Very very important that we don't lay and egg tomorrow |

Very very important that we don't lay and egg tomorrow


Shaky Potatoes
Aug 26, 2011
win the next two and we could see some good home crowds for WVU and USF
Totally agree - I am sure this will be the largest crowd of the season. Dropping an egg would ruin the momentum in rebuilding the fan base.

AND if we learned anything from the USF Pitt game, USF dropped an egg last night. I hope we can get out of this Syracuse "jinx" as I call it and start off without the bonehead plays in the first quarter like the missed hike in the Toledo game and the late defensive hit in the USC game and the slow starts for the URI and WF games. I am hoping for a clean well executed 1st quarter as I know our team gets better as time goes on.
I definitely agree and I think this determines student attendance as well. Whether people like it or not, there's been very little to drive students to the Dome in terms of on-field performance over the last few years. Road wins don't add up to fair weather fans coming out. All many students remember were last year's home debacles against Pitt and UConn and the years of misery at home prior to that.
Yep, if we don't win (and win by a score that isn't 13-10), we're probably not going to see 40,000 at the Dome again this season.
Yep, if we don't win (and win by a score that isn't 13-10), we're probably not going to see 40,000 at the Dome again this season.

Fans that need to see their team in shootouts and get disappointed by 13-10 WINS flat out suck. those are the idiots that whine about having to pay for parking, because they certainly can't admit that they'd rather look at pretty fall colors than watch their team win a low scoring game.

Sadly, you are right - there are far too many of these imbeciles in CNY, and a low scoring win will negatively affect attendance for the rest of the season.
I don't think a close win will keep bandwagon fans away, but a loss similar to the Pitt game last year will.

Casual fans don't pay good money to watch the home team get bludgeoned.

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