marrone's success here, was because of that. Dino's coaching decisions on Defense, were eventually good, imo.

I also think system/scheme should be adjusted to QB and WR's strength. If you are great at Xs and Os, but don't have the pieces to consistently execute what you want? Adapt. Thats being good at Xs and Os. Otherwise, you'll stink.
The rules skewed so much towards favoring the offense is one big reason. Climate controlled environment another for me
That said I don't think the football stuff will drive the replacement selection.

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