Folks can we all get back on track here please |

Folks can we all get back on track here please


Renowned lacrosse analyst
Aug 15, 2011
We have one locked admin post on this board and two ongoing active posts one on this board and one on the fball board about issues with posters, whats deleted, sarcastic responses, questioning admins etc.

Look this isn't rocket science this is a Syracuse sports message board.

If you see a post started by Lawrinson, Marsh, Cusetroop, Edowd and others and its a laid back funny thread know that your not required to post in it or read it. I love Marsh, Cusetroop and all those guys but if theres a thread im not into or thats just not my thing I simply move on. Im sure some of them feel the same way when I am rambling on for 4o paragraphs about this years lacrosse team on the Lax board.

Same goes for a serious thread started by anyone, if there looking for a serious discussion then lets keep it that way and either add your thoughts, just lurk and read the thread or move on if its not your thing.

These are simple requests from the admins that anyone should be able to follow. If your unclear on something or feel something isn't right reach out to one fo the admins here they will be happy to help. If you cant follow the new guidelines outlined yesterday expect your posts to be deleted and you possibly placed on a temporary or permanent vacation. If you get a post deleted dont start 8 new threads bitching about it either chalk it up to going over the line or again reach out to an admin for clarification. If this is all to much for you just type in syracuse message board into google and you can start to enjoy other sites that I am sure would love to have you.

Theres a lot of great things happening with Syracuse athletics right now, lets stop getting bogged down in BS and enjoy great seasons by the bball and lacrosse teams.
I got an idea: start another thread about it.

Right because the status quo right now is working great but hey thanks for the help.

Hey enjoy the laughs, hope you feel the same way if the Admins determine this board is becoming to much of a hassle and shut it down.
I am not trying to be patronizing at all but hang in there Jeremy. It will work itself out, hopefully for the better.

Agreed Tee, this board is a great place would hate to have it become something less then what it once was or anyone near the level of I know its a lot of work and the admins are putting up with a lot and these current issues are giving them a second job here. Hope people realize this board is a great privlege lets not ruin it.
This board is freakin awesome. I really don't understand all the angst.

Has anyone looked at other boards? I've never been on or seen another board that can hold a candle to this place.

Great post LI, this absolutely one of the best boards by far.
This board is freakin awesome. I really don't understand all the angst.

Has anyone looked at other boards? I've never been on or seen another board that can hold a candle to this place.
We'll get past this point eventually. I really think it's that we should have nothing to complain about. But well, you know the rest ;)
Jeremy I think the peace has been spoken. Its noble of you to keep carrying the flag but I think its time to let it settle and see how things wind down. Its always a bit crazy and gets a little intense when there is an effort to look at the state of the union for the board. I think continuing to press on it is only going to entertain negativity. Lets just try to have fun, be positive and keep enjoying a great year in SU athletics :)
This is not a shot or any sort of judgement toward you, Jeremy, or anyone else in particular, I promise you that...

...that said, some of the recent posts being made on this board just bring this classic Simpsons clip to mind:

Always will be another man
Not with the committed, hard working admins we have running this board.
Someone once said, in reference to a person who was out of bounds with their comments, "We laugh and sing, but we don't play."
Appreciate this board for the quality posters and admins we have. You won't find it anywhere else.
I think most people just think that we have talked this to death..

The thread on the basketball board wasent our fault... that guy, idk.. How could someone take that seriously...

The one on the football board had pretty much died out in the last two hours.

My post about SU selling the Duke nets was supposed to be a serious post.

We have been told numerous times over the past few days that if people dont get it together, they will be given a time out. We got it. If people dont figure it out, they will be dealt with. How many reminders do we need?
Not with the committed, hard working admins we have running this board.
Someone once said, in reference to a person who was out of bounds with their comments, "We laugh and sing, but we don't play."
Appreciate this board for the quality posters and admins we have. You won't find it anywhere else.

Never said there would, but there will always be a place to talk Syracuse sports.
I think most people just think that we have talked this to death..

The thread on the basketball board wasent our fault... that guy, idk.. How could someone take that seriously...

The one on the football board had pretty much died out in the last two hours.

My post about SU selling the Duke nets was supposed to be a serious post.

We have been told numerous times over the past few days that if people dont get it together, they will be given a time out. We got it. If people dont figure it out, they will be dealt with. How many reminders do we need?

Agreed 100%
If people think this board is a huge mess now, then they are going to get a big surprise when Syracuse loses it's first game.

This is not a shot or any sort of judgement toward you, Jeremy, or anyone else in particular, I promise you that...

...that said, some of the recent posts being made on this board just bring this classic Simpsons clip to mind:

LOL hard to argue that.
I think most people just think that we have talked this to death..

The thread on the basketball board wasent our fault... that guy, idk.. How could someone take that seriously...

The one on the football board had pretty much died out in the last two hours.

My post about SU selling the Duke nets was supposed to be a serious post.

We have been told numerous times over the past few days that if people dont get it together, they will be given a time out. We got it. If people dont figure it out, they will be dealt with. How many reminders do we need?

You sir are a legend. If you started a thread about pretty much anything I would click on it.
Cusetroop and Orangezoo are right, lets see how things play out, the points been made. I think will go ahead and nuke this thread.

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