The problem is ... we won't know the answer to that until surveillance testing starts. And that subject has become a 10th amendment political football - with the federal government pretending that the states should test and the states responding that their facilities and raw materials are a fraction of what is needed. I tend to believe the states because this is a uniform sentiment of governors across the country on both sides of the aisle.
Without testing ... the numbers are not pretty. We have 250,000 infections in NY. If the link you cited is to be believed, multiply that number times 28-55 to determine the number of carriers. The mean coefficient is 41.5, but if we use 40 - that's 10M Typhoid Mary's in NY alone. I mean, I'm as anxious as everyone else to return to "normal", but clearly that is not going to be possible without a massive upscaling of testing. If we can't test we can't work or play. Simple as that.
The main hurdle is not testing "capacity" (i.e., the number of labs or machines). It's the lack of supplies. We don't have the stuff - vials, reagents, swabs, etc,. This is because China makes most of it and the demand signal has spiked. So our supply chain dependency has bought us a serious public health crisis.
So next time you hear "free market" nonsense from the global capitalists ... remind them of the pickle we're in right now. China can turn its cheap manufacturing spigot on or off as Xi pleases - depriving us of markets, a significant portion of our consumer products, life-saving drugs, shipping vessels, critical raw materials for electronics, it goes on and on. We have only ourselves to blame.