Tough blow for Pitt |

Tough blow for Pitt

ouch. besides Patterson, he was pretty much their shooter.
Really big blow to this Pitt team. He was a major piece off of the bench and a reason I was optimistic about this team. He brought energy and a guy who could change the game offensively. He was also getting better all around and was a nice athlete with length. Pitt just got a lot easier to guard.
Think about if this happened to Ennis .. very tough brake for them.
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?

I believe that its the getting away with fouling all the time in every game for years in the BE which I believe the sub par NCAA record backs up when you are called for such fouls. To me though its the philosophy of fouling all the time because they won't call all of them which we also saw with Butler who I hate and we see with Craft. Its the fact that we have to hear about how good these teams our players are on Defense when really no one knows because they foul constantly. Also Pitt under Dixon has employed an illegal screen strategy almost constantly against the top of SU's 2-3 zone and gotten away with that as well. Plus Dixon to me is kind of an a$$ in his post game pressors win or lose and doesn't;t seem to give respect or credit to the opponent. This year I think Dixon has changed his strategy to play without the hands and Pitt does much less of it when I have watched. They now try to chest and body up with their hands in air to avoid getting called for a foul. We shall see how it goes with the new rules and the ACC. I give Dixon some credit for the adjustment thus far but Pitt is hard to figure this year as they haven't played anyone good other than Cinci and lost.

You asked and that is my opinion.
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?
Tough D? I think you are being a little conservative here. MMA style D is closer to reality #clutchngrabU
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?
I like Pitt as a school. Three of my cousins graduated from there. I liked Ben Howland and I like Jamie Dixon. A lot of the criticism is because they play thug ball and they have never won anything substantial. Until they do no one will take them seriously. They have had some guys that I have liked, like Brandin Knight, DeJuan Blair and Jerome Lane and guys that I haven't liked like Carl Krausner (easily public enemy #1), the original foreign dude-DZ and Chevy Troutman.

They are a great rivalry for us.
I respect the program more than the fans . Fans are annoying more than not. Also there have been some thugs playing for pitt ala troutman, foreign dude, krauser etc. Recently the pitt teams have been harder to hate and I found dixon pretty likeable when he was a guest during the ncaas this past yr.
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?

I liked Sam Young. Dixon's OK, and I know and respect Brian Regan.

I do not like or respect every limited-talent cheap-shot artist from Nasir Robinson way back to whoever gouged Preston Shumpert's eye (with no foul called, of course, costing us the Big East championship). Pitt's regular-season success rests largely on setting uncalled moving screens up top and fouling like five Aaron Crafts for 40 minutes.

And most of their fans are numbskulls.

I hate Pitt.
That sucks... the ACC can't lose any good players/teams this year. Still wanna see old BE go 1. Cuse. 2. Pitt in their first ACC year. And I don't want to give Pitt fans any "Yeah but..." opportunities when we sweep em.
He should view this as an opportunity to transfer.
I never root for a player to get injured.

But we need to win against Pitt next weekend at home to not lose ground in the standings. I'll take whatever advantage circumstances throw our way [again, not rooting for injuries; this one already occurred.]
I detect some thawing of ancient hatreds on this board. It's easier to be magnanimous when you're 16-0.
So basically for 14 years has been getting away with fouling. For some reason every ref who does our games don't call fouls. You do realize that is crazy right? As for Pitt losing in the tournament that has nothing to do with fouls all of a sudden being called. They lose because they aren't good enough to win. Can you name a game they lost in tournament because they had fouls called on them? If so please do.
Can any of you explain the hatred for Pitt? Is it because they play tough D or as most of you call it thug ball? I mean if they fouled as much as you guys say don't you think it would be called that way especially in the ACC?
I don't have a hatred for Pittsburgh. Hey you are not Penn St. ;) As for this 'thug ball' you speak of, that was The Big East. Physicality ruled some years. You can't deny that Syracuse was one of the more up and down (running) teams back in the day. (Not this year) Everyone tried to slow us down. Pitt was very good at it. So...I'm sorry about Durand Johnson. The Big East is old news. We haven't played an ACC (bball) game yet. Bring it. ;)
I detect some thawing of ancient hatreds on this board. It's easier to be magnanimous when you're 16-0.

I agree it's easier to be magnanimous when your 16-0, but I'm just not seeing that on here. If anything else, quite the opposite with the opportunistic hammering away at UCONN and an all time high use of the term "mid-major" as an insult, for example. "Not that there's anything wrong with that", just saying this board is anything but magnanimous, even to our own posters sometimes. Are you sure you didnt mean something more along the lines of having animus? ;)

So basically for 14 years has been getting away with fouling. For some reason every ref who does our games don't call fouls. You do realize that is crazy right? As for Pitt losing in the tournament that has nothing to do with fouls all of a sudden being called. They lose because they aren't good enough to win. Can you name a game they lost in tournament because they had fouls called on them? If so please do.

To quote a character(Stuart Dooley) on TV's King of the Hill, "That took courage". That's why I gave you the like, not because I necessarily agree or disagree with you. Apparently I don't have as much courage at the moment. Now if we want to talk about fouls and the tournament, the Big East's 6 foul era would logically make the most sense of any. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. (which is why I shortened this post and took out some more praise I gave you about questioning things on here that most accept without question).

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