The Upside |

The Upside


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- An ugly performance. But there are no ugly wins. If you disagree, just think about how you would have felt if we’d lost and compare that to how you feel now. As Doug Marrone said: “We aren’t good enough not to enjoy a victory”.

- We have outscored the other team 29-3 in the fourth quarter and overtime this year. Coach Marrone wants you to know that that is because of their leadership and conditioning programs. Whatever, it’s a good sign.

- People wanted Ryan Nassib’s accuracy to improve. So far this year he’s 49 for 65, (.753). He’s doing this under considerable duress. And he’s not just throwing short: he’s got 496 yards 6TDs and only one interception. If he keeps this up he’ll have 3,000 yards and 30TDS this year, a place where no SU quarterback has gone before.

- I love the combination of Van Chew and Alec Lemon, now that they are healthy. They were both a shell of themselves in the second half last year. Chew is a wonderful, sure-handed receiver who can catch the possession pass or go deep. And he makes big catches. Lemon is a big, strong possession receiver who can break tackles. I hope they both remain healthy. They had 18 catches for 228 yards and 2 scores as well as most of our 20 first downs today.

- The defense had some issues but in the end they won the game. We expected a 42-14 type score and we got the 14. And they did it with Rhode Island having the ball for 32 minutes and 64 games and in the game all the way so they didn’t have to become one-dimensional.

- Shane Raupers didn’t put up big numbers, (35.4 yards per punt and he can’t boom the ball out of trouble like Carney and long could. But he gets good hang time and is better at placing the ball down deep than they are. I’d rather have Carney or Long punting from our end zone but I’d rather have Raupers punting from midfield.

- We survived Probst, even if we didn’t have Holmes to cover Baskerville.

- We’ve got USC just where we want ‘em. They don’t think we have a chance. (Here’s hoping they are wrong)

- I’ve driven to the Dome both times this year without the slightest sense of nervousness. It was like I was going to a movie. Driving home, I felt liked I’d been operated on without an anesthetic. I’d spent the whole second half waiting for the play that would lose the game. It didn’t happen but it had seemed inevitable. The time to get nervous is when you’re not nervous. That won’t be a problem the rest of the year. I’ll be a basket case for every game.

2-0 and 10 to go.

Correct, it wasn't an ugly win, just a disappointing performance against a lesser opponent. Props to URI and staff, they played their arsses off. We were under prepared, and much of the game, outcoached(sorry, Doug) and outplayed. Just look at time of posession.
We aren't good enough yet to blow teams away. Physically, we looked a lot bigger than they did. Our skilled players looked better than theirs. Chew and Lemon looked very good. Nassib looked very good. Bailey looked very good. Just thought the offensive line did not look good at all. With that being said, you would think we won by 30. Could not run the ball against RI and that is frustrating. Don't want to be one dimensional. The line has to step it up for us to be successful moving forward. ...but I like being 2-0.
We aren't good enough yet to blow teams away. Physically, we looked a lot bigger than they did. Our skilled players looked better than theirs. Chew and Lemon looked very good. Nassib looked very good. Bailey looked very good. Just thought the offensive line did not look good at all. With that being said, you would think we won by 30. Could not run the ball against RI and that is frustrating. Don't want to be one dimensional. The line has to step it up for us to be successful moving forward. ...but I like being 2-0.

Bailey looked very good?? wow

The game was on internet TV and no one around the country saw it.

Anyone in the BE who would care is in no place to snicker about it. UConn, Cincy, RU, UL, seriously guys. Pitt, the was that. WVU is too busy swooning over the SEC to care and USF is just waiting until the Orange Bowl calls.
Bailey looked very good?? wow

Yeah, the O-Line looked terrible. For all you twon haters, I don't think DC3 could have gained over 50 today. Our O-Line was brutal.
Yeah, the O-Line looked terrible. For all you twon haters, I don't think DC3 could have gained over 50 today. Our O-Line was brutal.
Not a twon hater at all, but saying he looked "very good" is way overboard, no matter if it was the line or him.
Antwon ran hard, took the ground that was given him and moved forward after being hit. I did not see where he did not take advantage of any open field or went down easy. He had no space to run. I think the coaches that see all of the backs every day feel that he's our best option. He's a good experienced RB did the best with the opportunity that was given him. Just find frustrating that we could not do a better job on the LOS against RI.

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