As a player at any level what was the highlight of your playing career |

As a player at any level what was the highlight of your playing career


2nd String
Jan 23, 2012
This is just a fun topic just meant for a little board levity if you will. I'm going to show my age on this one as well as my tremendous leaping ability. In my high school days we didn't have 3 point and dunking was not allowed not even in warm ups before the game. We were playing a team from Candor NY and they had this guy who came in and in warm ups you didn't dunk but you ran out and jumped as high as you could near the rim. A guy they had could jump and put his elbow above the rim . He was about 6' 6 . It was amazing to see someone jump like that.

Well any way during the game which we did not win and he scored like 35 points he got a pass in the lane as I was playing guard . He turned to shoot but with my cat quick reflexes and amazing jumping ability I gave him a Rosie reject those who are old and listened to Syracuse games know what I'm talking about. I totally stuffed him from behind lol. I was so proud of myself lol. Well as to basketball careers he had a slightly higher ceiling than me . I played at townball after high school. He signed a scholarship offer at Syracuse . His name was Cliff Warwell .

What is your claim to fame or best basketball moment ?
- Hit 3 out of park home runs in a game - 6th grade i think (last year of little league fields) - literally the only 3 of my career. and i was little player.

- Most embarrassing moment... we were up a lot to a little in pee wee football. I ran a bootleg very late in the game about 50 yards down sideline and get tackled from behind as i am tasting the end zone. we huddle up after the game and coach compliments me on my sportsmanship and not running up the score on them. (there was no intent to slow down, trust me lol)

That was the only year I played organized football as I moved to Atl the next year and decided to focus on bball and baseball. Biggest regret of my life. I threw a few TDs but never actually scored 1 in organized game.
I played all sports as a kid and most enjoyed tackle football with buddies in the park across the street from where I lived as a teenager. When I was about nine years old (1957) my dad put up a basketball net behind the garage. I would spend every spare minute shooting hoops. Basketball was certainly not popular here in Ontario back them. I joined the Biddy Basketball League at the YMCA and played there for three years. My final year I won the scoring title and league MVP. We also had an all star game against a nearby city which was a two game home and home total points scenario. We lost, but I won the MVP.

When I went into high school I was the youngest kid in the school (skipped one year during grade school) and one of the smallest (didn't start growing until I was about 17 and am now 5' 10" 175 lbs). I tried out for JV hoops and, although I was probably the most talented kid there, I was just too small to make it. No regrets really, but just imagine what could have been had I started growing when I was 10 ;) ;) ;) ;)
I had a 42 point game in highschool in church rec league. Made 9 3s, I think.

Hit a game winning 3 with 4 seconds left in a triple OT game. Couldn't believe it. We were all so gassed we just laid on the floor for a minute when the clock ran out.
Was an all state soccer player and won 2 state championships in New Jersey (1971 and 1972).played for St Joes Metuchen where Battle went.
Senior year playing semi final to get in to State Championship game I scored on a 30 yard shot to the upper left corner to break a 0-0 tie with 2 mins left. It was a high. At the State Championship game I scored the first goal 4 mins into game we won 4-1.
Making the all-star team at a summer basketball camp was one of my highlights. However, I never thought I'd make it, so I didn't check the list. I think someone else informed me in enough time for me to participate in the game, but I think I missed the pregame practice. I guess I should have had more confidence in my abilities!
When in grad school, I played on a team in the Upstate Medical Center league as one of two permitted outsiders. I set a league record by scoring 43 points in one game. My med school friend that got me on the team just kept feeding me the ball. I don't remember how I scored.
This is just a fun topic just meant for a little board levity if you will. I'm going to show my age on this one as well as my tremendous leaping ability. In my high school days we didn't have 3 point and dunking was not allowed not even in warm ups before the game. We were playing a team from Candor NY and they had this guy who came in and in warm ups you didn't dunk but you ran out and jumped as high as you could near the rim. A guy they had could jump and put his elbow above the rim . He was about 6' 6 . It was amazing to see someone jump like that.

Well any way during the game which we did not win and he scored like 35 points he got a pass in the lane as I was playing guard . He turned to shoot but with my cat quick reflexes and amazing jumping ability I gave him a Rosie reject those who are old and listened to Syracuse games know what I'm talking about. I totally stuffed him from behind lol. I was so proud of myself lol. Well as to basketball careers he had a slightly higher ceiling than me . I played at townball after high school. He signed a scholarship offer at Syracuse . His name was Cliff Warwell .

What is your claim to fame or best basketball moment ?
Scored game's only goal as we (Nottingham) beat Marcellus 1-0 in Section 3 Class B sectional final in the Dome.

As an aside on vertical mine, in college, was 34. Unfortunately, at only 5'9", best I could do was throw down a tennis ball...<sigh>, I'm lucky to get halfway up the net <double-sigh>
I was a much better runner than a basketball player, but I'll stick to basketball. I made some big free throws at the end of a JV game at JD. The crowds for the varsity game had started filling up the gym and were heckling me when I was shooting, and I remember standing at the line thinking, "this is awesome."
I've been nailing game winners left and right playing pickup in the last year. Actually, those are pretty much the only shots I hit with any consistency. I call that my old man game - I'm so tired I physically need the games to be done.
Scored my one high school TD to tie a game. We then got the 2 pt conversion to take the lead. My run was on a 4th and 10 at the 10. We ran the 46 counter. A reverse. Hit a walk off HR to win a playoff game in a adult league softball game. It was really a run off since there was no fence
Junior year: Made a 3 with 6 seconds left, on the road, to knock off a team that was better than us. Our senior star player was swarmed once he got the ball and started trying to go to the hole, and he had the presence of mind to find me spotting up wide open across court.

Senior year: Same opponent but at home, up 1, 15-20 seconds left, shot clock running out, I hit a 3 to clinch that game.

Baseball senior year: Pitched a complete game giving up 2 runs in the first round of sectionals as we upset the team that won our league(who I absolutely despised).

Most embarrassing: pop warner football. I was a wide receiver but was in tight like a tight end on a running play. The play was designed to go the other way and after my initial half hearted block, I relaxed. The defender did not. He drilled me, and I ended up on my back and the running back, who must’ve reversed directions, tripped over me. Hines Ward, I was not.
Scored my one high school TD to tie a game. We then got the 2 pt conversion to take the lead. My run was on a 4th and 10 at the 10. We ran the 46 counter. A reverse. Hit a walk off HR to win a playoff game in a adult league softball game. It was really a run off since there was no fence
And then you woke up
Terrible at sports. Not tall enough for hoop. Claim to fame was probably in my last year of organized youth baseball (i think i was ~15). I was a utility infielder (mostly backed up 2B and 1B) and only batted once a game at most, for the most part.

Last game of the regular season, needed a win to make the playoffs...toted my paultry .270-something batting average up to bat down a run in the bottom of the last inning, and drilled a 2 run double to the gap in right center to send us to the playoffs. Finished the year at an even .285. Woo.

Of course I never actually PLAYED in the playoffs...but still, nice last at bat to remember.
Ive had the dream that I was dunking in games so many times. I still have it occasionally. Hanging on the rim and slapping the backboard and everything. Always a bummer waking up from those ones.

* I never dunked a real basketball. Just those mini ones, dodgeballs, etc.
I have this dream all the time.

I'm 38, 5'8'' and overweight.
Like somebody else posted, I'm a better runner (and cyclist) than ball sport player, but I've got 2.

As a kid:
Playing Little League- talked the coach into subbing me in to pinch-run for another kid who wasn't particularly swift of foot. (I was a pretty meh batter)
I was on 3rd, there was a wild pitch, and I stole home, and we won the game.

As an adult:
Tavern league slow-pitch softball game, our team was scrappy but didn't have much power hitting, so we mostly had to manufacture runs and just string together a lot of hits, to outscore other teams where they had 3-4-5+ big guys who could jack homeruns in any at-bat.
Was on 2nd, 2 outs, and went for home on a single to R.
The throw actually got there in time, but I did a hook slide and got looooow (my back was also on the ground) and managed to juuust get under the tag and hit the plate w/ my foot.
The other team was IRATE, since it looked like I was dead to rights, but the catcher tried to tag me in the standard 'blocking the plate' manner, and I hit the plate before he hit my chest w/ his glove.
We ended up being League Champs that year.
JV Henninger 3rd string C, 6’ 4” 160 pounds. I made Marek look like Charles Atlas. Anyway we’re playing Auburn and I get in and dominate. Five for five from the line and three baskets including a half court intercepted pass with a drive straight to the hoop. I remember my teammates jumped off the bench and we’re so happy to see me perform well. And due to my 5 for 5 from the charity stripe we hit exactly 75% of our free throws and coach Hornstein took us to Burger King as promised. I do savor this memory as you folks do yours.

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