Why Rhode Island Will Win | Syracusefan.com

Why Rhode Island Will Win


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- Because we’ve already chalked it up was a “W” and reality is fixin’ to teach us a lesson.

- Because FCS play FBS teams like it’s the Alamo- they may be out manned but there are going to show us we were in a game. They pull out all the stops, as Maine did. They have players like Colgate’s Nate Eachus, who could play for anybody. They have nothing to lose and no pressure so they keep coming at you.

- Because we saw how unprepared we were for Wake Forest, who decided to do things they hadn’t done last year. The film Doug has on Rhode Island is last year’s, too. Remember when the Maine coach completely changed his offense for the SU game?

- Rhode Island is used to playing good teams. The CAA is the SEC of FCS, (say that three times real quick). They have had five different schools with the FCS national championship since 1998 and played for it three other times. They play 4-5 Top Ten, (FCS), teams each year. They aren’t going to be scared of us.

- The Rams have eleven starters- 11! Back on offense from last year, including 6-4 230 Steve Probst, (Ashton Broyld’s dimensions) who ran for 600 yards last year and passed for 1876. Is Tanner Price really better than Steve Probst?

- We couldn’t get to Price most of the game last week with Chandler Jones. Can we get to Probst without him? If we can’t will our leaky pass defense hold up?

- I don’t care what they say, but everybody on the hill has got to be thinking of USC. Marrone is struggling mightily against that but that’s the point- it’s a struggle.

- Are we really to the point where there are games we shouldn’t worry about?
Everyone is hoping for (expecting) a blowout win. Do I think we'll really lose? NO. Will is still be a competitive game at halftime? YES. Nothing in our recent past tells me otherwise.
Good points.
LOL man thats a tough read because all of the points you made are possible, not likely at all but possible. I think we win big but man can you imagine this place if we somehow lost. :mad:
If it was Greg Robinson still at the controls I would agree with you but no way in hell Doug let's this happen.
Should be a high scoring game -- and a break-out opportunity for our new speed guys (Kobena, Gulley).

As for preparing based on what teams did last year, it makes you wonder. Wake Forest was bad on defense last year -- why would they not want to change? We have experience everywhere but center -- did we think Wake wasn't aware?
- Is Tanner Price really better than Steve Probst?

- Are we really to the point where there are games we shouldn’t worry about?

Yes, and no not even close.
We have to worry about EVERY game. We are in no position to slide by anyone. This team not only has 11 starters on O, but 8 on D. Marrone is definitely taking this game seriously, hope he can keep the players focused and fired up. It's players like Chandler Jones that give us an edge on decent FCS teams like RI. ...but we really don't know how good RI is this year, just that they are returning almost all of their starters. I hope we blow them out like everyone is predicting, but I don't feel that good about it. I hope I'm eating crow on Saturday night.
We have to worry about EVERY game. We are in no position to slide by anyone. This team not only has 11 starters on O, but 8 on D. Marrone is definitely taking this game seriously, hope he can keep the players focused and fired up. It's players like Chandler Jones that give us an edge on decent FCS teams like RI. ...but we really don't know how good RI is this year, just that they are returning almost all of their starters. I hope we blow them out like everyone is predicting, but I don't feel that good about it. I hope I'm eating crow on Saturday night.
They only return 5 starters on D.
Four senior DBs.
Yes, now I see it, it was 18 starters, 5 on D and 2 on STs. My math was off either way.:confused:
Yes, now I see it, it was 18 starters, 5 on D and 2 on STs. My math was off either way.:confused:

I had to reread that article a couple times. Saw 18 returning starters and thought "oh " then saw the break down. No idea why they list 2 ST's and not just say "kickers".
Should be able to pound the ball big time as they seem to have a whole new D line and 2 out of 3 LB's.
Our third and fourth wr's should be able to make some big plays as most D1AA teams dont have a lot of secondary depth, might be time for Graham, Flemming or West to break out.
We'll be saying the same thing about toledo in a few weeks. Everyone is marking down as win, they return almost everyone.
Toledo is a good football team. They beat up on New Hampshire and they have Ohio St and then Boise State then us. They won't be afraid of us.

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