I guess it's time for me to post my perennial lament about why we don't re-create Marrone's Tank Package?
That was: "a formation that features three tight ends and two backs, with backup middle linebacker Lewellyn Coker playing fullback." Adonis Ameen-Moore was the ball carrier as the tailback. After the play was established in earlier games, they did fake the handoff to Ameen-Moore and Nassib threw a pass to Coker vs Louisville for a TD.
I seem to recall they ran some other surprise play out of this formation that season, but don't remember the details. The Tank Package itself was not a surprise. It was regularly used in goal line situations, the opponent knew it was coming. SU scored a lot of TDs running it.
Substitute the best hitter on the team for Lewellyn Coker. Villari could be the tailback.
Syracuse reserve linebacker Lewellyn Coker catches touchdown pass in 'tank' formation