Your 2018 Cali Winners |

Your 2018 Cali Winners


Cali Award Magistrate; 2023 Cali Award Rushing Yds
Apr 16, 2013
I think the best way to chase a 10-3 season, and a bowl victory over our hill dwelling brethren, is to have it proven that you’re smarter than everyone else. Well we salute you tonight real fan’s of genius.

I’ve decided that we will reward positivity in the Cali Awards and not go jeopardy style. Whoever guesses the closest to the correct answer, over or under, will be rewarded. In some categories we have multiple posters who’ve guessed correctly. I’ve chosen to use the bonus question as the tie breaker, as we all know their can only be one. I just want to point out it’s truly impressive how closely some people guessed in truly dificult categories where it was any man’s game.

To start off the awarding, we’ll look at team record. Our final regular season record (9-3), our ACC record (6-2) and our bowl record (1-0).

Multiple users guessed our regular season record correctly. As Dino heroically marched us along the East Coast, it did not go unpredicted that we’d surely kick a—. Guessing 9-3 correctly are:


Round of applause for these guys. Was it positivity? Was it orange glasses? Maybe a glimmer of confidence they noticed in Dungey’s eye.

Though I mentioned earlier that I’d use the bonus as a tie breaker, one of these users guessed the regular season, league and bowl records correctly. I think it’s fair he wins the “record” Cali.

So, here’s to our first Cali award winner:


9-3, 6-2, 1-0. Impressive sir.

Our next category is Passing. Dominated by our fearless leader Eric Dungey; sprinkled in with inspiring performances, teasing of whats to come, from TD.

Eric Dungey finished the year with 2,868 passing yards. Had you told me we’d go to a bowl with Dungey passing for under 3,000 yards I’d have been skeptical. But guess who didn’t win squat tonight? Me.

Our winner in this category, with a scary good guess is:


just 6 yards off, guessing 2,862 yards. My god, a regular Nostradamus. Congratulations, I don’t see anyone beating the close accuracy of this guess, within this category, for a long time.

And now on to Passing Touchdowns. Again, had you told me we’d win 10 games with ED throwing for just 18 touchdowns, I’d have laughed. Guess that’s what A UB education gets me.

Our winner in this category, guessing 18 exactly, is:


Good for you sir. Hope you made it to Wake to see us drum the Deacons, as the other two misfortuned NC foes found their demise inside the Dome this year.

On to Receiving. We were all over the place here. This board didn’t know who to trust coming out of camp with conflicting reports of who will be number 1 and who may surprise.

In receiving touchdowns we were led by senior Jamal Custis with 6. Jamal seemed to flirt with the upside we all saw in him, and string together some great performances on his way to an impressive senior campaign. No poster guessed correctly on this one. We had a tie between two of our own, but there can only be one. Heard WVU’s into ties though.

KaiserUEO and OrlandoCuse each guessed Jamal would have 7 touchdowns this year. Bravo to each of you. Having guessed 39th versus OrlandoCuse’s guess of 37th for our recruitment ranking as of new years day (59th), our winner here is:


Long live Eli. Long live the G men. A Cali this year, a third superbowl for Eli next.

Next is receiving yards, Jamal led us again with 906. Again, no one guessed this straight on. Our closest poster, and winner of this Cali is:

JackBauer44 guessing Custis for 1,088 yards. Here’s an award for keeping faith in Jamal when many threw in the towel and went elsewhere. Maybe it was blind faith, or maybe you’re just smarter.

On to receptions, led by Sean Riley with 64. Say what you will about 2017 drops. Mr. Riley became Mr. Resilience and sang a tune of redemption in 2018.

Our winner for this category, being the only poster to guess Riley is:

Guy Fawkes

A 2016 Iggy Ward winner and now adding a 2018 Cali to his mantle. Save some genius for the rest of us man, it’s getting selfish at this point. On another note, please tell me you have a weird hunch Hopkins will end up coaching SU after JB... seems like you get feelings about things and are never wrong.

Alright! On to rushing. Man typing this on a cell phone was a poor choice. Not as poor of a choice as the Big 10 accepting in Rutgers though.

Our first category: rushing TD’s. With an outstanding 15 rushing touchdowns... Eric Dungey came, he saw, and he ran straight downhill over your sissy defenders Adazzio.

Our Cali winner here, winning via the bonus, over Orangepace , is:


Guessing Dungey would rush for 14, and edging out Orangepace placing our recruiting class at 56 to Orangepace’s guess of 42nd. Props to LemoyneCuse. We all knew Eric was one bad man, but this year he was more beast than man.

A fan favorite and to-be Senior led us in rushing yards at 865. We’re still without a thousand yarder, but something about Moe’s year, maybe 5+ ypc’s, left me feeling good.

Our winner here, guessing 855 yards is:


Not many posts from UGHV, and I think we’re missing out. Please feel welcomed to post more sir. Your title says walk-on, but now you’re a Cali winner.

Now to Defense! My favorite.

First Category: Sacks

Alton Robinson. Destroyer of QB’s and vanquisher of FSU. Kendall Coleman, perhaps the underrated talent and equal amongst the two. Each of these manimals ended the year with 10 sacks, capped off with a monster bowl performance by KC. No one guessed Coleman, maybe thatll change this year. Several posters guessed 10 for Robinson. I show:

SU in Hershey

Edging out the list and winning the bonus:

sdhall01 guessing our recruitment class ar 55th, sdhall paired his glass half full predictions expertly with a realistic bonus answer, earning him a Cali. Congrats as this was a competitive category.

Next: TFL’s led again by Alton Robinson at 17.5

Guessing 19 TFL’s and taking home this Cali was:


This has to feel good. Though you guessed a little high, we just had a JUNIOR DE hit 10 sacks and 17.5 tackles for loss. The future is bright my friends. Hopefully we can continue this QB pressure without Slayton.

Next up is tackles, led by Mr Ryan Guthrie with 107. Perhaps, and he has my vote, the unsung hero of 2018. He stepped up in a huge way at a position of worry. But that did not surprise this Cali winner:

Orangepace guessed 104 with perhaps our most impressive prediction of the night. Congratulations on this well earned Cali as several players seemed like they’d be in contention for this category.

And last but not least interceptions! Leading our team and the ACC with 7, Andre the Giant Cisco came to town and dominated. Only a few posters guessed Andre for this category. Our winner, guessing 4 by andre is:

JoeySimz congratulations sir, in the true spirit of Cali you picked the frosh with a stroke of brilliance to take home this coveted category. Job well done.

That concludes 2018’s Cali’s. Congrats to all of the winners and everyone else! We’re 10-3! Cuse is back baby!

**2018/2019 Syracuse Football Cali Contest*
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Mind you this was done on my phone as I’m briefly without a laptop. Feel free to message me jf there’s a noticeable error!
Mind you this was done on my phone as I’m briefly without a laptop. Feel free to message me jf there’s a noticeable error!

The only mistake I see is that I’ve got me winning every category.
Thank you and Nice work. I need to try harder next year.
I think the best way to chase a 10-3 season, and a bowl victory over our hill dwelling brethren, is to have it proven that you’re smarter than everyone else. Well we salute you tonight real fan’s of genius.

I’ve decided that we will reward positivity in the Cali Awards and not go jeopardy style. Whoever guesses the closest to the correct answer, over or under, will be rewarded. In some categories we have multiple posters who’ve guessed correctly. I’ve chosen to use the bonus question as the tie breaker, as we all know their can only be one. I just want to point out it’s truly impressive how closely some people guessed in truly dificult categories where it was any man’s game.

To start off the awarding, we’ll look at team record. Our final regular season record (9-3), our ACC record (6-2) and our bowl record (1-0).

Multiple users guessed our regular season record correctly. As Dino heroically marched us along the East Coast, it did not go unpredicted that we’d surely kick a—. Guessing 9-3 correctly are:


Round of applause for these guys. Was it positivity? Was it orange glasses? Maybe a glimmer or confidence they noticed in Dungey’s eye.

Though I mentioned earlier that I’d use the bonus as a tie breaker, one of these users guessed the regular season, league and bowl records correctly. I think it’s fair he wins the “record” Cali.

So, here’s to our first Cali award winner:


9-3, 6-2, 1-0. Impressive sir.

Our next category is Passing. Dominated by our fearless leader Eric Dungey; sprinkled in with inspiring performances, teasing of whats to come, from TD.

Eric Dungey finished the year with 2,868 passing yards. Had you told me we’d go to a bowl with Dungey passing for under 3,000 yards I’d have been skeptical. But guess who didn’t win squat tonight? Me.

Our winner in this category, with a scary good guess is:


just 6 yards off, guessing 2,862 yards. My god, a regular Nostradamus. Congratulations, I don’t see anyone beating the close accuracy of this guess, within this category, for a long time.

And now on to Passing Touchdowns. Again, had you told me we’d win 10 games with ED throwing for just 18 touchdowns, I’d have laughed. Guess that’s what A UB education gets me.

Our winner in this category, guessing 18 exactly, is:


Good for you sir. Hope you made it to Wake to see us drum the Deacons, as the other two misfortuned NC foes found their demise inside the Dome this year.

On to Receiving. We were all over the place here. This board didn’t know who to trust coming out of camp with conflicting reports of who will be number 1 and who may surprise.

In receiving touchdowns we were led by senior Jamal Custis with 6. Jamal seemed to flirt with the upside we all saw in him, and string together some great performances on his way to an impressive senior campaign. No poster guessed correctly on this one. We had a tie between two of our own, but there can only be one. Heard WVU’s into ties though.

KaiserUEO and OrlandoCuse each guessed Jamal would have 7 touchdowns this year. Bravo to each of you. Having guessed 39th versus OrlandoCuse’s guess of 37th for our recruitment ranking as of new years day (59th), our winner here is:


Long live Eli. Long live the G men. A Cali this year, a third superbowl for Eli next.

Next is receiving yards, Jamal led us again with 906. Again, no one guessed this straight on. Our closest poster, and winner of this Cali is:

JackBauer44 guessing Custis for 1,088 yards. Here’s an award for keeping faith in Jamal when many threw in the towel and went elsewhere. Maybe it was blind faith, or maybe you’re just smarter.

On to receptions, led by Sean Riley with 64. Say what you will about 2017 drops. Mr. Riley became Mr. Resilience and sang a tune of redemption in 2018.

Our winner for this category, being the only poster to guess Riley is:

Guy Fawkes

A 2016 Iggy Ward winner and now adding a 2018 Cali to his mantle. Save some genius for the rest of us man, it’s getting selfish at this point. On another note, please tell me you have a weird hunch Hopkins will end up coaching SU after JB... seems like you get feelings about things and are never wrong.

Alright! On to rushing. Man typing this on a cell phone was a poor choice. Not as poor of a choice as the Big 10 accepting in Rutgers though.

Our first category: rushing TD’s. With an outstanding 15 rushing touchdowns... Eric Dungey came, he saw, and he ran straight downhill over your sissy defenders Adazzio.

Our Cali winner here, winning via the bonus, over Orangepace , is:


Guessing Dungey would rush for 14, and edging out Orangepace placing our recruiting class at 56 to Orangepace’s guess of 42nd. Props to LemoyneCuse. We all knew Eric was one bad man, but this year he was more beast than man.

A fan favorite and to-be Senior led us in rushing yards at 865. We’re still without a thousand yarder, but something about Moe’s year, maybe 5+ ypc’s, left me feeling good.

Our winner here, guessing 855 yards is:


Not many posts from UGHV, and I think we’re missing out. Please feel welcomed to post more sir. Your title says walk-on, but now you’re a Cali winner.

Now to Defense! My favorite.

First Category: Sacks

Alton Robinson. Destroyer of QB’s and vanquisher of FSU. Kendall Coleman, perhaps the underrated talent and equal amongst the two. Each of these manimals ended the year with 10 sacks, capped off with a monster bowl performance by KC. No one guessed Coleman, maybe thatll change this year. Several posters guessed 10 for Robinson. I show:

SU in Hershey

Edging out the list and winning the bonus:

sdhall01 guessing our recruitment class ar 55th, sdhall paired his glass half full predictions expertly with a realistic bonus answer, earning him a Cali. Congrats as this was a competitive category.

Next: TFL’s led again by Alton Robinson at 17.5

Guessing 19 TFL’s and taking home this Cali was:


This has to feel good. Though you guessed a little high, we just had a JUNIOR DE hit 10 sacks and 17.5 tackles for loss. The future is bright my friends. Hopefully we can continue this QB pressure without Slayton.

Next up is tackles, led by Mr Ryan Guthrie with 107. Perhaps, and he has my vote, the unsung hero of 2018. He stepped up in a huge way at a position of worry. But that did not surprise this Cali winner:

Orangepace guessed 104 with perhaps our most impressive prediction of the night. Congratulations on this well earned iggy as several players seemed like they’d be in contention for this category.

And last but not least interceptions! Leading our team and the ACC with 7, Andre the Giant Cisco came to town and dominated. Only a few posters guessed Andre for this category. Our winner, guessing 4 by andre is:

JoeySimz congratulations sir, in the true spirit of Cali you picked the frosh with a stroke of brilliance to take home this coveted category. Job well done.

That concludes 2018’s Iggys. Congrats to all of the winners and everyone else! We’re 10-3! Cuse is back baby!

You deserve an award, perhaps a Bizarro Cali, for typing that post on a phone without any ztypos.
I think the best way to chase a 10-3 season, and a bowl victory over our hill dwelling brethren, is to have it proven that you’re smarter than everyone else. Well we salute you tonight real fan’s of genius.

I’ve decided that we will reward positivity in the Cali Awards and not go jeopardy style. Whoever guesses the closest to the correct answer, over or under, will be rewarded. In some categories we have multiple posters who’ve guessed correctly. I’ve chosen to use the bonus question as the tie breaker, as we all know their can only be one. I just want to point out it’s truly impressive how closely some people guessed in truly dificult categories where it was any man’s game.

To start off the awarding, we’ll look at team record. Our final regular season record (9-3), our ACC record (6-2) and our bowl record (1-0).

Multiple users guessed our regular season record correctly. As Dino heroically marched us along the East Coast, it did not go unpredicted that we’d surely kick a—. Guessing 9-3 correctly are:


Round of applause for these guys. Was it positivity? Was it orange glasses? Maybe a glimmer or confidence they noticed in Dungey’s eye.

Though I mentioned earlier that I’d use the bonus as a tie breaker, one of these users guessed the regular season, league and bowl records correctly. I think it’s fair he wins the “record” Cali.

So, here’s to our first Cali award winner:


9-3, 6-2, 1-0. Impressive sir.

Our next category is Passing. Dominated by our fearless leader Eric Dungey; sprinkled in with inspiring performances, teasing of whats to come, from TD.

Eric Dungey finished the year with 2,868 passing yards. Had you told me we’d go to a bowl with Dungey passing for under 3,000 yards I’d have been skeptical. But guess who didn’t win squat tonight? Me.

Our winner in this category, with a scary good guess is:


just 6 yards off, guessing 2,862 yards. My god, a regular Nostradamus. Congratulations, I don’t see anyone beating the close accuracy of this guess, within this category, for a long time.

And now on to Passing Touchdowns. Again, had you told me we’d win 10 games with ED throwing for just 18 touchdowns, I’d have laughed. Guess that’s what A UB education gets me.

Our winner in this category, guessing 18 exactly, is:


Good for you sir. Hope you made it to Wake to see us drum the Deacons, as the other two misfortuned NC foes found their demise inside the Dome this year.

On to Receiving. We were all over the place here. This board didn’t know who to trust coming out of camp with conflicting reports of who will be number 1 and who may surprise.

In receiving touchdowns we were led by senior Jamal Custis with 6. Jamal seemed to flirt with the upside we all saw in him, and string together some great performances on his way to an impressive senior campaign. No poster guessed correctly on this one. We had a tie between two of our own, but there can only be one. Heard WVU’s into ties though.

KaiserUEO and OrlandoCuse each guessed Jamal would have 7 touchdowns this year. Bravo to each of you. Having guessed 39th versus OrlandoCuse’s guess of 37th for our recruitment ranking as of new years day (59th), our winner here is:


Long live Eli. Long live the G men. A Cali this year, a third superbowl for Eli next.

Next is receiving yards, Jamal led us again with 906. Again, no one guessed this straight on. Our closest poster, and winner of this Cali is:

JackBauer44 guessing Custis for 1,088 yards. Here’s an award for keeping faith in Jamal when many threw in the towel and went elsewhere. Maybe it was blind faith, or maybe you’re just smarter.

On to receptions, led by Sean Riley with 64. Say what you will about 2017 drops. Mr. Riley became Mr. Resilience and sang a tune of redemption in 2018.

Our winner for this category, being the only poster to guess Riley is:

Guy Fawkes

A 2016 Iggy Ward winner and now adding a 2018 Cali to his mantle. Save some genius for the rest of us man, it’s getting selfish at this point. On another note, please tell me you have a weird hunch Hopkins will end up coaching SU after JB... seems like you get feelings about things and are never wrong.

Alright! On to rushing. Man typing this on a cell phone was a poor choice. Not as poor of a choice as the Big 10 accepting in Rutgers though.

Our first category: rushing TD’s. With an outstanding 15 rushing touchdowns... Eric Dungey came, he saw, and he ran straight downhill over your sissy defenders Adazzio.

Our Cali winner here, winning via the bonus, over Orangepace , is:


Guessing Dungey would rush for 14, and edging out Orangepace placing our recruiting class at 56 to Orangepace’s guess of 42nd. Props to LemoyneCuse. We all knew Eric was one bad man, but this year he was more beast than man.

A fan favorite and to-be Senior led us in rushing yards at 865. We’re still without a thousand yarder, but something about Moe’s year, maybe 5+ ypc’s, left me feeling good.

Our winner here, guessing 855 yards is:


Not many posts from UGHV, and I think we’re missing out. Please feel welcomed to post more sir. Your title says walk-on, but now you’re a Cali winner.

Now to Defense! My favorite.

First Category: Sacks

Alton Robinson. Destroyer of QB’s and vanquisher of FSU. Kendall Coleman, perhaps the underrated talent and equal amongst the two. Each of these manimals ended the year with 10 sacks, capped off with a monster bowl performance by KC. No one guessed Coleman, maybe thatll change this year. Several posters guessed 10 for Robinson. I show:

SU in Hershey

Edging out the list and winning the bonus:

sdhall01 guessing our recruitment class ar 55th, sdhall paired his glass half full predictions expertly with a realistic bonus answer, earning him a Cali. Congrats as this was a competitive category.

Next: TFL’s led again by Alton Robinson at 17.5

Guessing 19 TFL’s and taking home this Cali was:


This has to feel good. Though you guessed a little high, we just had a JUNIOR DE hit 10 sacks and 17.5 tackles for loss. The future is bright my friends. Hopefully we can continue this QB pressure without Slayton.

Next up is tackles, led by Mr Ryan Guthrie with 107. Perhaps, and he has my vote, the unsung hero of 2018. He stepped up in a huge way at a position of worry. But that did not surprise this Cali winner:

Orangepace guessed 104 with perhaps our most impressive prediction of the night. Congratulations on this well earned iggy as several players seemed like they’d be in contention for this category.

And last but not least interceptions! Leading our team and the ACC with 7, Andre the Giant Cisco came to town and dominated. Only a few posters guessed Andre for this category. Our winner, guessing 4 by andre is:

JoeySimz congratulations sir, in the true spirit of Cali you picked the frosh with a stroke of brilliance to take home this coveted category. Job well done.

That concludes 2018’s Iggys. Congrats to all of the winners and everyone else! We’re 10-3! Cuse is back baby!
Darn, just missed out on two Cali’s. Should’ve been a better guesser on that darn recruiting class question
Darn, just missed out on two Cali’s. Should’ve been a better guesser on that darn recruiting class question
Kind of hoping the bonus gets people to participate more in the football recruiting forum. Most exciting, well ran forum on the board imo. Should be paid content.
Kind of hoping the bonus gets people to participate more in the football recruiting forum. Most exciting, well ran forum on the board imo. Should be paid content.
Awesome job on the 1st annual CALI's. Bravo!!!
Thank you for putting this together! It was a blast! Does winning a Cali earn me a pass to the payside? ;)
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Kind of hoping the bonus gets people to participate more in the football recruiting forum. Most exciting, well ran forum on the board imo. Should be paid content.

Ok, I agree. Send me $99 for a years subscription.
Well isn’t that special?!? Predicting the total number of Dungey TD passes was truly my greatest achievement in 2018. Ironically, I did attend that Wake game and Dungey threw zero TD passes
Trueblue25 - Great recap, great job digging through the stats. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you're an underrated poster here.

Only problem I see is that apparently you got tired as you went through all the stats and posting on your phone, and started calling them "Iggys" at the end.

cliftonparksufan might sue you.
Trueblue25 - Great recap, great job digging through the stats. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you're an underrated poster here.

Only problem I see is that apparently you got tired as you went through all the stats and posting on your phone, and started calling them "Iggys" at the end.

cliftonparksufan might sue you.

Yep fatigue was setting in, i’ll make some fixes though
True, somebody actually predicted us beating WVU in a bowl game. I think it was CuseReg.
True, somebody actually predicted us beating WVU in a bowl game. I think it was CuseReg.
I did as well. It’s only right that Syracuse uses that overrated school from the overrated conference to springboard back to prominence. Hopefully they realize the Big 12 stinks and request an invite to the ACC. I’m here with open arms, wins are always welcome.
Just saw an award next to my name. Thanks! My optimism has payed off. My highest honor in life. Ready to predict an even better year for 2019-2020! LGO!

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