you might want to sit down for this, but I have some earth shattering news for you. Players, on the football field, sometimes say mean things to each other. Sometimes they even - I kid you not - talk about each other's mommas. They have even been known to question the skills, talents, and abilities of other players in a derogatory way - oftentimes with four letter words.
Joking aside, your post is wringing your hands over insults. I guarantee you the "no means no" chant doesn't crack the top 50 most vile things said on the field during the game. You don't have to like it - I don't and wish it wasn't part of the game - but it is. The officials will flag over the top taunting and gesturing, but trash talking goes unpunished. If this hadn't gotten picked up on camera, it would never have been thought of again. But because it was posted on social media, Oregon's coach had to come out and go through the motions of saying it was classless. Notice he didn't specify a punishment. To the extent they are punished, it'll be running a few sets of stairs or some extra up downs.
The fact that this even made news is an indictment on our obsessive 24 hour lowest common denominator thirst for things to be offended by.