I agree with your larger point, the reality is that the kid wants to play and he isn't going to learn the offense in one offseason. It took the team 2 years to adjust, TD just finished his second year in the system. There is no chance a kid will walk into camp and take the job from TD. Besides, I believe that TD is the better QB as it stands right now.
I am OK if he wants to play in Syracuse and Dino welcomes him. HE will sit behind TD. Even if he could overtake TD, it would take two years to be at the level TD is at now, let alone overcome the advanced level TD will be at after one and two years as the starter.
I want solid backups and was hoping Chance Aimee was the guy. CA decided he was not a good fit and left for greener pastures. Anyone coming in is going to face the same things as TD faced, CA faced, Welch faced, and so and so forth.