When did you become an SU basketball fan. | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

When did you become an SU basketball fan.

Settled in Liverpool (13088) in 1975 after a stint in the USAF.
Found a job with Agway and noticing all the fun my co-workers were having rooting for SU kind of caught on with me.
This was the Louie & Bouie era and things were always rocking in the dome how could you not get ramped up for life!
Grew up in 13088 in the 70s. Hanover ave.
Early 70s Sweet D did his Harlem Globetrotters warmup. I remember listening on radio to the Lee kicked the ball into the stands against St. john’s . I was at a Syracuse Blazers game listening to it .
This has already been covered nicely in this thread.

Mods, can you merge the new posts into that thread?

You’re excused……..pick another thread.
Next thread in this series "When did you stop becoming an SU Fan"
Not there yet.
Next thread in this series "When did you stop becoming an SU Fan"
Not there yet.
Not even when I’m dead, because I’m having my kids spread my ashes under The Ernie Davis Statue.( not joking ) I guess I’m lumping hoops and football together.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, IthacaMatt, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, cliftonparksufan, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, Cusecactus, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, benjams77, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, jcuse, JkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets, Owens Guy, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, CuseFaninVT, Cusefan0307, CuseTG2003, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Sherman20, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
Last edited:
The day I was born in the early 90s
The 'edit' link has disappeared so I can't ad you to the lists I made but I did add you onto a WORD document I made of it and if I ever report it, you will be on there.
Re SWC75's monumental listing of the decade of becoming a fan, I, Orangedontrhyme, can attest that there is no "maybe" for me in his category called "Prior to the 1950's (maybe)." From the start of my year of birth, 1942, I was a fan. Dad was SU1926 (me SU1964) and I think that one of the first words I was able to understand was "Syracuse." But I who goes way back wants to take you all way back to my month of birth, November 1942.

I was due in the middle of November, which presented a problem for Dad as the Syracuse-Colgate game was November 14. Dad desperately wanted to go to the game as Colgate was our big rival and after a span of years from 1925 to 1937 where the games were all losses or ties to Colgate, with no wins, SU was starting to win. But, to put it in football terms, Mom threatened to penalize Dad if he was ineligibly down field in Archbold 2 1/2 hours away while the line of scrimmage was in the maternity ward at home. Dad was forced to punt, remained on the bench at home, but I stayed in the locker room for another week and a half, much to Dad's dismay (and probably Mom's) but Dad declined a delay of game penalty when relatives and fans stormed the field in celebration when I finally entered the game of life a week and a half later in the overtime period. Dad was happy, being congratulated by all for his part in increasing the team roster.

So, from my start in 1942, it was Syracuse. Oh, by the way, on November 14, Colgate won 14 to 0, so Dad did not miss anything there.

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