This team... |

This team...

Is the opposite of our football team. This is what we strive for in football. Exciting, offensive, fast paced.

I freaking love this team. But we cannot play six guys all year. It just cannot happen.
Other teams have done it and won.
Is the opposite of our football team. This is what we strive for in football. Exciting, offensive, fast paced.

I freaking love this team. But we cannot play six guys all year. It just cannot happen.
Duke won a championship playing 6 guys.
Love this team. So fun to watch. Still a middle of the pack ACC team I think - maybe 5th or 6th. But DANGEROUS.
Other teams have done it and won.

I've seen small rotations win before, but only 6?

If we're able to ride these guys or get some sizable leads to the point where Howard, Joseph and Chino can get some minutes to take the pressure off were in good shape. But it will be tough to ride 6 guys for 30 more games this year.

All that said, we sure can shoot the ball and that will keep us in games or make us win games that we've been losing the past few years.
We will see more Joseph, Howard and Obokoh as the season goes. JB really watned to win this tournament. I assume b yMarch either KJ or Howard will have established themselves as #7
we will not play more than 6 unless we have foul trouble. period. (and i dont agree, but oh well)

As for the ACC, i see us as finishing 5th overall.
not a bad couple of days. we beat a poor squad, and overrated mid-major and a solid aTm program.

hopefully they can stay for a couple of days and enjoy the weather
I've seen small rotations win before, but only 6?

If we're able to ride these guys or get some sizable leads to the point where Howard, Joseph and Chino can get some minutes to take the pressure off were in good shape. But it will be tough to ride 6 guys for 30 more games this year.

All that said, we sure can shoot the ball and that will keep us in games or make us win games that we've been losing the past few years.
I am beginning to wonder if some can count.

WE went 7 kaleb played he may only play 5-8 but he was part of the rotation and Dajuan deserves alot, alot of credit for the last 2 games defense and rebounding.
not a bad couple of days. we beat a poor squad, and overrated mid-major and a solid aTm program.

hopefully they can stay for a couple of days and enjoy the weather
Did you get a chance to watch the consolation game? It's always great basketball when two hungry mid majors go at each other. Loved it. Not the varsity game but still worth watching.
Did you get a chance to watch the consolation game? It's always great basketball when two hungry mid majors go at each other. Loved it. Not the varsity game but still worth watching.

I don't watch cable
ok.. keep underselling this group. JB has always played the hot hand. If we need more howard and joseph we will get more howard and joseph. Coleman is really growing. 5th in the acc is underselling this group. They play up and down, are defending better and have looked as good as any other acc contender has so far in this young season. Meanwhile miami is down in the 2nd half to northeastern. This group is good and can keep getting better. Winning the acc is a realistic ceiling. I will say we land 2-4.
not a bad couple of days. we beat a poor squad, and overrated mid-major and a solid aTm program.

hopefully they can stay for a couple of days and enjoy the weather
Malachi deserves to stay and swim with the sharks for awhile after that technical
He was sensational!
Duke won a championship playing 6 guys.

It's possible. The reason I mean that is just for depth purposes if injuries (knock on freaking wood) happen. Assuming everyone is healthy we can make it work.
This team is a challenge for any other team simply because they don't know the word quit. Very few, if any, times down the floor are they just pounding the ball through the floor. Ball movement consistently as good as I can remember for many seasons. A few freshman mistakes, but by the end of the season----be still my heart!
This team reminds me of those really scary mid-major teams that you see in March. Lots of shooters, donut team. If they get hot, they can bury you.
A mid major team with elite level athletes that can meet you at the rim. It feels like in March we always get burned by hot shoting teams, it would be nice if we were the hot shooting team for once
It's possible. The reason I mean that is just for depth purposes if injuries (knock on freaking wood) happen. Assuming everyone is healthy we can make it work.
We really the perfect mix right now. If we stay healthy we can survive with 6.
Is the opposite of our football team. This is what we strive for in football. Exciting, offensive, fast paced.

I freaking love this team. But we cannot play six guys all year. It just cannot happen.
They just played 3 games in 3 days playing 6. Just saying.

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