Year 3 people year 3. 6-13 versus conference foes |

Year 3 people year 3. 6-13 versus conference foes


Shaky Potatoes
Aug 26, 2011
8-17 versus bcs competition overall, simply unacceptable regardless of who came before him... In addition, marrones offense shows no identity, no system to build on, recruiting hasn't improved, and on top of that Marrone stinks on game day as well... Other than that he is average,

Gross and cantor should not make the same mistake and grant Doug a 4th year. Strike quickly and move on. We need to be ready for the ACC. I think doug's ego may be exactly what shows him the door. I am sure Gross is inquiring as to what exactly is going on out there
8-17 versus bcs competition overall, simply unacceptable regardless of who came before him... In addition, marrones offense shows no identity, no system to build on, recruiting hasn't improved, and on top of that Marrone stinks on game day as well... Other than that he is average,

Gross and cantor should not make the same mistake and grant Doug a 4th year. Strike quickly and move on. We need to be ready for the ACC. I think doug's ego may be exactly what shows him the door. I am sure Gross is inquiring as to what exactly is going on out there

I don't think Marrone will get it done here but it is crazy not to give him a 4th year. If he wins 8 games in Year 4 - give him a two year extension (with a very low buyout) and place high expectations in year 5.
What is "acceptable?"
It seems like this board wants an undefeated season without even thinking about what we have to work with. It only goes to show that even on our board, we have deeply emotional guys that can't control themselves.
I don't think Marrone will get it done here but it is crazy not to give him a 4th year. If he wins 8 games in Year 4 - give him a two year extension (with a very low buyout) and place high expectations in year 5.

Crazy for Syracuse but not for other programs, it looks to me that Marrone may have had enough.. I understand this week has been tough on Marrone but what I saw out there last night was unacceptable for a coach in his 3rd year at the helm. Same old same old
Good to see so many people finally waking up to see that Marrone is not the answer. I have been attacked out here and had my posts deleted as being too negative regarding DM. If Marrone was not a SU guy - the entire board would be riding him out of town but instead they give him a free pass through a variety of excuses. I agree with JO - let him have the 4th year but have a plan in place for a change. Better yet - "suggest" to DM that he make changes to his staff this off-season and hope that he gets an offensive coordinator with half a brain.
Good to see so many people finally waking up to see that Marrone is not the answer. I have been attacked out here and had my posts deleted as being too negative regarding DM. If Marrone was not a SU guy - the entire board would be riding him out of town but instead they give him a free pass through a variety of excuses. I agree with JO - let him have the 4th year but have a plan in place for a change. Better yet - "suggest" to DM that he make changes to his staff this off-season and hope that he gets an offensive coordinator with half a brain.

Gross should make Marrone make some changes, Marrone will refuse because of his ego and then resign... Easy enough
what do you expect from a mediocre coach with mediocre talent??
how many passes did Doug drop last night? Last nights loss wasnt due to coaching.
I am not a big Marrone fan, but who does anyone see us getting if SU lets his contract expire?
SU will not shell out the money that an up and comming coach will want, and TGD will not hire anyone that he wont be able to get credit for discovering.
Once we move to the ACC, winning will matter even less to Cantor because of the payout.
set your expectations lower and enjoy the ride
Time to put some feelers out and see who would be interested in the job. Don't necessarily have to fire DM, but if a guy like Sumlin or Leach is interested...

I hope the administration is doing its due diligence and not sitting on their asses. I don't have a problem with giving him one more year to see where we stand, but if things don't show signs of improvement, see ya Doug.
we are joining the ACC! We will be making ACC money, which means we'll be making BCS championship money. Lets go out there and get a coach who is worth it.

we are wasting time.

The admin needs to sit back and ask itself why we joined the ACC. Is it to get absolutely f*cked up every saturday afternoon? or was it to remain relevant? assuming the answer is the latter, lets go get the guy who can make it happen.
...look at it this way...we have not played well...but that record could have been reversed with a few good discipline needs to be enthusiasm needs to be improved; and lastly, execution needs to be improved...just maybe D0ug gets us more year
He gets 5 years no matter what. And I still believe he will get us there, but these games lately are pissing me off, because we are better than that.

If SU pulls the trigger after three years, it makes it that much harder to get a quality successor. Would anyone take a job where they had three years to achieve a defined measure of success versus a job where they could have four-to-five years to achieve the same success?
he gets a 4th year no doubt-but he will be a lame duck going in - he will have the same recruiting issues groober had-

no one wants to go to a school with a lame duck unless its because its a bcs school over a championship one-and we all know how good they work out-
I don't think Marrone will get it done here but it is crazy not to give him a 4th year. If he wins 8 games in Year 4 - give him a two year extension (with a very low buyout) and place high expectations in year 5.

Define "get it done" to us. Is he an 8 win guy, 10 win guy, 500 type of guy?

I've generally been of the opinion that a coach needs to graduate a class that is all his unless it's a total sh!tshow. Don't think this is that at all. Bland sure, but it's been a lot worse.
He will, and should, get 5 years. GumpRob was clearly shown to be incompetent by year three, Marrone is not incompetent. We just don't know where his ceiling is. Sticking with him 2 more seasons won't cause any irreperable harm, IMHO.

That being said, we're getting stomped by equally mediocre Big East programs. We are going to finish last in the worst BCS conference in the nation. These are more than red flags, they are frickin' lasers.

This offseason is critical for Doug. He needs to take a long weekend, go off by himself to some nice hotel, and just spend 72 hours thinking. Because this ain't workin'.
a couple things. We can't fire him after 3 seasons. We went to a bowl game last year. We can ask for changes. A new O.C.. a special teams coach. A punter that can kick it more then 8 yards. As for the a few plays and things would be a lot beter. We are a lot closer to 2-8 right now then we are to 8-2. We were fortunate to beat wake, Toledo and even tulane.
What is "acceptable?"
It seems like this board wants an undefeated season without even thinking about what we have to work with. It only goes to show that even on our board, we have deeply emotional guys that can't control themselves.
I've thought about this a lot. More than I should have. I'm irritated that some think if you're not happy with things that you're a brainless person with irrational expectations of undefeated seasons and weekly blowouts.

I can tell you what acceptable is.

Acceptable is football that is fun and that people enjoy watching. Acceptable is feeling that our coaching staff gave it their best each game. Acceptable is seeing a clear plan of action over the long term. Acceptable is seeing that decisions made on the field are decisions that go for the win. Acceptable is being a winning program against BCS competition.

So let's break it down:

Our football is not fun.
People do not enjoy watching our team.
Over the last three games it is very hard to say that our staff gave it their best.
The long term plan of action is not clear on the offensive side of the ball. That's a huge problem, given that it's the most important side of the ball.
Our offensive staff makes decisions to play for later in the game, and not to try to capitalize on the moment. See how we've started our first three drives of the last three games.
We are not a winning program at all, forget BCS competition.

Given that accumulation of evidence, what we have is not acceptable.

Now, here's the thing. I didn't expect a good year. I thought we'd end up 6 and 6. I just want us to get the extra practices associated with a bowl berth and I think the season will have been a success. I did not anticipate that the road would be this ugly or discouraging.
He will, and should, get 5 years. GumpRob was clearly shown to be incompetent by year three, Marrone is not incompetent. We just don't know where his ceiling is. Sticking with him 2 more seasons won't cause any irreperable harm, IMHO.

That being said, we're getting stomped by equally mediocre Big East programs. We are going to finish last in the worst BCS conference in the nation. These are more than red flags, they are frickin' lasers.

This offseason is critical for Doug. He needs to take a long weekend, go off by himself to some nice hotel, and just spend 72 hours thinking. Because this ain't workin'.
The run blocking is the thing I'm most disappointed in Marrone about. It makes me worry about him as a teacher and it makes me wonder if he's been in the NFL so long that he forgot that college lineman can't remember as much (less practice time)...
Gross needs to do his job which he will and tell Marrone to make some changes. I don't know if Marrone will be receptive but he needs to be. Could be interesting if Marrones ego gets in the way here. It is clear that Marrone needs an oc that he can turn the offense over to.. Beamer and zook were forced to do this, I think Marrone should do it too. Don't get me wrong, I would fire the guy but it won't happen. I just hope gross forces him to make changes because this isn't working
You people need to be patient. Atleast let him graduate some of his recruits. I believe Marrone will get us there, if given the chance to succeed, he will be here for he long haul.

If we bring in someone like a Sumlin, or a Leach, they will be out of here for greener pastures, at the first sign of success and then we'll have to start the process all over again.
a great and simple point. Our football is not fun. Sports is still in the entertainment business. JB understands this. Orange hoops has always been fun while he has been here. Even our average teams are fun. Running up the middle over and over again. punting because we run over and over again. Not fun. And the worry that he is here for the long term is a non-starter for me. If someone else can come in, be successful and go on to greener pastures, God bless them.
If we bring in someone like a Sumlin, or a Leach, they will be out of here for greener pastures, at the first sign of success and then we'll have to start the process all over again.
That's totally cool though.
your better off with a guy who restores and then leaves than one who keeps you at the same level of ineptness
a couple things. We can't fire him after 3 seasons. We went to a bowl game last year. We can ask for changes. A new O.C.. a special teams coach. A punter that can kick it more then 8 yards. As for the a few plays and things would be a lot beter. We are a lot closer to 2-8 right now then we are to 8-2. We were fortunate to beat wake, Toledo and even tulane.

Going to a bowl game means so little in the era of 35+ bowl games and the ability to count FCS wins.

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