Waiters | Syracusefan.com


He seems to be back to Freshman year Dion in terms of attitude and lack of defense. I think a split from Cleveland will be forthcoming
of course I am biased, but I get the impression that Dion is happier taking 20 shots in a double digit loss than he is taking 6 shots in a double digit win
He had a great game the other night and even had some people questioning if Kyrie was the problem...but since then, not so much.
jb's players lack discipline and hard work

Love these blanket statements...

Andy Rautins: Slacker

Wes Johnson: Slacker

Etan Thomas: Slacker

John Wallace: Slacker

Baye Keita: Slacker

I could go on...but you get my point.:rolleyes:
2. Excessive Celebrations While Losing

The Hawks beat a pathetic Cleveland team that night, and during the third quarter, Dion Waiters slammed home a fast-break dunk. Waiters screamed as he rammed the ball through. As he jogged back along the sideline near the Hawks' bench, he glared at Atlanta's players, trash-talking them.

The dunk cut Atlanta's lead to 19. Congrats, Dion! Whoop it up! It might seem a small thing, and I'm normally not one to read much into behavior outside a player's on-court production. But I do think stuff like this can tell us about a player's priorities. Gloating trash talk when your team is laying yet another egg is just embarrassing — especially when your own awful defense is among the many reasons for said egg-laying.


Love these blanket statements...

Andy Rautins: Slacker

Wes Johnson: Slacker

Etan Thomas: Slacker

John Wallace: Slacker

Baye Keita: Slacker

I could go on...but you get my point.:rolleyes:
I loved John Wallace but wasn't he known for having an attitude? Or did he simply get labeled that way because he came out of Cuse?
I loved John Wallace but wasn't he known for having an attitude? Or did he simply get labeled that way because he came out of Cuse?

I never heard of any such thing. I do know he improved substantially while at Syracuse and had himself a nice run in the NBA too.
My mistake...Thought that was one of the reasons he slipped on draft day.
My mistake...Thought that was one of the reasons he slipped on draft day.

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I've never heard anything like that...he did make himself into an All-American and carried us on his back his senior year. He was a more of a role player as an underclassman and that development does speak to his work eithic and attitude.
jb's players lack discipline and hard work

He had Dion for 2 years. He never let him start.
I guess you are conceding the fact that JB's influence is so powerful - - it overcame Dion's other 19+ years of socialization?
Love these blanket statements...

Andy Rautins: Slacker

Wes Johnson: Slacker

Etan Thomas: Slacker

John Wallace: Slacker

Baye Keita: Slacker

I could go on...but you get my point.:rolleyes:
john Wallace. you lost you're momentum
only on here at Lake Woebegone, where all Syracuse players are far above average, and everyone else sucks

Dion is in a toxic organization playing with an overrated player in Kyrie.

He is resorting to all sorts of bad habits on the court. It's a terrible situation.

Not absolving Dion of anything. He's in the league and has to be accountable, but him getting picked as high as he did by that team was just never going to work and immediately put him on a track to go off the rails.

Hope he parts ways with the Cavs, finds a well run team and gets to be a heat check guy off the bench.
mr waiters. can i get the dunk special. with a side of FACIAL!
Seems to me ha always had attitude probs...itjust got masked because it's hard to be surly on a 30-1 team.
I'm sure it helped to have Scoop there too (and Rick the year before)
My mistake...Thought that was one of the reasons he slipped on draft day.

Derrick Coleman had developed a bad reputation for himself in those mid 90's years and I clearly remember media people saying "is Wallace going to be another attitude problem like Coleman"?

I don't know that Wallace did anything wrong himself in terms of attitude. And who even knows if that's even why he slipped in the draft. I would guess that he slipped for legit basketball reasons(couldn't guard 3's or 4's in the pros really) and the sports media was just being morons like they often are.
And especially JB, both years.

Except when he told Boeheim GFY when the camera was on him during the Seton Hall blowout and he got himself on double-secret probation for the next game.

Dion's public behavior was better as a sophomore, but there wasn't much question that there'd be some future meltdowns.
Except when he told Boeheim GFY when the camera was on him during the Seton Hall blowout and he got himself on double-secret probation for the next game.

Dion's public behavior was better as a sophomore, but there wasn't much question that there'd be some future meltdowns.
The only reason that Dion was even at Syracuse for the second year was JB telling him he needed to grow up and his mother telling him he was going to stay.
I agree that he sure looked like he was still going to do it his way whenever and wherever he got the chance.
And people that want this loose cannon to go to the Knicks?? Of course that would add to their collection of questionable players.
This is probably sacrilegious to some, but I never was a waiters guy. He was great going to the basket and making big plays for us, but by reading some peoples posts on this board you would think he averaged 20ppg for us and carried the team, when reality it was 11 or 12. Referees aside he had a really bad game against Ohio State in the elite eight and that cost us. Personally I will always remember last years team more than the 11-12 team. We struggled some last year, but everyone was satisfied with the finish. That team had less egos and worked hard. Isn't it crazy that for all the ribbing he got on this board MCW seems to have the higher NBA potential?
This is probably sacrilegious to some, but I never was a waiters guy. He was great going to the basket and making big plays for us, but by reading some peoples posts on this board you would think he averaged 20ppg for us and carried the team, when reality it was 11 or 12. Referees aside he had a really bad game against Ohio State in the elite eight and that cost us. Personally I will always remember last years team more than the 11-12 team. We struggled some last year, but everyone was satisfied with the finish. That team had less egos and worked hard. Isn't it crazy that for all the ribbing he got on this board MCW seems to have the higher NBA potential?

He could've gotten close to 20 PPG though. It wasn't needed on that team(on average) and he didn't get the opportunities to do it. If you go by points per minute, and put him on one of the many Cuse teams where our best guard plays 35 mpg...he was easily a 20(or close) ppg type of guy that season.

He didn't carry that team on the whole, I agree. That team was so good because of the balance. I would say he was the best player on the team though.
This is probably sacrilegious to some, but I never was a waiters guy. He was great going to the basket and making big plays for us, but by reading some peoples posts on this board you would think he averaged 20ppg for us and carried the team, when reality it was 11 or 12. Referees aside he had a really bad game against Ohio State in the elite eight and that cost us. Personally I will always remember last years team more than the 11-12 team. We struggled some last year, but everyone was satisfied with the finish. That team had less egos and worked hard. Isn't it crazy that for all the ribbing he got on this board MCW seems to have the higher NBA potential?

Completely agreed. I was a lot more frustrated with the way Dion played while he was here than I was with MCW.

I'll always remember Dion for trying to take over the team after the initial Fab suspension. From that point on, we played 17 games. Dion shot less than 30% from the field in 8 of them. In those games, he shot 26% from the field and racked up 12 assists to 10 turnovers. I don't think I've ever been more frustrated watching a Syracuse player than I was watching Dion for those 18 games. He was feeling himself way too much when he really didn't play very well at all from that point on.

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