To those who've lost someone to cancer |

To those who've lost someone to cancer


All American
Aug 27, 2011
I will appeal to you once again. Especially because there's a post about about a similar loss on the front page as we speak.

I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago. His 82nd birthday would be in 3 hours. I lost my SU coaches vs. cancer bracelet at the DC airport on Easter Sunday, the day after we reached the Final Four. It had not been off left wrist since about a week after he past. Every day for the last 5 weeks I look at my arm and feel naked.

I've posted twice about this and received zero replies. Perhaps I am so polarizing that people choose not to respond. Fine. I get it.

But, if you no where to acquire one of these bracelets, please let me know. Money is not an object. If you have one on your person and are willing to sell, I will surely find a way to make you whole.
I've lost several family members to cancer but I can't help you. Didn't want you to think I was ignoring your posts. If you find a source please share.
Where did you get the original, Poppy? I'm sure you could call the SU BBall office and find out how to get another one. JB probably knows.
I will appeal to you once again. Especially because there's a post about about a similar loss on the front page as we speak.

I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago. His 82nd birthday would be in 3 hours. I lost my SU coaches vs. cancer bracelet at the DC airport on Easter Sunday, the day after we reached the Final Four. It had not been off left wrist since about a week after he past. Every day for the last 5 weeks I look at my arm and feel naked.

I've posted twice about this and received zero replies. Perhaps I am so polarizing that people choose not to respond. Fine. I get it.

But, if you no where to acquire one of these bracelets, please let me know. Money is not an object. If you have one on your person and are willing to sell, I will surely find a way to make you whole.
Send me a private message. I have a couple thoughts as to how to find one.
good luck in your search. I feel your pain. I lost my own father to pancreatic cancer in December, 1999 - a day before my own birthday.
I will appeal to you once again. Especially because there's a post about about a similar loss on the front page as we speak.

I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago. His 82nd birthday would be in 3 hours. I lost my SU coaches vs. cancer bracelet at the DC airport on Easter Sunday, the day after we reached the Final Four. It had not been off left wrist since about a week after he past. Every day for the last 5 weeks I look at my arm and feel naked.

I've posted twice about this and received zero replies. Perhaps I am so polarizing that people choose not to respond. Fine. I get it.

But, if you no where to acquire one of these bracelets, please let me know. Money is not an object. If you have one on your person and are willing to sell, I will surely find a way to make you whole.
Just replying as I am so sorry for the loss of your father this way. If I had one of these bracelets, I would walk it over to you from 1000 miles away, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. We are definitely here for you brother.

Will try to find one.
I am not sure if these are the same ones, but some recent links. I hope one or more of these help, but if they do, please buy two of them and keep one at home.
You could contact Cardozo High School in Bayside, NY to inquire.
"If you are interested in buying a wristband or t-shirt please contact Amanda Gauthier at"

I am sorry to reach on some of these, but they are fairly recent links. Will try to find more.
Thanks to all who replied. I received the original bracelet from someone who used to work in the Orange Pack, prior to the purge. She is not sure who specifically provided them, but it was probably JB himself or someone close to the program. I'll try contacting JB's secretary to see if there are leftovers, but after several years who knows?. CTO, thanks for the response. I'll let you know how things work out.
Thanks to all who replied. I received the original bracelet from someone who used to work in the Orange Pack, prior to the purge. She is not sure who specifically provided them, but it was probably JB himself or someone close to the program. I'll try contacting JB's secretary to see if there are leftovers, but after several years who knows?. CTO, thanks for the response. I'll let you know how things work out.

Poppy, condolences for your loss. I understand what it's like to have a memento lost like that. After the services on Tuesday & Wednesday, I'll begin my search through his things to find my fathers ancient SU Hoodie he used to wear. No one's been able to find it since he went into Hospice and I want/need it. It's tough.
I'm sorry for your loss, you guys. Cancer is tough. It can take you regardless of how much you want to live. Those that think it only takes those that have given up are sadly mistaken.
This is from a Mike Waters post in January, 2006:

After mentioning the orange-and-blue Coaches vs. Cancer wristbands being sold at SU home games on the blog last night, I received several emails this morning from out-of-towners wanting to purchase some of the $3 bands.
Contact Brian Hayes at the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. His number is 315-437-7026.
I lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer in 2007, my senior year of high school. It was surreal how fast his body deteriorated. He was a HUGE SU bball fan, and I still have his autographs of sherman douglas and billy owens when he saw them at the grocery store one random day..
I lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer in 2007, my senior year of high school. It was surreal how fast his body deteriorated. He was a HUGE SU bball fan, and I still have his autographs of sherman douglas and billy owens when he saw them at the grocery store one random day..
Sorry about your uncle. If he was anything like me and how much I idolized Sherm, must have been such a sweet day when he got that autograph.
This is from a Mike Waters post in January, 2006:

After mentioning the orange-and-blue Coaches vs. Cancer wristbands being sold at SU home games on the blog last night, I received several emails this morning from out-of-towners wanting to purchase some of the $3 bands.
Contact Brian Hayes at the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. His number is 315-437-7026.

Awesome! This is a good starting point for Poppy, if nothing else.
Poppy, condolences for your loss. I understand what it's like to have a memento lost like that. After the services on Tuesday & Wednesday, I'll begin my search through his things to find my fathers ancient SU Hoodie he used to wear. No one's been able to find it since he went into Hospice and I want/need it. It's tough.
Its not always momentos you were familiar with either that matter. I've lost both of my parents to cancer, most recently my mother. In her closet we found numerous ungiven gifts she had purchased including SU shirts Yankee backpacks etc. But the momento that meant the most to my then 11 - year old son was an old Penn State sweathshirt of my fathers. My son hates Penn State, never met his grandfather but 2 years later still wears the sweatshirt (it almost fits him now!). I truly enjoy seeing him wear that old rag because of the memories it brings. As much as I, my brothers and sons love SU, that is how much my Dad loved Penn State.
I lost a brother to cancer when he was 55. He was a Vanderbilt fan, having gone to grad school there and married a Nashville native whose family was closely connected to Vanderbilt. I still share celebratory calls with his wife when Vanderbilt or SU excels, especially in basketball. It keeps my brother alive for both of us though it's been many years since he passed. Death of life's partners & friends is tough at any age, but early death is tragic in the tortured impact it has on all those involved. For those of you who have experienced or are going through that, please know there are many of us that grieve with you.
I lost a brother to cancer when he was 55. He was a Vanderbilt fan, having gone to grad school there and married a Nashville native whose family was closely connected to Vanderbilt. I still share celebratory calls with his wife when Vanderbilt or SU excels, especially in basketball. It keeps my brother alive for both of us though it's been many years since he passed. Death of life's partners & friends is tough at any age, but early death is tragic in the tortured impact it has on all those involved. For those of you who have experienced or are going through that, please know there are many of us that grieve with you.

Just reading these stories [and some shared in JackBauer's thread from over the weekend] really hammers home just how many people / families are touched by cancer.
Poppy--just out of curiosity, did that contact info posted above bear fruit?
Poppy--just out of curiosity, did that contact info posted above bear fruit?

RF, I've contacted the ACS in Syracuse. Brian Hayes is no longer there, but his successor (Betsy Guilfoil) replied back and said they'll check their storage vaults and ask around. I'll let everyone know when I hear something.

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