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You Pu$$ies


All Conference
Aug 14, 2011
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!
I was disgusted with the front runner's too. The student's leaving was so predictable...however best student crowd in the first half in a decade
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!

I couldn't even blame any of the crowd last night. We had seen that movie over and over and over the last 8 years that I couldn't blame anybody for heading for the hills at 29-14. I didn't think there was any way in hell we were coming back last night. Makes it that much better for those of us who did stay. And as RF says, that was season changing (yes, it can happen the first game of the season).
This should be a huge confidence builder.. Lots of first game jitters... But started making plays and settled down... Props to Marrrone and his troops
For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.
So you're saying there's a chance...
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!
well i'm not one of them i just got back to bethlehem pa 5 minutes ago and i stayed to the end ...and then some...watched the team celebrate had a night cap in my spot at esf--- what a great time i had with my son...who is getting married next week ... all i can say super effort by the team and great coaching
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!
I will tell you what, from casual fan perespective the first 3 quarters were essentially unwatchable, all the fan wants is a brand of football that is watchable and fun. Imagine that? win or lose that is what the 4th quarter is. I don't blame fans for leaving, its their choice because if you went to check out the home team and enjoy and evening, it was anything but that up until 8 minutes to go into the 4th. It was GROBesque up until then, awful, boring, sloppy, music too loud, etc.
We got manhandled for three quarters. Happy to have a win but the coaching staff has a ton of stuff to work on. I'll leave it at that.
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!

Agree, we're going to the Rose Bowl this year.
you know who you are...the game is 4 quarters. And for those 15k who didn't even come, and Kaiser-esque :mad:

You would have think we lost by 30 reading some of these posts. For those of you expecting a national championship, I have news for you -- we probably aren't going to win it this year.

Great comeback, one of the best I have witnessed in a long, long time.

I'll thoughts later -- but great comeback!

Personally, I never ever leave a game early. But we were terrible for 3 quarters last night. I couldn't believe how bad we looked in the first half, in particular. Chandler Jones had a couple plays where he got penetration into the backfield, the WF player gave him ONE move, and he quit on the play. Lots of that from the D line early on. I was thinking to myself, "Way to screw up the home support to start another season..." How many times have we seen that movie, where we have great expectations coming into the season, and then flat out don't compete? These kids deserved whatever beat down they took in the locker room. They still didn't come out on fire, but they steadied the ship and got into the contest in the 3rd quarter, setting the stage for that lightning comeback, with 2 touchdowns in about 4 minutes. Personally, I wish they had just kicked the FG without taking the 5 yard penalty; I'll bet he would have made it.
We got manhandled for three quarters. Happy to have a win but the coaching staff has a ton of stuff to work on. I'll leave it at that.

agreed, a TON in every aspect. nice that we can play so poorly and win a game, but the secondary looked exhasued after one quarter, I think we say what injuries will do, Thomas and Lyn disn't seem to have their fitness level where it should be

Whole lot of people reading the paper today going... $#.

Team made a statement - don't give up on us, not this year.

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