3 Oregon football players hospitalized after 'grueling' workouts | Syracusefan.com

3 Oregon football players hospitalized after 'grueling' workouts

From the article:

"However, a source told ESPN.com that the workouts weren't as strenuous as The Oregonian reported, indicating for example that players haven't started using weights yet. Several Ducks players also took to Twitter to downplay the reported severity of the workouts."

It's quite possible those three were just completely out of shape, and they weren't going to admit it. Happens.
From the article:

"However, a source told ESPN.com that the workouts weren't as strenuous as The Oregonian reported, indicating for example that players haven't started using weights yet. Several Ducks players also took to Twitter to downplay the reported severity of the workouts."

It's quite possible those three were just completely out of shape, and they weren't going to admit it. Happens.
Kind of like a certain DT who recently transferred?
From the article:

"However, a source told ESPN.com that the workouts weren't as strenuous as The Oregonian reported, indicating for example that players haven't started using weights yet. Several Ducks players also took to Twitter to downplay the reported severity of the workouts."

It's quite possible those three were just completely out of shape, and they weren't going to admit it. Happens.

"some players complained about discolored urine, and others were found to have "highly elevated levels of creatine kinase," an indicator of rhabdomyolysis."

I don't know what some of those words mean, but that doesn't sound good.
"some players complained about discolored urine, and others were found to have "highly elevated levels of creatine kinase," an indicator of rhabdomyolysis."

I don't know what some of those words mean, but that doesn't sound good.
Too much protein in their urine. Can happen any number of ways. One of which is ingesting WAY too much protein (e.g. Muscle Milk). Another way, of course, is muscular cannibalization; starving oneself to make weight is one way that happens. Personally, I think those three kids were woefully unprepared for those workouts; that's not on the coach, that's on them. They're given, by the trainers, instructions on what to do to prepare for the off-season routine. I'm betting they thought they didn't have to prep, and they paid the price for their stupidity and vanity.
Personally, I think those three kids were woefully unprepared for those workouts; that's not on the coach, that's on them. They're given, by the trainers, instructions on what to do to prepare for the off-season routine. I'm betting they thought they didn't have to prep, and they paid the price for their stupidity and vanity.

But even if they're unprepared, it doesn't mean they should be put into an unsafe situation. They should be punished in other ways like losing their starting spot, etc. It's still the job of the staff to make sure out-of-shape players aren't in a situation that is dangerous to their health.
But even if they're unprepared, it doesn't mean they should be put into an unsafe situation. They should be punished in other ways like losing their starting spot, etc. It's still the job of the staff to make sure out-of-shape players aren't in a situation that is dangerous to their health.
It's the job of the players to tell the staff that they're out of shape, or not able to handle those workouts. Problem is those players won't admit that because it makes them look like dirt bags. It's not the staff's job to "hand hold" each one of the players.
Many of these kids have probably been eating and partying as well once the season is over. Two o lineman go down. They should test them for weed as well, just saying.
"some players complained about discolored urine, and others were found to have "highly elevated levels of creatine kinase," an indicator of rhabdomyolysis."

I don't know what some of those words mean, but that doesn't sound good.
it's a problem with the crossfit cult. out of shape people overdoing it and your muscles breakdown and mess up your organs. damn near killed one of my cousins (ex-athlete who forgot that she's not a spring chicken anymore)
it's a problem with the crossfit cult. out of shape people overdoing it and your muscles breakdown and mess up your organs. damn near killed one of my cousins (ex-athlete who forgot that she's not a spring chicken anymore)

My uncle dropped dead of a heart attack at CrossFit last year at age 59 -- total shock.
it's a problem with the crossfit cult. out of shape people overdoing it and your muscles breakdown and mess up your organs. damn near killed one of my cousins (ex-athlete who forgot that she's not a spring chicken anymore)

Agreed, kind of two different topics though 1A athletes versus weekend warriors but I agree this cross fit and functional type training can lead to issues for people. They ran some expose on the cross fit culture and the certification process for their gyms, not exactly a strenuous process to obtain a cross fit trainer certification.

Call me crazy but I get to a point where I am just like F This, go F yourself, I am all done. I don't care who is pushing me.. Like I said, that's the weekend warrior
Agreed, kind of two different topics though 1A athletes versus weekend warriors but I agree this cross fit and functional type training can lead to issues for people. They ran some expose on the cross fit culture and the certification process for their gyms, not exactly a strenuous process to obtain a cross fit trainer certification.

Call me crazy but I get to a point where I am just like F This, go F yourself, I am all done. I don't care who is pushing me.. Like I said, that's the weekend warrior
races = good
weightlifting = good
weightlifting races = bad
Agreed, kind of two different topics though 1A athletes versus weekend warriors but I agree this cross fit and functional type training can lead to issues for people. They ran some expose on the cross fit culture and the certification process for their gyms, not exactly a strenuous process to obtain a cross fit trainer certification.

Call me crazy but I get to a point where I am just like F This, go F yourself, I am all done. I don't care who is pushing me.. Like I said, that's the weekend warrior
I've seen some of the cross fit stuff on youtube, etc. Personally, I think the trainers sound/act like boot camp DI wannabees. Had to put up with that crap at Great Lakes; no way I'll take that kind of bllsht from some millennial turd-stain thinking he's the meanest bastard since R Lee Ermey.
I've seen some of the cross fit stuff on youtube, etc. Personally, I think the trainers sound/act like boot camp DI wannabees. Had to put up with that crap at Great Lakes; no way I'll take that kind of bllsht from some millennial turd-stain thinking he's the meanest bastard since R Lee Ermey.
Point well takin
From the above article

"But recruits also said staff could handcuff themselves: One former "blue-chip recruit" playing in Monday's national title game between Clemson and Alabama told a college football podcast that UO staffers weren't savvy in their use of social media."

I guess social media is a big driver,not an education anymore.:noidea:
Oregon has had a ton of alcohol and weed run ins over the past 10 years, I would be willing to bet the kids that went down weren't the fittest of individuals, nor were they ready for what hit them. Plenty of people to share in the blame..
Just to clarify, rhabdomyolis does not have to do with protein intake. Rhabdo is when you have such severe muscle damage that you have release of a breakdown product creatine phospho kinase (cpk). We see this often in crush injuries (wall collapsing on someone). Or for most people In general population cpk comes up when they have muscle pain while on a Statin for cholesterol control. Statins can sometimes lead to mild elevations.
In the current situation, over exertion and severe muscle breakdown leads to release of this pigment which in large amounts can cause obstruction of the kidney tubules. The myoglobin which body is trying to excrete leads to myoglobinuria and therefore dark urine. To prevent kidney failure and this myoglobin from blocking the kidneys they are admitted and given a ton of IV fluid to flush it out.
This is a clear case of over exertion IMO

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