Young Tyler Ennis Class of 2017 |

Young Tyler Ennis Class of 2017


Walk On
Oct 30, 2013
The more I watch this kid he reminds me of a young Tyler Ennis. High basketball IQ, doesn't turn the ball over, and very poised for a high school freshman.

Tyler Ennis is the young Tyler Ennis

Bro It's not a knock on Tyler Ennis, It's giving a young child who is 14 or 15 years old some props, and saying that I see some similarities in their games when Tyler was 14 and 15. That'a all, don't get all shook up about it coach. BTW, I hope Tyler stays at least one more year. I love his game, Grant too.
The more I watch this kid he reminds me of a young Tyler Ennis. High basketball IQ, doesn't turn the ball over, and very poised for a high school freshman.

ridiculous... third school in three years because they would't let him play up at the first two schools..
Bro It's not a knock on Tyler Ennis, It's giving a young child who is 14 or 15 years old some props, and saying that I see some similarities in their games when Tyler was 14 and 15. That'a all, don't get all shook up about it coach. BTW, I hope Tyler stays at least one more year. I love his game, Grant too.
It's not like that at all... my point was simply that it's funny to use terminology like "the young Tyler Ennis" because Tyler is what, 18 years old? So I tried to be clever and point out that Tyler Ennis himself is still a young Tyler Ennis. It was not very clear and failed at a few levels, my fault.
ridiculous... third school in three years because they would't let him play up at the first two schools..

Third school in three years, I'm not sure about that. It's my understanding that he is only a freshman so obviously he had to go to a different school last year because he was only in middle school. This must be the another case of an adult or parent hating on a child. I actually like the way he plays. There are a few more local kids that I have seen play that I like too.
Third school in three years, I'm not sure about that. It's my understanding that he is only a freshman so obviously he had to go to a different school last year because he was only in middle school. This must be the another case of an adult or parent hating on a child. I actually like the way he plays. There are a few more local kids that I have seen play that I like too.
No, not "hating" on anyone...if thats what you call it.. The fact that this kid was put on Youtube and called a prodigy by those around him 3 yrs ago is enough for me to be wary of the "hype" machine to be at work.. yes 3 schools in three years...CBA and West Genny would not move him up to JV/Varsity... Nottingham did which is why he is there now.. I have seen him play and the comparision to Tyler Ennis is what I find ridiculous. The fact that he wasnt "moved up" at other schools only reinforces that. Any kid who plays significant minutes as a Freshmen on the Varsity level is good and has talent.. Doesn't mean they will be an elite D-1 player.. Local history supports that.
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I would compare him more with a young Kaleb Joseph, or mcw(probably not as tall but with a better shot and blowing up earlier in hs).

Hes got a long way to go to be a billy edelin or tyler ennis type who protects the ball against pressure and physical defense at will. In 17 games Ennis probably has 0 turnvoers from dribbling one on one and can get by his guy at will, a extremely rare skill to have. If Billy Edelin molds him into that I will be amazed.

I have been following Malik for the last 5-6 years, his family BLEEDS orange I remember his mom posting on the old saying check out the next cuse guard at syracuse when he was like 7-8 years old. I still got him penciled in as orange someday.
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No, not "hating" on anyone...if thats what you call it.. The fact that this kid was put on Youtube and called a prodigy by those around him 3 yrs ago is enough for me to be wary of the "hype" machine to be at work.. yes 3 schools in three years...CBA and West Genny would not move him up to JV/Varsity... Nottingham did which is why he is there now.. I have seen him play and the comparision to Tyler Ennis is what I find ridiculous. The fact that he wasnt "moved up" at other schools only reinforces that. Any kid who plays significant minutes as a Freshmen on the Varsity level is good and has talent.. Doesn't mean they will be an elite D-1 player.. Local history supports that.
No, not "hating" on anyone...if thats what you call it.. The fact that this kid was put on Youtube and called a prodigy by those around him 3 yrs ago is enough for me to be wary of the "hype" machine to be at work.. yes 3 schools in three years...CBA and West Genny would not move him up to JV/Varsity... Nottingham did which is why he is there now.. I have seen him play and the comparision to Tyler Ennis is what I find ridiculous. The fact that he wasnt "moved up" at other schools only reinforces that. Any kid who plays significant minutes as a Freshmen on the Varsity level is good and has talent.. Doesn't mean they will be an elite D-1 player.. Local history supports that.

So let me get this straight, 3 years ago he would have been in 7th grade correct? You say other schools would not let him play jv/varsity and he was at CBA and West Genny? I don't think that is all true. He is in 9th grade this year and in high school, correct? I remember seeing him and researching him last year in 8th grade and they said he was at Ed Smith, which in my understanding that is a feeder middle school for Nottingham high school. That only makes 7th grade which he could have been at 1 other school. One thing I do agree with is that just because you play varsity at a young age doesn't mean you will be a D1 player. Who knows what will happen with this kid, I just like the way he plays and It's good to see local kids play hard.
Bro It's not a knock on Tyler Ennis, It's giving a young child who is 14 or 15 years old some props, and saying that I see some similarities in their games when Tyler was 14 and 15. That'a all, don't get all shook up about it coach. BTW, I hope Tyler stays at least one more year. I love his game, Grant too.

He didn't mean it that way. You'll find we're all chill on the recruiting side. Thanks for the vid!
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He didn't mean it that way. You'll find we're all chill on the recruiting side. Thanks for the vid!
Oh word?
What are you trying to say to me? You better chickiddy check yourself before you riggidy reck yourself fu! :D
Just chillin out over here. Maybe a side of illin.
A little Eastern European disco action would serve us well right about now, yeah?

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