Where are the SU FOOTBALL fans in the capital district? | Syracusefan.com

Where are the SU FOOTBALL fans in the capital district?


Walk On
Aug 28, 2011
Went to Schenectady yesterday for an interview. My brother and some friends had a plan to get 9 in after work. Ended up at Frear Park over in Troy. Afterwards went to a large hotel sportsbar. I've never seen so many tv's. Waiter said there were 53. Flatscreens,projections,all sizes. Impressive, except...not one tuned to the SU game. My request got no where. They even had the nerve to have the Louisville game on a few. And it just reminded me of growiing up in the capital district. (born and raised selkirk,ny; RCS school system) There never seemed to be a pulse for SU football. Only basketball. Albany was concerned about UA Great Dane football, Union College football, then big time highschool football like Shenendahowa. (man them kids were huge) You never saw a lot of people wear SU gear just walking around. If you did people would either give you a tepid "yeah orange" type of thing, or ask you if you were from Syracuse. And any conversation there after would be about the basketball team. At any rate the first time I noticed a tv tuned to the game it was 20-7 just before we scored the td. With the exception of me and one table of young people next to ours (this includes my family and friends) no one made a sound. We went nuts.:bat: Did not ask who but one of the guys at the table next to us has a brother on the team. After our little ruckus,several minutes later another tv got tuned to the game. Almost as if non-chalantly some others said "oh yeah, su plays tonight, i better check in on that." But again no noise, no passion. I just wonder, we are trying to turn NYC orange, but we don't even have the Albany area orange football wise. Does Rochester and Buffalo have that same blase' attitude about the football? Because they are a lot more moved by anything SU basketball it seems
Rochester is Bill's first but Cuse is pretty popular.

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