Today's Facebook message from Floyd's wife Deborah:
Good morning Family and Friends. I Pray you are all well and staying safe as each new day brings new challenges to saving our lives.
It is 3:45am as I begin this message. I have been tossing and turning all night and this night it is not because Floyd couldn't sleep, or was in pain, or for any other reason related to Floyd and his health or wellbeing. This night is restless because we (me and our kids) feel like the story of our lives, in this moment, has been hijacked and stolen away from us.
For the past several months it has been public information that Floyd is battling cancer. I have shared many, many times that he is a very private man and we (me, Floyd and our kids), collectively and respectfully kept his information private until we, collectively, decided it was time to share. We started with our immediate family and our closest friends then slowly shared his condition with a few more distant friends before finally sharing with the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the NFL. We believed those closest to us deserved to be told by us personally before the media got ahold of the information. We missed notifying a few people personally but we did our best.
As the months progressed we were initially bombarded (in a good way) with your love, prayers and support... and we were, and will forever be eternally grateful. Inquiries about Floyds condition were constant and sent via text, calls, USPS, and social media and we did our best to keep folks informed but so much changes so fast. Every day is different and what is true today is no longer true tomorrow. Constantly sharing information is exhausting and can be very depressing, especially when there is no 'real' good news to share. So we slowed down our updates and focused more on supporting each other and surrounding Floyd with our love and prayers. We needed time to deal with the shock and grasp what was happening to our lives. In the meantime, Floyd and I traveled from doctor to doctor between Las Vegas and Phoenix, AZ making life or death decisions about his health and his care.
Two weeks ago our lives took another turn and we were faced with a whole new reality. As we shifted from one horrible narrative to another we embraced and supported each other, again, as best we could. The shock of our new reality has not worn off yet, but we have been gathering ourselves and while protecting and holding Floyd up in prayer in the background, collectively discussing how and when to share our new reality with family and our closest friends. We were, in the last day or two, just beginning to agree upon when and how to share our new reality publicly.
Most unfortunately the opportunity to share our story, in our way and in our time, was snatched away from us when someone we welcomed in decided to post our update on their social media and notify the press. While I am sure it was well intended, the most disappointing part is that we were not consulted, asked for permission to do so, or even given a heads up that this was coming. Last night I began receiving messages from a few good friends in my hometown of Syracuse about Floyd's condition. I asked, "Where did you hear this?" and was told, "It's on the evening news." WHAT?!!!
The texts and messages between me and our kids were frantic! Here we are respecting Floyd's privacy for as long as we could by being patient and only notifying those closest to us as we strategically planned for the release of this new information, only to have it all snatched away by an eager informer who talked to the press! OMG! We were not sharing Floyd's story with the Press yet! There were still many we wanted to inform, including you my Facebook Family and Friends, before making this public. I even notified the PFHOF and asked the President, David Baker to share with Floyd's HOF brothers, but not publicly yet and he respected that request.
Anyway... I'm getting all worked up so I'd better conclude...
I do believe, in my heart, that our friend was very much well intending, but we simply should have been consulted before
speaking to the press. Floyd's story was not already circulating in the press and that should have been the first clue.
The Public Announcement we are now forced to share is that Floyd's Dr's determined that his cancer treatments were not performing well so they discontinued treatment and strongly recommended hospice care. He has been under hospice care for two weeks and two days. As for the question, "How is Floyd?" ... taking it one day at a time.
Thank you for your Love and Support. Please Keep Praying!
It is 5:30am and I'm going to try to get some rest before beginning this new day.
I send you Love and Blessings,
From Floyd and DeBorah
And Our Kids